The brain is the central "department" of the nervous system of not only humans, but also vertebrates. It is formed by an accumulation of nerve and glial cells, as well as their processes. The physiology of the brain is a complex process of interaction of structural components. The neural network produces and processes a huge number of electrochemical impulses. The brain is located in the cranial cavity, the spinal cord is located in the spinal canal. Higher nervous activity is a function exclusively of the brain. Only he controls the behavior of the organism in environmental conditions. Lower nervous activity coordinates the work of internal organs, their interaction.

Every person, of course, has a rich inner world, behavioral reactions, mental characteristics. I. P. Pavlov argued that higher nervous activity is determined by the work of the cerebral hemispheres and subcortical structures, which ensure the interaction of the individual with the outside world,help him adapt to changes in the environment. The scientist found that the basis of human behavior are reflexes - conditional and unconditional (instincts). Thanks to them, the body reacts specifically to external influences.

Hereditary unconditioned reflexes were formed in the process of evolution. Most of them are included in the work almost immediately after birth. Some are formed in the process of maturation of certain systems, for example, sexual. Complex unconditioned reflexes are called instincts, although Pavlov insisted that there is no difference between them - the criterion for occurrence is the same.
Higher nervous activity was the main object of study for the scientist. As the research progressed, Pavlov established that in the cerebral hemispheres, under the influence of a constant stimulus, a special type of temporary connections is formed - a conditioned reflex, which is formed as individual experience is acquired. There is a classification according to which SD are divided into:
- natural and artificial;
- simple and complex;
- somatic and vegetative;
- cash, trace, etc.

For a conditioned reflex to form, conditions are necessary. First of all, SD is formed on the basis of BR, which is caused by an indifferent stimulus. The central nervous system must be formed and complete. The stimulus must occur repeatedly in order to form a dominant focus of excitation. The organism on the way to the formation of a conditioned reflexgoes through the stages of acquaintance, development and consolidation.
The doctrine of the reflex is the main theoretical model, thanks to which it is possible to carry out the analysis of GNI. In the response of the body, the main mechanisms are distinguished - the processes of excitation and inhibition, on which the emergence and extinction of conditioned reflexes is based. Nervous processes are interconnected and interact with each other.
Often the higher nervous activity is defined as the higher nervous system. This is fundamentally wrong and, rather, illiterate. The nervous system in mammals can be central and peripheral, however, that's another story.