Coccyx is what? Bone or cartilage

Coccyx is what? Bone or cartilage
Coccyx is what? Bone or cartilage

Most people know about the coccyx. They are aware of its location and the fact that it does not have any important function for humans. The coccyx, the photo of which is presented below, includes 4 or 5 fused vertebrae. The latter are triangular in shape. These vertebrae are underdeveloped.

What is this?

Coccyx is an underdeveloped tail. The fact is that in the course of the evolutionary process the structure of the human body has changed. Then the need for the coccyx disappeared. Many years ago, the coccyx was the tail, it was necessary for a person to maintain balance. In addition, ancient people transmitted information to each other through it. That is, it served as a means of communication.

coccyx is
coccyx is

Earlier, the human skeleton was designed in such a way that there was a need for a tail. Then, after a time, a person established an upright gait on two limbs, people began to communicate with each other through gestures. Therefore, the tail was no longer needed for a person. The coccyx is the remnant of the tail, which has lost its functional significance in the course of evolution.

Interesting Features

During the uterine development of the embryo, the development of the tail can be observed. Also, some newborn babies have a tail at birth. To remove it, an operation is performed, whichquite simple and does not cause any harm to the human body. Another interesting fact is the appearance of goosebumps on the human body. They start from the coccyx and run up. The same thing happens in animals when their hair stands on end. She begins to rise from the tail to the head. These processes clearly show that man is closely connected with the animal world.

coccyx photo
coccyx photo

Despite the fact that the coccyx is not a functional organ for the human body, there are often cases when it hurts. First of all, it should be remembered that in no case should you start unpleasant sensations in this area. If there is pain, then you need to see a doctor who examines the coccyx. This must be done in order to determine the cause of the pain. There may be several reasons, depending on them, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate therapy.

How to diagnose an illness?

There is a generalized name for pain in the coccyx, namely coccygodynia. This term refers to a variety of pain in the coccyx. To identify the cause, a person is prescribed examinations such as x-rays, MRI and ultrasound. In addition, the following examination is carried out:

coccyx symptoms
coccyx symptoms
  1. Poll. The doctor through a conversation finds out from the patient what kind of lifestyle he leads. It is also necessary to find out how long the pain sensations appeared and how they developed over time. Based on the data obtained, one can understand why the coccyx hurts.
  2. A patient is being examined. The doctor looksthe condition of the human skin, whether or not the mucous membranes are damaged. It is also necessary to evaluate how the whites of the eyes, nails and hair of the patient look. Then the doctor determines by palpation where the pain is present. At the same time, both the coccyx area and the zones that are next to it are probed.
  3. Another method for making an accurate diagnosis is pulse diagnosis. It consists in listening to the pulse of a person in different parts of his body. This method allows you to make the most accurate diagnosis.

What causes pain? Coccyx symptoms

Why does pain occur in the coccyx area? The reasons may be as follows:

  1. One of the common causes of pain in the coccyx is trauma. You should know that any injury, from a bruise to a serious fracture, will cause a sharp pain syndrome. The nature of the sensations that a person experiences can be different. Pain in the coccyx can be dull and aching in nature. Also, it can be sharp, or intensify over time. There is such damage to the coccyx, which is called microscopic. It affects people who, due to their employment, drive tanks, tractors, or cars off-road with increased shaking. The coccyx in men often hurts precisely because of this reason. Athletes involved in cycling and equestrian sports are also susceptible to microdamage. Complaints of pain in the coccyx often come from women in the postpartum period. This is due to the fact that during childbirth, the pelvic bones greatly diverged. Also causepain in the coccyx in girls may be an insufficient amount of calcium in the body during childbearing. Another reason for women can be physiological changes in the body during pregnancy.
  2. If a person has undergone surgery on the pelvic organs, then subsequently scars and adhesions can cause pain on the coccyx. As a rule, pain appears when a person assumes an upright position, that is, when he gets up.
  3. coccyx area
    coccyx area
  4. Diseases such as osteochondrosis, hernia, protrusion also cause pain in the coccyx. In addition to pain directly in the coccyx, they appear in the back, namely in its lower part. Also, discomfort can appear with such ailments as a cyst, diseases of the rectum and hemorrhoids. With the above diseases, the pain is not present in the coccyx itself, but radiates into it.
  5. Inflammatory processes in the body, which are localized near the coccyx, can cause pain in it. Diseases that can cause discomfort include: cystitis, prostatitis, endometritis and other ailments of this kind. Pain during inflammatory processes that are located in close proximity to the coccyx intensifies if a person tilts the torso.

