On the Internet, serious passions boil around the modest and almost inconspicuous grass, the upland uterus. Reviews of women about her are not just different, they are diametrically opposed. Some ladies claim that this forest miracle did the impossible - gave them a long-awaited heir. Others report that their experience with herbal treatment turned out to be sad - not only did they not become mothers, but they “earned” serious sores that crossed out any hope of motherhood. There is also a small part of neutral reviews about the upland queen, noting its absolute uselessness and at the same time harmlessness. Who to believe? Which "shore" to hit? Maybe listen to the opinion of experts, and not advisers from the people? However, doctors about the upland uterus write very cautious reviews. There are those who strongly do not recommend it. But the bulk of physicians speak vaguely about this plant. It is neither appointed nor banned. ATThis article presents an analysis of the properties of the upland uterus, which will help answer who and in what situations should take it.
Useful properties
To begin with, we will inform you that the popular name “upland uterus” is somewhat cutting ear, meaning “mother of the forest”. In some regions of Russia, it is known as hare s alt, side flower, wintergreen, female grass. Botanists call this plant ortilia lopsided. If you decide to look for information about it in scientific papers, you need to make a request, indicating exactly this name. Well, if you are "friends" with English and trust only foreign sources, then look for information about the plant Orthilia secunda.

In Russian sources, for example, on the websites of manufacturers offering this herb "from everything", you can find out what medicinal properties the upland uterus has. In the reviews, women confirm many of them. According to the advertisement, this plant can be used as:
- Anti-inflammatory.
- Painkiller.
- Expectorant.
- Antineoplastic.
- Resorbable.
- Diuretic.
- Antimicrobial.
- Sedative.
- Anti-epileptic.
- Hemostatic.
- Binder.
- Antiulcer.
- Wound healing.
In cosmetics, you can also use preparations from the hog uterus. In the reviews, women write about its whitening and skin-repairing abilities.
Revealing the virtues of the "mother of the forest", one cannot ignore the fact that she canstrengthen immunity. Note that absolutely all fruits and vegetables, as well as all herbs used in traditional medicine (except poisonous ones) have such a wonderful property, because in every plant you can certainly find substances that directly or indirectly affect the functioning of the immune system. Therefore, you cannot argue with this statement of the manufacturers.
Heals such diseases
Almost all reviews of the upland uterus discuss the issue of its unique ability to give the happiness of motherhood. This property of hers is exaggerated in absolutely all forums about this herb and causes heated debate among physicians. If the opinions of gynecologists about the restoration of reproductive functions by the “mother of the forest” are very vague, then most women confidently state that it was the upland uterus that solved their problem with infertility.
Besides this, the magic herb is recommended for such ailments:
- Toxicosis.
- Uterine bleeding.
- Erosions on the cervix.
- Fibroids and/or uterine fibroids.
- Mastopathy.
- Uterine adhesions.
- Polyps and cysts.
- Tubal obstruction.
- Thrush.
- Amenorrhoea.
- Inflammation of the ovaries of the appendages.
- Hyperplasia.
- Endometritis.
- Endometriosis.
- Problems with the menstrual cycle.
- Uterine cancer.
- Prostatitis.
- Cystitis.
- Chlamydia.
- Prostate adenoma.
- Uraplasmosis.
- Pyelonephritis.
- Trichomoniasis.
- Urolithiasis.
- Gastritis.
- Diarrhea.
- Heartburn.
- Hemorrhoids.
- Epilepsy.
- Hemoptysis.
- Gout.
- Tit.
- Skin diseases.
- Corns.
- Warts.
- Stress.
Looking at this list, you are imbued with respect for the "mother of the forest" and begin to understand that she can really work wonders, especially for women. In reviews of the upland uterus, many of them share their joy, reporting that a simple tea from this herb helped them get pregnant, got rid of fibroids, uterine cysts, erosion, stabilized the menstrual cycle, and cured mastopathy. Respondents report that their gynecological diseases were treated with pills for a long time, some even had surgery, but there was no improvement, or they came only for a short time. Only the "mother of the forest" helped them regain their he alth.
About the treatment of endometriosis with a pine forest, reviews of women also report that they had an unexpected positive trend for doctors. This was confirmed by an ultrasound, as well as a routine examination by a gynecologist.

