Human ribs. Description, functions

Human ribs. Description, functions
Human ribs. Description, functions

The chest is a bone and cartilage formation that forms a cavity. It consists of twelve vertebrae, 12 costal pairs. In this department there is also a sternum and connections of all elements. Internal organs are located in the cavity: esophagus, trachea, lungs, heart and others. The shape of the chest is comparable to a truncated cone. The base is turned downward. The transverse size is larger than the anteroposterior. The side walls form the human ribs. The front wall is short.

human rib anatomy
human rib anatomy

It is formed by cartilage and the sternum. The back wall is formed by the ribs (up to the corners) with the corresponding section of the spine. The longest are the side walls.

Human Anatomy. Ribs

These symmetrical formations are connected in pairs with the thoracic vertebrae. Human ribs include a longer bone part and an anterior, shorter, cartilaginous part. There are twelve pairs of plates in total. The upper ones, from I to VII, are attached to the sternum with the help of cartilaginous elements. These human ribs are called true. Cartilage VIII-X pairs are connected to the overlying plate. These elements are called false. XI and XII human ribs have short cartilaginous parts, which end in the muscles of the abdominal wall. These plates are wornname wavering.

the structure of the human ribs
the structure of the human ribs

The structure of human ribs

Each plate has a narrow, curved surface or edge shape. The posterior end of each human rib has a head. In the I-X pair, it connects to the bodies of two adjacent thoracic vertebrae. In this regard, from the second to the tenth plates have a comb that divides the head into 2 parts. Pairs I, XI, XII articulate on the vertebral bodies with complete fossae. The posterior end of the human rib tapers behind the head. As a result, a neck is formed. It passes into the longest section of the plate - the body. Between it and the neck is a tubercle. On the tenth ribs, it is divided into two elevations. One of them lies below and medially, forming the articular surface, the other, respectively, above and laterally. Ligaments are attached to the latter. The tubercles of the XI and XII ribs do not have articular surfaces. In some cases, the elevations themselves may be absent. The bodies of plates II-XII include outer and inner surfaces and edges. The shape of the ribs is somewhat twisted along the longitudinal axis and curved anteriorly at the tubercle. This area is called a corner. At the lower edge, a furrow runs along the inside of the body. It contains nerves and blood vessels.

human ribs
human ribs

At the front end there is a hole with a rough surface. It connects to the costal cartilage. Unlike the others, the first pair has a lateral and medial edge, an inferior and superior surface. In the last indicated area, there is a tubercle of the scalene anterior muscle. Behind the tubercle lies a furrowfor the subclavian artery and in front for the vein.


Forming the chest, the plates provide protection to internal organs from various external influences: injuries, mechanical damage. Another important function is the creation of a frame. The chest ensures that the internal organs are kept in the necessary, optimal position, preventing the heart from shifting towards the lungs.
