The drug "Sustanon", reviews of the use of which in sports circles are most often positive, is a mixture of four esters of different molecular lengths of the synthetic male sex hormone testosterone. The direct purpose of this medication is replacement therapy with insufficient production of this substance in the human body or with its complete absence to restore physiological functions. As a rule, this preparation includes the following testosterone esters: propionate (the fastest) in an amount of about 30 mg, phenylpropionate in twice the amount (starts working the day after injection), 60 mg of isocaproate and 100 mg of decanoate.

The last two last the longest. According to the test results, the working dosage of testosterone decanoate remains in the body for up to three weeks. The question of how to take Sustanon worries every athlete who uses this drug. It makes no sense to take medical instructions for use as a basis, since the tasks of sports and replacement therapy are somewhat different. The drug "Sustanon", reviews of the dosages used in practice, which have bothnegative and positive, contains about 250 mg of ether testosterone in one ampoule, which is equivalent to 170 mg of pure substance. Under natural conditions, the body of a he althy man produces no more than 5–7 mg of this hormone per day.

Taking one ampoule of this drug per week, the athlete will provide himself with an amount of testosterone that exceeds three times the normal level! However, more experienced athletes are able to put this pharmacological agent in several injections per day. As a result of such an experiment, testosterone levels increase tens or even hundreds of times! Of course, newcomers to the sport should not only think about such a practice, but generally about taking steroids. Without realizing its own natural potential, no artificially synthesized hormone will help achieve impressive victories in any discipline.
Another important question related to this drug concerns where to buy Sustanon-250. The price in the pharmacy is the biggest. But there is at least some guarantee that the solution contains all the substances that are indicated on the package. The pharmacological agent "Sustanon", reviews of which are positive among athletes of any level, contributes to a set of muscle mass, an increase in overall endurance, and an increase in strength indicators. In addition, it has been proven that a large amount of testosterone in a man's body makes the body lean compared to those with low levels. It also increases appetite and protein absorption.

Taking the drug "Sustanon", reviews of which, if used incorrectly, are very negative, the athlete should know that after the abolition of this pharmacological agent, the level of natural testosterone will be so low that the body will not be able to keep all the kilograms of muscles gained. Therefore, there are many schemes for its use - the so-called courses with competent completion, recovery and a rest period, which everyone should know about.