In passing (as a bonus), preparations from this herb refreshed the skin of the face, got rid of fine wrinkles and pimples, normalized sleep, relieved anxiety and irritability, improved metabolism, and made many other wonderful he alth metamorphoses. In fairness, we note that we could not find a single review on the treatment of oncological diseases with the upland uterus. Doctors are also silent about it. Therefore, since there is not a single report of recovery, entrust your fate to a modest weed, even if “motherforests , definitely not worth it for cancer patients.
In their reviews of the healing properties of the hog uterus in gynecology, many women share the secrets of exactly those drugs that really helped them. It is important to note that any preparation from this herb can be drunk only in menopause. With the onset of menstruation, you need to take a break.
Here are some recipes.
1. With erosion on the cervix, you can use a decoction of the boron uterus and oil made on its basis. The dosage is given for dry (purchased) raw materials, which you need to take two soup spoons per half liter of low-boiling water. After placing the vegetable mixture in it, the water is quickly brought to a boil and immediately turned off. The agent is allowed to stand until it reaches an acceptable temperature, filtered and used immediately. Storage of the broth is not provided. The procedure is performed before going to bed.
Oil based on a hog uterus (according to women's reviews) helps not only with erosion. They can treat any wounds on the skin. To make it, 100 ml of olive oil (the best option) or any other vegetable oil take a spoonful of dry grass. Stir well, heat (so that the oil becomes warm, but not hot) and leave to stand for a day. After that, the mixture is filtered through 3-4 layers of gauze. Stored on the refrigerator door. For the procedure, a cotton swab on a thread is dipped into the oil and placed in the vagina overnight. At any time of the day, boron uterus oil can be used to treat cuts, boils, acne on the skin of the face and body.
2. With thrush in an intimate place.
To this end, adviserspeople offer to drink tea from a hog uterus. In reviews of the use of this remedy, it is reported that the same tea can be used to rinse your mouth with stomatitis or ulcers that appear on the mucous membranes. This drink is brewed by many as the most ordinary tea, fortunately, manufacturers have mastered the production of boron uterus in standard bags.
If you have raw materials in bulk, you need to take a spoon (without a slide), pour a glass of boiling water, cover with a napkin. It will be ready in 15 minutes. Drink this tea about 20 minutes before meals.
3. On the Internet, you can find reports on the use of a boron uterus for fibroids. In the reviews, cured women share the following recipe: dry grass in the amount of 1 tablespoon, but without a slide, spoons pour 300 ml of steep (should actively gurgle) boiling water and set aside for 6 hours at room temperature to brew. Then filtered and taken three times throughout the day. Dosing advice differs. Some women drank a teaspoon, others - 2 tablespoons each. The duration of the course is also different for everyone (from 1 to 3 months).
Followed by a two-week break.

The second course involves the use of alcohol tincture of the boron uterus. There are a lot of reviews about this drug. You can use the finished drug, which is sold in many pharmacies. Making your own tincture is also not difficult. To do this, take 50 g of dry grass. The quantity is always indicated on the packs, so measuring the right grams is very simple. Place the mixture in a glass bottle, pour 500 ml of any alcoholic drink (vodka, cognac,moonshine diluted 1:2 medical alcohol). Close the bottle tightly and hide in a dark place. The remedy is being prepared for 30 days, during which it must be shaken periodically. On the 31st day, the tincture is filtered through a cloth. Stored in the refrigerator. Apply 30 drops per glass of water. It takes about 3 more months to take tincture from fibroids and fibroids. Take a break again, and then repeat the cycle.
Women report that this treatment not only reduces uterine nodules but also dissolves adhesions.
4. In reviews of the upland uterus with endometriosis, women also give recommendations on how to prepare the medicine. Interestingly, various preparations are offered - decoctions, infusions, tinctures. Everyone helps (if you believe what they write). To prepare a decoction, pour 20 g of the dry mixture with boiling water (300 ml), boil for 15 minutes on a very low heat. Let cool. Filter. Water is added to make 250 ml of the product. Drink a table spoon three times a day.
The infusion is prepared by adding 1 tablespoon of raw materials for every 200 ml of boiling water. Allow to boil and insist from 3 to 6 hours. Filter. They take it differently. Some drank a spoon three times a day, others - half a cup. There are those who used a whole glass of decoction three times a day.
Forest Mother & Company
In many reviews of the medicinal properties of the boron uterus for women, one can find a mention that, in order to enhance the effect, it must be used in combination with other herbs. The most commonly called red brush, which is the plant Rhodiola four-leafed. It has general strengthening,immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, bactericidal properties. In its pure form, Rhodiola is used to treat a very wide range of diseases, including malaria, gout, diabetes mellitus, all kinds of bacterial infections, including Staphylococcus aureus, as well as impotence, infertility, fibrocystic breast disease, inflammation of the ovaries, problems with menopause.

