Sensation of a hot body without temperature, accompanied by sweating and rapid heartbeat, a condition that many people have experienced. This phenomenon is called hot flashes, and most often it occurs against the background of nervous experiences or physical exertion. But in some cases, this condition may indicate the presence of diseases in the body that require treatment. The article will consider why this happens and why it happens. Why is the body hot but not the temperature?
Main reason

Fever and sweating can indicate the development in the body of diseases such as tonsillitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, bronchitis. Most patients associate fever without fever withcolds, but such signs may be present for other reasons.
Doctors identify several major ailments in which there is a sensation of a hot body, but no temperature:
- premenstrual syndrome;
- menopause;
- vegetative-vascular dystonia;
- consequences of drinking alcohol;
- food features.
There are other reasons for the development of such symptoms, below we will analyze each of them in more detail.
Autonomic dysfunction

VSD is one of the most common causes of a hot body without fever. In this case, unpleasant symptoms are accompanied by low or high blood pressure, weakness, sweating and dizziness.
The causes of the disease lie in the malfunctioning of the nervous system and can be eliminated without the help of drug treatment. With symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia, doctors recommend adhering to the daily routine, eating right, getting plenty of rest and reducing physical activity. If these rules are not followed, a sharp deterioration in the condition is possible.
The most effective method to bring the heart rate back to normal and reduce discomfort is breathing exercises. It is performed as follows: it is necessary to inhale through the nose for four seconds, with the protrusion of the abdomen, then hold the breath for four seconds and exhale slowly through the mouth with the abdomen drawn in.
Violation of body thermoregulation
There is no temperature, but the body is hot -symptoms that appear when there are disorders in the work of the central nervous system as a result of dysfunction of the hypothalamus. Such a failure can occur due to the development of tumors or hemorrhages. In addition to fever, pathology may be accompanied by disorders in the cardiovascular, digestive and respiratory systems. For recovery, it is necessary to apply complex treatment.
Thyroid problems

Thyroid disorders can also cause the body to feel hot at normal temperatures. The disease that causes this condition is called hyperthyroidism, and it is accompanied by excessive production of thyroid hormones in the blood. Because of this, the metabolism in the body is greatly increased. The main signs of the disease are:
- weight loss;
- sweating;
- enlarged thyroid gland;
- palpitations;
- hot and damp palms;
- trembling all over.
Treatment of the disease can only be done by a doctor after research.
High blood pressure

Another pathology, accompanied by a feeling of heat throughout the body - hypertension. A person suffering from high blood pressure experiences pain in the heart, redness of the skin, shortness of breath and tachycardia. Pathology is considered a common cause of heart attack and stroke. Hypertension often acts not as a separate disease, but as a symptom of the underlying pathology. In order to determine the presence of a disease in the body, it is necessary to regularly measure the pressure. At what it is necessary to do this both at rest and in case of ailments. If the blood pressure during the attacks is significantly higher, hypertension can be considered confirmed.

The cause of a hot body without temperature in women is often menopause. This is a life period, which is accompanied by a gradual extinction of the reproductive function. This process occurs against the background of age-related changes. The feeling of heat appears due to hormonal changes in the female body and is the main symptom of menopause. Most often, hot flashes occur at night. They can be so severe that the woman cannot sleep or wakes up because of the heat. An attack can last from 20 seconds to 20 minutes.
Climatic conditions are well corrected with the help of medicines. You must see a doctor to receive concomitant prescriptions.
Premenstrual fever
One of the causes of a fever without an increase in temperature can be PMS. It should be noted that the exact causes of this symptom in the premenstrual period have not been studied. Often, doctors consider such attacks of heat as a violation of the autonomic system.
Complex therapy is prescribed for treatment, which includes:
- therapeutic gymnastics;
- observance of the daily routine;
- in some cases psychotherapy.
Depending on the severity of your symptoms, your doctor may prescribe medications and vitamin supplements.complex.

Food supplements
Flashes of heat in the body can occur as a reaction of the body to certain food irritants. This can be facilitated by the use of food additives such as sodium nitrate, sulfites, flavor and odor enhancers. All these substances are contained in canned food, fast food and sausages. A prime example of a supplement that can cause fever, headaches, decreased appetite, and stomach upset is monosodium glutamate.
Another cause of discomfort when the body is hot, but there is no temperature, is spicy or fatty foods. Experts say that spicy food is not harmful to the body, and it increases metabolism, serotonin levels, and also has a warming effect. But with some diseases, this type of food can lead to a deterioration in overall he alth.
When an alcoholic drink enters the human body, it immediately begins to be absorbed into the blood and affect the work of all organs and systems, including the brain. Over time, body temperature rises and biochemical processes accelerate. Therefore, a drunk person can either be thrown into a fever or shiver. Most often, hot flashes occur after drinking drinks containing tyramine and histamine, such as beer and sherry.
Other causes of fever
There are several more reasons for the abnormal state of he alth when the body is hot, but there is no temperature. Hot flashes can occur during pregnancy. In thatperiod, the woman's body is rebuilt, hormonal changes occur, which cause discomfort.
Often, experts associate the feeling of heat with stress. This harmful factor triggers many processes in the body, among which there may be vasodilation, leading to an attack of heat. In this case, washing with cold water or taking a sedative may help.
If the child does not have a temperature, and the body is hot, this may be evidence of a cold. This phenomenon is considered specific, and does not occur often, but this is due to the peculiarities of thermoregulation in the child's body, which has not yet been fully formed.

Doctor's recommendation
When recurring fever attacks, doctors advise not to self-medicate, but to seek help from professionals. In the medical center, the patient will be diagnosed, the root cause will be identified and complex treatment will be prescribed, which will alleviate the condition and prevent serious consequences.
And to keep your body in excellent condition, you need to follow the daily routine, lead a he althy lifestyle, eat right and get plenty of rest. The right habits and exercise will help you stay alert and he althy for many years of life. And then the manifestation of such a symptom, in which the body is hot, but there is no temperature, will be minimized.