Additional medical examination of the population: a list of examinations, the procedure for passing

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Additional medical examination of the population: a list of examinations, the procedure for passing
Additional medical examination of the population: a list of examinations, the procedure for passing

Video: Additional medical examination of the population: a list of examinations, the procedure for passing

Video: Additional medical examination of the population: a list of examinations, the procedure for passing
Video: Surgical wound healing 2025, January

Preserving and at the same time strengthening the he alth of the population is one of the basic functions of our state. The most effective method of timely detection of a disease is medical examination. What is additional medical examination of the population and why is it so important, and what is the procedure for its implementation? Next, we will answer these questions.

Basic concepts

The catastrophic deterioration of people's living standards, high mortality, the demographic crisis prompted the state to pay close attention to the he alth of citizens. A medical examination plan was introduced, which provides for a comprehensive examination of the body of the applied patient for detectable diseases. The system works recently, few people know about the procedure. The free clinical examination required for adults and children, what is included in the examination? This should be known to many he alth-conscious citizens.

additionalday for medical examination
additionalday for medical examination

Additional medical examination is carried out for the benefit of the population under the influence of dangerous and harmful factors within the framework of the he alth insurance program. This type of medical examination is considered voluntary, but if the obligation to undergo it is provided for by a collective or individual labor agreement, then the employee undertakes to undergo an appropriate examination.

The main purpose of allocating additional days for medical examinations is to reduce the mortality and morbidity of working citizens. The main tasks are the identification and treatment of socially significant ailments at an early stage of their formation. These include, for example, diseases of the heart and vascular system along with diseases of the musculoskeletal system and oncology.


The instruments of additional medical examination include examinations by specialists such as a general practitioner, neurologist, gynecologist (urologist), surgeon, ophthalmologist, endocrinologist. In addition, laboratory instrumental examinations are also carried out, within the framework of which the population takes blood and urine tests, a study for tumor markers (after 45 years), fluorography, ECG, mammography, and the like.

additional medical leave
additional medical leave

He alth report

After carrying out all the above examinations and visiting the required specialists, the therapist makes a conclusion about the state of he alth of a particular employee, he is assigned a classification group. There are only five such classes: from the first,assigned to a he althy person, up to the fifth, when the patient requires the provision of sufficiently serious medical care.

It is worth emphasizing that any employee can undergo additional medical examination at a medical institution at the place of residence or at the address of employment.

List of required examinations

On an additional day of medical examination, the following tests are required:

  • Performing fluorography, which must be done once a year.
  • A mammogram is done once every two years (this is an ultrasound of the breast).
  • Performing electrocardiography.
  • Clinical blood and urine testing.
  • Carrying out a study to determine the level of cholesterol.
  • Sugar level analysis.
  • Performing a prostate exam.

As part of the medical examination, an examination by the following specialists is required:

  • Visit to a general practitioner (general practitioner).
  • Visit to neurologist, surgeon and ophthalmologist.
  • Consultation with an endocrinologist.
  • Passing a gynecologist for women and a urologist for men.

More details about additional days off for medical examinations will be discussed below.

Main goals

So, we are talking about a set of measures that are aimed at monitoring the state of he alth of a citizen in dynamics. This research complex includes diagnostics along with prevention and rehabilitation.

The working population is the backbone, on the fruits of laborwhich the state develops and exists, as well as the materially provided for the disabled segment of the population. Accordingly, taking care of the he alth of this contingent seems to be the most important function of the country. Thus, the main goals of allocating additional vacation days for medical examination include:

  • Preserving the he alth of the population.
  • Decrease the incidence and carry out disease prevention.
  • Decrease in the numerical indicator of disability and mortality.
  • Improve overall quality of life.
additional day of leave for medical examination
additional day of leave for medical examination


Achievement of all the above goals is based on the complex execution of a number of specific tasks. Only the planned implementation of tasks will help to make the medical examination really effective. This is achieved through the coordinated cooperation of medical institutions and employers. So, the main tasks include:

  • Medical examination of workers over the age of eighteen by specialists using a diagnostic study, the frequency is every three years.
  • Additional examination of persons who are in great need of it.
  • Detecting diseases early.
  • Perform a comprehensive he alth assessment of every employee.
  • Dynamic monitoring of the state and well-being of citizens.
  • Conduct statistical and scientific research.
  • Attracting technical modern achievements for computerization and automationmedical examination management.
  • He althy lifestyle promotion and he alth education.