Problems in women

Women's coccyx can also hurt. There are cases when there is discomfort due to gynecological problems in the body. If during menstruation a woman's tailbone hurts, then you should contact as soon as possibledoctor.

coccyx in women
coccyx in women

This fact is considered a signal for the examination of the reproductive system. Perhaps there are some pathologies in the body. To confirm or refute this fact, it is necessary to contact a medical institution as soon as possible.

Other reasons

Why does my tailbone still hurt? The reason may be hidden in ailments of a neurological nature. One of these diseases is a pinched nerve. At the same time, pain is present in the lumbar region and radiates to the coccyx.

Wrong lifestyle, namely frequent sitting on a soft surface, leads to the fact that s alts begin to be deposited in the coccyx area. As a result, unpleasant sensations arise.

In addition to the above causes of pain, a person may have some kind of congenital pathology in the body.

Need to establish the cause

In order to get rid of pain in the coccyx, it is necessary to establish the cause of its occurrence. After that, it will be clear what treatment should be applied to eliminate the unpleasant syndrome. From the foregoing, it is clear that the pain in the coccyx can be not only due to the fact that this element of the human skeleton itself is damaged. It is possible that pain is given due to pathologies of other organs, or is a consequence of inflammatory processes. In any case, you should not self-medicate, but you need to seek help from a professional specialist.

Alternative medicine treatments

In addition to traditional methods of therapy in the fight against pain incoccyx, there is alternative medicine. It includes the Tibetan healing technology. The main feature of the treatment is an integrated approach to the patient. The essence of the method is that phytotherapy is applied to the patient. Also, an external influence and a change in the patient's lifestyle are made. The change lies in the adjustment of nutrition and vigorous activity, namely, moving away from a sedentary lifestyle. Specialists in the field of Tibetan medicine exclude the use of medicines with a chemical composition from their treatment regimen. The use of hormonal drugs is also denied and surgical intervention in the human body is not allowed.

why coccyx
why coccyx

Thus, any complications on the human body that could be caused by taking hormonal drugs or after surgery are excluded.

Tibetan Therapy Methods

What is Tibetan therapy for eliminating pain in the coccyx? To understand this, it is worth understanding the methods. These include:

  1. Massage. Various techniques are used to alleviate the human condition. For example, vacuum, acupressure, foot and head massage, manual therapy and other techniques. Thus, tension is removed from the back, the work of the internal organs of a person is being adjusted. The body is introduced into the desired tone, blood circulation improves. The patient's activity appears, the recovery process is getting better.
  2. Acupuncture. This method of therapy is an oriental method of treatment. In this case, acupuncture removesspasms and pinching in the back. Pinched vessels and nerves are also removed.
  3. In order to remove pain from the coccyx area, a number of warming procedures are used. Tibetan medicine includes in its complex procedures such as heating with stones, oil compresses and others. These methods of treatment favorably affect the general condition of the body.
  4. Hirudotherapy.
  5. Pharmacopuncture.
  6. Tsubotherapy and other methods.
coccyx cause
coccyx cause

The main feature of the treatment of alternative medicine is an integrated approach. The task of this therapy is to activate the forces of the human body. An important role is played by the desire of the patient himself to establish the process of recovery.

Small conclusion

Now you know what the coccyx is, why it is needed. We also looked at why there is discomfort in this area. We hope that our article was useful to you.
