Testicular ultrasound: features of the procedure, preparation, norms and pathologies, decoding of analyzes

Testicular ultrasound: features of the procedure, preparation, norms and pathologies, decoding of analyzes
Testicular ultrasound: features of the procedure, preparation, norms and pathologies, decoding of analyzes

Testicular ultrasound is a very effective procedure that is often performed to diagnose various diseases of the scrotum. This is a simple technique that allows you to get accurate results almost instantly.

Of course, patients are interested in more information. What can an ultrasound of the testicles in men show? What are the indications for the procedure? How much will such a diagnosis cost? Is the examination dangerous? Answers to these questions in our article.

Testicular ultrasound: the essence of the technique, its advantages and disadvantages

Testicular ultrasound in men
Testicular ultrasound in men

It's no secret that ultrasound today is widely used to diagnose certain diseases. And men are often referred for a procedure that involves examining the organs of the scrotum using ultrasound equipment.

A special ultrasonic sensor generates pulses that are reflected from the tissues of the human body. Reflected signals are fixed, which makes it possible to determine the density of a particular structure.

This technique has a huge number of advantages. To startnote that this is a fast, simple and non-invasive procedure. When it is performed, there is no contact with the patient's blood, which makes infection impossible. The examination is painless and harmless, and the results can be obtained almost instantly. Equipment for ultrasound examination, as a rule, is available in every clinic. This is an affordable procedure for patients financially.

The technique allows you to examine not only the testicles, but also the vessels and soft tissues of the scrotum. As for the minuses, small tumors, abscesses and other structures on ultrasound can not always be seen. In any case, in modern medical practice, ultrasound is an integral part of the diagnosis of almost any disease of the internal organs.

When ultrasound is needed, indications for the procedure

yato showing testicular ultrasound
yato showing testicular ultrasound

There are a huge number of indications for an ultrasound of the testicles. In boys and adult men, the procedure helps to identify various diseases. The list of indications is worth reading. Diagnostic manipulation is prescribed in such situations:

  • Male infertility.
  • Increased testicles or their appendages.
  • Reduction of the testicles (both one and both sides).
  • Erectile dysfunction and other problems with sexual activity.
  • Orchitis, epididymitis and other inflammatory diseases of the scrotal structures (or suspicion of their development).
  • Small hemorrhages and hematomas in the tissues of the scrotum, formed as a result of an injury to the groin area.
  • Suspicion of presencetumors (both benign and malignant).
  • If traces of blood were found in semen samples during analysis.
  • Swelling of regional lymph nodes (eg, femoral, inguinal), which may indicate an inflammatory or malignant process in the scrotum.
  • Dilation of the veins of the spermatic cord.
  • Cryptorchism (a pathological condition in which the testicle, for one reason or another, did not descend into the scrotum, but remained in the abdominal cavity).
  • Before scrotal surgery.
  • Suspicion of oblique inguinal hernia.
  • Scrotal swelling.
  • To monitor the patient's condition after surgery or therapeutic treatment.
  • boys are scheduled for testing if they are too late or too early in puberty.

Of course, sometimes additional tests are needed to make a definitive diagnosis. Therefore, doctors prescribe not only ultrasound. This is a normal practice and should not be feared.

Ultrasound of the testicles in children
Ultrasound of the testicles in children

Do I need preparation

Testicular ultrasound is a very simple procedure that does not require special preparation. It will be enough only standard hygiene procedures immediately before the diagnosis. If we are talking about ultrasound of the testicles in children, then it is worthwhile to understand that the child sometimes needs psychological preparation. It is important to explain to the boy the features of the procedure.

Survey methodology

How is an ultrasound of the testicles performed?
How is an ultrasound of the testicles performed?

Testicular ultrasound is a quick and painless procedure. First, the doctor treats the tissues of the scrotum with a special conductive gel, and then runs a high-frequency sensor over the skin. Such manipulations do not cause pain or discomfort. The patient lies on his back or on his side, which depends on which part of the scrotum the specialist needs to examine. Local anesthesia is required only if palpation of this part of the body is accompanied by sharp pains (this is observed, for example, with testicular torsion, inflammation, severe swelling).