Many women write that from infertility they drank decoctions from the hog uterus and Rhodiola, taking them in a 1:1 ratio. After mixing the dry ingredients well, you need to take a tablespoon of the resulting mixture for 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 10 hours or a little more (it is convenient to make an infusion in the evening so that it is ready in the morning), filter and drink in a spoonful, diluted with honey.
Another herb often used with hogweed is sage. This plant has a lot of useful properties, among which there is also the treatment of infertility.
You need to take these two herbs in one course, but separately. Sage first. They begin to drink it in the first half of the cycle, approximately 11 days after menstruation. From the moment of ovulation to the first day of menstruation - upland uterus. Herbs are advised to brew like regular tea, taking a teaspoon of each and pouring a glass of boiling water.
Where to get magic herbs
Despite the fact that the upland uterus is extremely popular in our country, it is quite simple to buy it. To do this, you need to visit a regular pharmacy. The grass is sold in packs in bulk or in bags, like ordinary tea. The cost of packaging ranges from 65 to 300rubles, which depends on the appetites of suppliers and on the volume of packaging. In the reviews, the ladies say that the most expensive product in the Evalar company.
Those who insist on the miraculous properties of the upland uterus write in the reviews that there may not be an effect from taking the remedy for the reason that suppliers under the guise of this brand sell anything but the grass itself.
In order not to be deceived by unscrupulous businessmen and for sure to be treated with a hog uterus, you can harvest it yourself. In Russia, it is common in its European part, in the Far East, in Siberia. The “mother of the forest” is growing, of course, in the forest, choosing clearings and edges for itself. You can find it in ravines or clearings.
It's not difficult to recognize a hog queen. The plant reaches a height (together with the peduncle) up to 25 cm. It is a bunch of juicy green, shiny, as if varnished, leaves. In winter they remain green. Their shape is oval or round. The leaves grow at the bottom of the stem rather crowded, making them appear to form a rosette.

The flowers of the upland uterus are located on a thin pedicel. Very remotely, they resemble lilies of the valley, only their petals are not white, but greenish. The flowers are collected in a one-sided racemose inflorescence.
Harvest the upland uterus during its flowering (July) and late autumn (October). All ground parts are suitable for collection. Dry in the shade. Store in glass or paper containers.
We got acquainted with the upland uterus - a unique plant growing onRussian open spaces.
Now let's add a drop of tar to the barrel of honey and talk about the negative reaction of doctors and women to preparations from this herb.
Chemical composition
We decided to start the next part of the review by considering the substances that are in the boron uterus. In the reviews, gynecologists, who consider this panacea to be another swindle, especially focus readers on its chemical composition. Found in it:
- Iridoids. They are present as glycosides. Very useful substances that have antibacterial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties that persist during long-term storage. Plants produce them to protect themselves from parasites that destroy their flesh. For humans, iridoids in large quantities can be toxic.
- Hydroquinone. Possesses insignificant disinfecting properties. Very toxic. Once in the human body, it is oxidized to benzoquinone, which converts hemoglobin into methemoglobin, which leads to a decrease in the transport function of the blood (oxygen starvation of cells and tissues occurs). May cause dermatitis and conjunctivitis. For animals, its carcinogenicity is officially confirmed. Based on this, many doctors do not recommend the use of a boron uterus for myoma. In the reviews, they try to "reach out" to the patients, explaining that such neoplasms are able to resolve on their own, therefore, they do not require any treatment at all, only observation. If, on your own initiative, you engage in unnecessary therapy with a drug whose carcinogenic properties have not yet been studied, you can invite trouble.
- Arbutin. A substance whose usefulness is highly controversial. So, it has pronounced antiseptic properties, due to which it is used in preparations for the treatment of ailments of the urinary system, in particular, the bladder. Arbutin is able to block tyrosinase, with the help of which the melanin pigment is synthesized. This gives a reason to use it in whitening face creams. However, German scientists have found that this substance in the intestine turns into hydroquinone, which is recognized by many as a carcinogen. There is no exact data on this yet, but in the reviews of gynecologists about the boron uterus, the possible carcinogenic properties of the herb are indicated quite seriously.
- Methylarbutin. Arbutin derivative.
- Coumarins. The manufacturer reports that these substances have vasodilating and antispasmodic properties, due to which they are used as an antibiotic. Unexpected version, isn't it? The scientific world about coumarins writes that they have a very modest effect on humans, but in cattle they can cause severe bleeding, as they disrupt blood clotting. Derivatives of coumarins can act as sleeping pills.
- Quinones. They are used for the production of hydroquinones. The human body is similar.
There are also substances in the boron uterus, the benefits of which are beyond doubt:
- Flavonoids.
- Organic acids.
- Tannins.
- Vitamin C.
- Microelements (zinc, titanium, iron, copper, manganese).
Looking at this chemistry,it is difficult to understand how the upland uterus enhances and strengthens the immune system. Due to vitamin C? But it is found in dozens of products that are much safer.

