Mysterious and unique vegetative resonance testing (VRT) has been for several years not so much a complex diagnostic method for examining the body as a reason for disputes between patients, engineers and doctors. Many people are skeptical about such medical interventions.

Unfortunately, most often negative opinions are justified due to the fact that instead of experienced specialists, charlatans conduct the reception. Also, the diagnostic tool itself may not be what it should be. From this article you will learn whether it is worth taking diagnostics seriously, what it is, how to be treated for diseases and where to look for a conscientious and competent specialist.
A bit of theory about cells and frequencies
Cybernetics once studied and continues to study how physical frequencies affect biological beings, microorganisms. Scientists have found that every living cell of a person, insect or plant has its own frequency. If arecall the lessons of natural science and chemistry, which said that the concentration of oxygen, carbon dioxide, ozone and other substances was “selected” by nature so that life could exist, and if you change the composition of the air a little, everyone will die. The same can be said about other physico-chemical parameters, including frequencies.
The oscillation frequency of a particular cell, bacteria is almost always unique, that is, each has its own specific value. Let's look at an elementary radio example. Each channel has its own frequency.

In order for a biological cell to receive a defect, it is enough to change the physical parameter. Vegeto-resonance testing is based on this. But the technique is not intended to damage cells and pathogenic flora, but only to detect problems in the body as a whole. To kill the pathogenic flora, a slightly different technique is needed, which is called "bioresonance testing". This will be discussed briefly below.
What is ART
And now let's take a closer look at vegetative-resonance testing. What it is? What is the operating principle? This phrase means painless diagnostics using special equipment and sensors connected to it. As a rule, the testing apparatus interacts with computer equipment in order to display the received information on the screen.
How is everything going? When everything is ready for work, the doctor touches the fingers (with rare exceptions, the toes) above oron the side of the nail platinum with a special sensor, which transmits a signal from the body to the testing apparatus. The doctor must set the necessary frequencies or frequency range, which will help track pathologies in the body. If a defect / pathogenic flora is detected in the internal organs and systems of a person, a signal is sent to the computer through a special device, already converted into the appropriate form so that the specialist can decipher the result.

In addition, at the discretion of the doctor, a complete diagnosis is carried out by installing special plates for the patient's feet and hands, as well as a special splint worn diagonally across the body. It should be noted that this method is similar to MRI diagnostics using electromagnetic induction.
What ART diagnostics reveals
Vegeto-resonance testing is designed to detect any abnormalities in the body:
- parasitic infestations;
- acid-base balance;
- blood condition;
- state of organs and systems;
- hormonal disorders;
- immune system status;
- what a person is allergic to;
- bipolarity;
- lack of minerals and vitamins.
Indeed, such a list does not inspire confidence, but nevertheless, if you get to a conscientious specialist, you can be sure of the seriousness of this diagnosis.
Method of treatment after diagnosis
There are two interrelated methods: vegetative resonance testing forparasites and bioresonance therapy. That is, in one way they diagnose, and in the second way they destroy the pathogenic flora. Bioresonance therapy also uses frequencies, but only to fight parasites, fungi, microbes.
One session is not enough, you need to spend several for the effect to appear. A conscientious doctor usually prescribes conservative treatment, if it does not help, then they resort to bioresonance therapy.

Homeopathic medicines, natural medicines, and occasionally (if necessary) pharmaceuticals are used most often in conventional treatment. But the priority is natural products. Therefore, the doctor must have a special certificate.
Should I trust the method?
Unfortunately, there is a lot of deception, so you can find negative reviews on the Internet. Vegetative resonance testing of the body is a rather unique way, of course, many people want everything at once. Unscrupulous people often take advantage of this and do not bother to get a real diagnostic device, as well as include a qualified and specially trained doctor in their staff.

Fortunately, there are doctors and medical centers that apply the technique honestly to patients. We will talk about this later.
Advice for those who want to check their body
In order not to get to the charlatans, it is advisable to carefully study the institution or the doctor. How to do it? Don't rely on oneonly online reviews. Vegetative resonance testing for parasites implies high competition.
It is recommended to ask people in person:
- near the doors of the institution,
- through communities on social networks and forums on the Internet (users must be registered long ago and be active).
Aggressive advertising and a clear allusion to the institution is a good reason to think about whether to go there. If a medical center is honest, people learn about it through relatives and colleagues and also strive to receive effective treatment. Such a company does not need advertising.
The only certified device
As mentioned above, there are a lot of scammers. Before you pay for the provision of services, it is advisable to ask for a certificate for the device used. It must be presented for review on the spot.
In Russia, only the only device for vegetative-resonance testing of the body has been certified and is officially produced by the plant - this is Imedis. Unfortunately, it is not used in government institutions for some reason. But it is being researched in leading hospitals and universities.

To make vegetative resonance testing really reliable, you should follow the doctor's recommendations during consultation and diagnosis. The only contraindication is the presence of a pacemaker and electronic implants inside the body.