The procedure lasts no longer than 15 - 30 minutes. The results are displayed on the computer monitor. After the diagnosis is completed, the specialist draws up a conclusion with which the patient will have to go to the attending physician.

Deciphering the results, norm and pathology

Ultrasound of the testicles in boys of the norm according to ultrasound
Ultrasound of the testicles in boys of the norm according to ultrasound

During the procedure, the doctor pays attention to many physiological features of the male body. What is one of the most important criteria for ultrasound in boys? The size of the testicles (testicles) is what the specialist looks at first.

How to decipher the results of the survey? What is the normal size of the testicles in boys with ultrasound? In this case, much depends on the age of the patient. In a child aged 2 to 8 years, the width of the testicles ranges from 0.76 to 0.78 cm, and the length - from 1.48 to 1.53 cm. In boys 8-10 years old, this indicator is 0.86 - 0, 88/1, 82 cm. In children aged 11-13, the size of the testicles is 1.62/3.09-3.12 cm. The size of the testicles among adolescents14 - 17 years are 2, 05-2, 12/3, 84-3, 96.

After the age of 18, the testicles acquire their final size. The width of the testicles of an adult male is 2.5 - 3 cm, and the length is 4-6 cm.

What diseases can be identified

Ultrasound of the testicles in boys sizes
Ultrasound of the testicles in boys sizes

What does a testicular ultrasound show? This diagnostic procedure allows you to quickly determine the presence of certain problems.

  • For example, ultrasound can detect the presence of tumors in the tissues of the scrotum, which on the screen look like small inhomogeneous structures. The procedure makes it possible to identify small benign or malignant neoplasms and immediately begin treatment.
  • During the procedure, you can see stones and other calculi, determine their exact location and size.
  • The presence of a large amount of free fluid between the membranes of the testicle indicates the development of dropsy. This can also be seen on the screen during the examination.
  • The appearance of a homogeneous formation of increased density often indicates the presence of an abscess.
  • If there has been an injury, during an ultrasound, the doctor can see the presence of blood and tears in the structures of the scrotum.
  • The procedure allows you to diagnose varicocele - a pathology that is accompanied by varicose veins of the spermatic cord.
  • During the examination, an inflammatory process can be detected.

Are there any contraindications

Ultrasound is a procedure that can be performed on patients of any age. There are contraindications to the implementation of such a diagnosis, butthey are all temporary. For example, you should not examine the scrotum with an ultrasound probe if there are open wounds, erosions, sores and other damage on the skin tissues of this part of the body. In this case, you must first wait out of healing. Temporary contraindications include the postoperative period. If there are fresh sutures on the skin of the scrotum, then the procedure is prescribed after healing.

Possible side effects

Testicular ultrasound in boys
Testicular ultrasound in boys

Many people are wondering if such a procedure is dangerous for he alth. Despite rumors about the dangers of ultrasound radiation, numerous medical studies have shown that this diagnostic technique is absolutely safe, especially when compared with alternative procedures, such as scrotal X-rays

Cost and patient reviews

Ultrasound is rightfully considered one of the most effective and affordable procedures, which is carried out in almost every clinic. Doctors note that using such a diagnostic technique, you can quickly examine the organs of the scrotum, identify violations and make a final diagnosis.

The procedure is painless, not associated with injuries and the development of side effects, which can also be attributed to the advantages. During such manipulations, you can examine not only the testicles, but also the appendages and blood vessels. In most cases, it is ultrasound that helps to make the final diagnosis. People write about this in their testicular ultrasound reviews.

The pluses also include the affordable cost of the procedure. Priceranges from 900 to 2500 rubles (it all depends on the characteristics of the manipulation). Patients note that such diagnostics are much cheaper than many other methods of examination.