Help for infertility
Let's not argue with the reviews about the upland uterus (tincture from it or teas), which report that this plant gave the happiness of motherhood. I want to be happy for all these women. But if you look at the age of the respondents, doubts begin to torment: was it in the grass? More than half of those who wrote positive reviews are young people aged 20 to 25 years. They report that they were not able to get pregnant the first, second or third time. Some unsuccessfully tried to become mothers for a very “long” period - several months. But this is a completely normal physiological phenomenon! Not all women get pregnant right away.
But the reviews are alarming, which report that after taking drugs from this herb, pregnancy occurred, but the fetus froze at various times.
Let's see what doctors say about this in reviews of the hog uterus. The therapeutic effect, manifested in individual patients with certain diseases, they do not dispute. But what about infertility? The causes of this disease are very different, from hormonal disorders to malformations of the genital organs. Perhaps the "mother of the forest" was able to help solve some problems, such as irregular menstruation, adhesions, endometriosis in the uterus. But absolutely all women cannot rely on this herb alone. It is unlikely that she will be able to correct anomalies in the genitalorgans or help heal systemic pituitary infections that also prevent mothers from becoming mothers.
In fairness, it is worth mentioning the reviews of older ladies (40 years and above), who also assure that the upland uterus helped them once again become mothers, although they used it for completely different purposes. On this occasion, we can say that the effect of this herb is not always predictable and requires detailed study by specialists.
What should alert
About the use of the upland uterus in gynecology, the reviews are very contradictory. But this is not the main thing. Without exception, all respondents warn that the herb helps if you do not violate its dosage. This is the right advice, but in relation to the "mother of the forest" it is impossible to follow it. After all, the recipes offered by both women and manufacturers have fundamental differences. So, in some reviews, the infusion should be drunk in a teaspoon, in others, 100 ml, and consumed 1, 2 or 3 times a day. Insist courses of grass, too, in different ways. Who advises to carry out treatment for 2 weeks, who 3, who a month. The same picture is with the preparation of decoctions. Some advisers assure that the upland uterus cannot be boiled at all, since this process nullifies all its useful properties. Others indicate that it must be kept on fire for at least 15 minutes. If you put all the recommendations together, it becomes completely incomprehensible how to prepare preparations from this herb, and how to treat them.

Endometriosis and pregnancy
It has already been mentioned above that you can find manywomen's stories about how the upland uterus helped them with endometriosis. Reviews of doctors say otherwise. In particular, experts warn that it is impossible to cure this disease with grass. This is especially true of douching, which supposedly helped many. Endometriosis is an overgrowth of endometrial tissue. It can be observed both in the uterus and outside it. Officially, he is treated with surgery and hormonal drugs. It is important to understand that endometriosis is NOT the cause of infertility. There are many women who have become mothers with this disease several times.
Despite dozens of reviews about the miraculous effects that arose after the use of the boron uterus, one cannot but be alarmed by the fact that almost no one writes about contraindications to its use. On packs of this herb sold in pharmacies, the beneficial properties of the substances included in it are described in detail, some recipes are given, but there is not a word about who should not drink it. Is it really useful for everyone? But this cannot be. Even harmless vitamins have certain contraindications.
In the reviews of doctors about the upland uterus, women's attention is focused on the fact that this herb should not be drunk during pregnancy, as it can lead to miscarriage. It is also indicated that there is not a single study confirming the harmlessness of the boron uterus for the embryo. However, manufacturers recommend taking it for toxicosis.
Who else can't use the Forest Mother for healing?
Because it can affect blood clotting, it is notit is recommended to drink for people suffering from hemophilia and von Willebrand disease.
Carefully and only under the supervision of a doctor, use the "mother of the forest" should be used by cores and hypertensive patients.
All women taking any hormonal drugs should also not be treated with drugs based on this herb.
Contraindications include alcoholism, gastritis, allergy to substances that make up the "mother of the forest", obstruction of the fallopian tubes.
Side effects
Not only in the reviews of doctors about the upland uterus with endometriosis, fibroids, infertility and other gynecological diseases, it is indicated that this herb is of no use. Many women report that the preparations from it were not only useless, but also harmful. After a course of treatment, some people developed cysts in the uterus, others began to experience severe headaches, and others had such a hormonal imbalance that they had to go to the hospital. There are also reports that treatment with the upland uterus caused problems with the digestive tract.
Ortilia lopsided grows not only here. It exists in almost all countries of the Northern Hemisphere of the planet. But for some reason, foreign experts not only do not use it for medicinal purposes (the natives of America, who brew tea from its leaves, do not count), but did not even enter it into the Register of Medicinal Plants.
What is this? The inexplicable short-sightedness of the local Aesculapius or another swindle invented by our businessmen to profit from the he alth of gullible citizens? Each of us may have our own opinion on this matter, but opponents of the uplanduterus, and her fans must agree that no research has been done on the beneficial properties of this plant. All we have is reviews of the upland uterus from women. It can be seen from them that the herb helped about half of the patients, and caused a deterioration in he alth in the other half.
If you decide to be treated with Ortilia lopsided, think about these statistics.