We receive ninety percent of information through sight. Therefore, it is very important that everything is in order with the eyes of each person. The treatment of this human organ is carried out by ophthalmological clinics, of which there are a fairly large number in our country. But I would like to especially note the clinic named after Svyatoslav Fedorov. This medical institution dealing with the problem of vision is considered one of the best not only in Russia, but throughout the world. The clinic has eleven branches, and the main department is located in Moscow.

History of the clinic
In 1974, on the basis of the third Moscow Medical Institute, under the leadership of Svyatoslav Fedorov, the Moscow Research Laboratory was opened. It was engaged in experimental and clinical eye surgery. In this laboratory, a department of laser surgery was created,which later became the Institute of Laser Surgery. Since 1986, on the basis of this institute,

Intersectoral scientific and technical complex called "Eye Microsurgery". The clinic during its entire existence has been active in practical and scientific activities, educating thousands of specialists. In addition to branches, this medical institution has a specially equipped aircraft and the Peter the Great ship.
Brief biography of Svyatoslav Fedorov
This talented doctor and scientist was born on August 8, 1927 in the city of Proskurov (now Khmelnitsky) in Ukraine. His father was the commander of a division of the Red Army, who was subsequently repressed and sentenced to seventeen years in the camps. During the Great Patriotic War, the boy, along with his loved ones, was evacuated to Armenia. There he graduated from high school, and then entered the Yerevan Military School. Young Svyatoslav wanted to become a military man, like his father. But due to tragic circumstances (he lost his foot) he could not continue his military service. Then Svyatoslav Fedorov decides to devote himself to medicine. He graduated from a medical institute and defended his doctorate, worked as a doctor in a small village, then headed the department of eye diseases in Moscow. In 1972, he manages to perform the first operation on the lens of the eye. This gave rise to a new direction in medicine - refractive surgery. And in nineteen eighty-sixa talented doctor becomes the general director of the MNTK "Eye Microsurgery". The works of this scientist have become classics in ophthalmology. On June 2, 2000, the life of this great man ended in a plane crash.

Fedorov Clinic (St. Petersburg)
This article will focus on the branch of the ophthalmological clinic, which is located in St. Petersburg. The building of this scientific and medical center was built in 1987. This is a whole complex. It includes not only an operating and diagnostic module, but also a hotel for patients in need of inpatient treatment. The Fedorov Clinic (St. Petersburg) meets all international parameters for the construction of medical facilities. During its existence, the branch has carried out more than half a million surgeries, examinations and consultations. Every year, the Fedorov Eye Clinic (St. Petersburg) provides more than half of all ophthalmological care to patients in St. Petersburg. People come here not only from all over Russia. The Fedorov Clinic (St. Petersburg) is very popular with patients from many countries: the USA, Germany, France, Italy, Yugoslavia and others. The reason for this is the very high professionalism of doctors and other employees of the branch. About twenty-four thousand of the most complex operations are performed on the basis of the center a year. The doctors of this clinic have given hundreds of thousands of people the opportunity to see and enjoy life to the fullest.

Clinic offers:
- all types of surgical treatment of eye diseases:glaucoma, cataracts, myopia, hyperopia, retinal detachment, astigmatism, vitreous opacities, corneal diseases, treatment of childhood eye diseases, consequences of eye injuries;
- correction of astigmatism, hyperopia and myopia with an excimer laser;
- surgical correction of astigmatism, hyperopia and myopia with a femtosecond laser;
- treatment of retinal diseases, secondary cataract, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy;
- diagnostic eye examination using computer technology;
- full computer calculation of the results of the surgical operation;
- individual selection of contact lenses and glasses;
- blood test for AIDS and hepatitis, sowing from the conjunctiva;
- comfortable hospital stay;
- consulting practitioners on various issues;
- Fedorov's clinic (St. Petersburg) also trains doctors in the WetLab laboratory.
Such a wide range of services attracts people with various diseases of the organs of vision from all over the world. The Fedorov Ophthalmological Clinic in St. Petersburg always has only the best reviews. Because the high professionalism of doctors and the care of medical personnel truly work wonders.

Scientific achievements
Forty-eight doctors of the highest category, fourteen candidates of medical sciences and seven doctors of sciences work in the St. Petersburg clinic named after Svyatoslav Fedorov. Thanks to the introduction of the latesttechnology, the clinic is able to provide the population with a large amount of medical care. Scientific activity is actively carried out here. Thus, the employees published twelve textbooks, eighteen monographs, more than one hundred and seventy scientific articles, defended twelve dissertations. International scientific conferences are constantly held on the basis of the branch.

Elite clinic for everyone
As mentioned above, the Fedorov Clinic (St. Petersburg) receives only the best reviews, because the medical services provided by the doctors of the institution are safe, highly effective, painless and are carried out according to the highest international standards. All this is possible thanks to the technologies developed at the Institute of Eye Microsurgery. Also, equipment and tools of the best companies in the world are used for operations. The operating unit has a unique air purification system. One of the best ophthalmological clinics is the Fedorov Clinic (St. Petersburg). You can find out the prices for services on the official website of this medical institution. But it is worth noting that the Institute of Eye Microsurgery has a compulsory he alth insurance program that provides free medical services to socially unprotected segments of the population.
Fedorov Clinic (St. Petersburg): how to get there
Address of the medical institution: St. Petersburg, Yaroslav Gashek street, house 21.