Amaranth is a perennial herbaceous plant, which is grown, as a rule, in tropical and subtropical climatic zones (Asia, Africa and America). In total, there are about 80 types of amaranth. It is mostly green with purple, but also red-green with yellow. The stems of this ornamental plant reach up to one and a half meters.
Amaranth. Medicinal properties
This plant has become known not only for its miraculous properties, but also for the fact that you can eat absolutely any part of the flower, be it the stem, seeds or leaves. The main pride of this flower is its high protein content (surpassing wheat and soy), as well as the presence of essential amino acids such as: palmitic, stearic, linolenic and oleic acids. The medicinal properties of amaranth are also due to the vitamins D, E, group B included in its composition, as well as serotonin, squalene,choline and xanthine. As for the leaves of this beautiful flower, they are used for vitamin P deficiency, hemorrhoids, radiation injuries, and hypertension, since it has a high level of carotenes. Leaves can also treat diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, colds. It also helps with problem skin.

Such medicinal properties of amaranth are due to the content of fiber, vitamins A and C, substances such as manganese, iron, zinc and magnesium. For those who are fond of a raw food diet, amaranth seed sprouts are perfect. They are a good tool in the prevention of cancer, diabetes, overweight, as well as male and female diseases (impotence, frigidity). The seeds can be eaten alone or added to salads and soups.
Amaranth oil. Contraindications and benefits of the product
This most useful amaranth product is obtained from plant seeds by pressing. Due to 8% fat, vitamin E gains unprecedented strength, while the risk of overdose is completely absent. The healing properties of amaranth in this product have manifested themselves as never before.

Vitamin E strengthens the walls of blood vessels and promotes the removal of cholesterol from the blood. Squalene provides the normalization of cholesterol metabolism, as well as the maintenance of immunity. This substance also helps in the treatment of skin diseases. Getting into the blood, squalene helps the body recover and eliminate tissue damage such as psoriasis, eczema, ulcers, and more. The healing properties of amaranth will help with tuberculosis, all types of hepatitis, heart attack, stroke, atherosclerosis, hypertension and angina pectoris. Decoctions of amaranth leaves will cope with insomnia, increase the amount of milk in nursing mothers. Also, traditional medicine has found the use of amaranth for uterine erosion, periodontitis, cataracts and joint pain. As for contraindications, you should be careful. The oil and the plant itself in any form should not be used by patients with urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, as well as with cholecystitis and pancreatitis, and with individual intolerance to the product.
Including this product in your diet, you can forget about pills for a long time and improve your he alth!