We are all born with a navel. How many people, so many varieties of navels. For someone it is in the form of a neat recess, and for someone it is in the form of an interesting knot. About the owners of the nodular form, they usually say that their navel is out. In any case, each has its own size and shape. What does it depend on? What type of belly button is considered normal? Our article will tell about this.

What is the navel
The navel or navel is the hallmark of all placental mammals. This is a scar acquired at birth, which connected the child in the womb with the mother. After the baby is born, the umbilical cord is cut, and the process is tied up or clamped.
The shape and size of the navel may depend on genetic predisposition and on the accuracy of the midwife. The norm is considered to be both in-depth and convex - within sight. Size, shape and depth are very individual. In this regard, it does not matter whether the navel is outside or inside, in any case it does not affect your beauty or he alth in any way. There are only a few nuances.
What is a hernia? This is a phenomenon in which internal organs (greater omentum or intestines) begin to bulge through the umbilical ring. Signs of pathology are:
- protrusion of the navel in a standing position, while in the supine state it disappears or becomes less prominent (if you notice these signs - run to the doctor, do not self-medicate, because in this case the navel outward is a sign of the disease);
- pain in the navel during exercise or coughing;
- expansion and bulge of the umbilical ring;
- nausea.

In adults, a hernia can form with weak abdominals and exorbitant physical exertion. A hernia can even appear from a strong cough, prolonged constipation or sneezing. To avoid this, it is recommended to keep fit, monitor the stability of weight, general he alth and not overexert physically.
If the baby's navel pops out
There are only three reasons for a “protruding” navel in a child:
The bulge is natural. This happens if the obstetrician bandages the navel in the wrong place - closer to the tummy, but higher. If this happened in your case, then the following signs should be present: the navel is soft and does not cause pain in the child, without swelling, natural color, there is no discharge from the inside. This cause of the appearance of the navel is the norm, but doctors still recommend eliminating the bulge. Not only does he not look very nice, but also the constant friction of clotheslead to inflammation or permanent irritation

- Fistula. An umbilical fistula in a newborn is formed due to the underdevelopment of the bile and urinary ducts during fetal development. Normally, in the fifth month of fetal development, the outlet ducts should close, and only food should flow through the umbilical cord. In a child who develops a fistula after birth, this process went wrong - waste products continued to flow through the umbilical cord. It even happens that the urinary canal opens through the navel in a child, which can only be corrected by surgery. Some doctors believe that the cause of the fistula is the smoking of the expectant mother, but this is still unconfirmed speculation. All this is about the internal fistula. And there is also an external one, which is easy to earn if you do not follow the rules for caring for the baby's navel.
- Hernia.
We will tell about the last pathology in more detail.

Hernia in a newborn
Why can a baby have a hernia? With her, bulging appears unexpectedly for parents. Such a bulge is formed due to long colic, frequent crying, prolonged constipation. A section of the intestine is displaced into the umbilical ring, which causes the navel to bulge outward.
This condition should not be ignored by doctors, as severe consequences may appear:
- inflammation with edema;
- strangulation of the intestine (leading to necrosis);
- intestinal obstruction;
- sepsis (infection of internal organsbaby).
How does a bulge appear? During the effort of the child (when crying, colic, screaming), the abdominal muscles press on the abdominal cavity. From this loop of the intestine goes into the hollow umbilical space, causing protrusion of the navel. Especially often this happens with severe constipation of the child.
Belly button care
As scientists have found out, the navel is the dirtiest part of our body. A lot of bacteria and microorganisms accumulate there, some of them are not even familiar to the luminaries of science. If you do not pay attention to the hygiene of the navel, then this threatens with infections that can very quickly move inside - into the abdominal cavity. Though the navel is out, even inward, it does not matter.
The important thing is that it must be carefully treated at least once a week with antimicrobial agents (eg Chlorhexidine or Miramistin). To do this, first moisten a disk or stick with hydrogen peroxide and treat your navel. Then dry and treat with Miramistin in the same way. If you follow the cleanliness of this part of the body, then the infection does not threaten you.