The order of passing and the order

The procedure for performing additional medical examinations of the population is regulated by law. It is enshrined in the Order of the Ministry of He alth No. 36 of 2015. The latest changes to the regulatory document were made in 2016. According to this Order on additional medical examination, diagnostics are carried out in two stages.

The first stage is aimed at finding people with chronic ailments, and in addition, the presence of a predisposition to such. Based on the results of the study, a citizen can be sent to the second stage for a more detailed study of the condition. Employees are examined during working hours according to the approved schedule.

additional medical examination order
additional medical examination order

Medical manipulations of the first stage

The first stage, as a rule, consists of the implementation of such medical manipulations:

  • Polling.
  • Measuring a person's weight, as well as height and pressure.
  • Checking a range of blood, stool and urine tests.
  • Removing an electrocardiogram along with a fluorography.
  • Gynecological examination for women.
  • Passing a mammogram (for ladies over forty).
  • Perform abdominal ultrasound checkup (after age 39).
  • Measurement of intraocular pressure.
  • Patient visiting a neurologist (after age 51).
  • Reception at the therapist.

Second stage

The second stage of additional medical examination of the population is carried out if there is a need for an additional examination of the patient in order to make a diagnosis. It is carried out with the help of special studies and visits to specialists of a narrow specialization.

Peculiarities of clinical examination of the population exposed to high occupational risks

Employment at work, which is characterized by the presence of harmful and dangerous factors for a person, implies high professional risks. This means that the he alth of a citizen in the performance of his duties may be caused serious damage of varying severity.

additional medical examination of the population
additional medical examination of the population

Professional hazards can be individual and group. The first suggest the possibility of deterioration in the well-being of one employee. The second involves causing harm to a group of people in the performance of their duties for a certain period of time, for example, for a year or for the whole length of experience. As a rule, it is this type of occupational risk that is assessed.

Conducting additional medical examinations of people employed in workplaces with a high level of danger has its own characteristics. For example, as part of applying for a job, a medical examination of employees is carried out in order to determine whether the state of he alth and the requirements that apply to a candidate for a particular job, that is, carry outaptitude examination.

During periodic medical examinations, in addition to general practitioners, specialists of a narrow specialization, namely occupational pathologists, are involved. According to the decree of the Ministry of He alth and Social Development, such an examination should be carried out at least once every two years, and for persons under twenty years of age annually (Article No. 213 of the Labor Code). The following steps are taken:

  • The employer draws up a list of people who work under the influence of harmful factors, and two months before the start of the medical examination, it is transferred to a medical institution with which the manager has an agreement to conduct dispensary checks.
  • The management of the medical institution, together with the employer, draws up a research schedule and appoints the composition of the commission that carries out the check. It must be headed by an occupational pathologist.
  • The commission determines the types of instrumental and laboratory tests required for conducting.
  • Employees undergo scheduled examinations, the results are recorded in a special medical record. In addition, each employee is issued an individual medical report on the result of the test performed with a conclusion about his professional suitability. If an occupational disease is found in an employee, then he is sent to an industry or territorial center of occupational pathology.
  • The commission makes a generalized conclusion, and it is presented to the employer, and at the same time to the supervisory authorities.

The place of execution should also be attributed to the features of additional medical examinationexaminations. So, citizens who have worked for more than five years in a workplace with unfavorable working conditions must undergo such diagnostics every five years at a licensed occupational pathology center.

additional medical examination of the population
additional medical examination of the population

Extra day for medical examination

President Vladimir Putin not so long ago, in October of this year, signed Law No. 353-FZ, which provides for new guarantees for employees as part of medical examinations. And, starting from January 1, 2019, all employers will have to, on the basis of a written application of a citizen, release him from duties for one day to undergo the required medical examination. For these missed days, a person must be paid as for worked days. Many liked the additional leave for medical examination.


Obviously, the detection of a disease in a person at an early stage is a guarantee of effective treatment. In this regard, additional medical examination among the population seems to be the most reliable way to maintain the he alth of the entire nation. Citizens themselves, as well as their employers and the state as a whole, are interested in this.

additional days for medical examination
additional days for medical examination

Thus, an additional day off for medical examinations among the working population is one of the basic sections of the preventive direction of national projects in the he althcare system. The purpose of such programs is to improve the he alth of peopleby providing quality affordable medical care within the framework of efficient use of resources, modern medical and organizational technologies.
