Male menopause. Treatment at home

Male menopause. Treatment at home
Male menopause. Treatment at home

It is widely believed that menopause is a period that occurs only in women - in menopause. In fact, male menopause is no less common and can be no less difficult. However, for most men, this period passes almost imperceptibly, without causing discomfort. Menopause, the treatment of which should be aimed at eliminating symptoms and alleviating the general condition of the body, can be "neutralized".

Climax treatment
Climax treatment

The first symptoms of male menopause appear after 50 years. Regular dizziness, hot flashes, rapid heartbeat, rapid ejaculation, lack of erection and sexual arousal begin. Of course, such symptoms can also occur with other diseases, but if, in addition to the listed signs, nothing bothers you, then menopause has come. Treatment should be prescribed by a doctor after a complete examination. Especially if the symptoms are so pronounced that they interfere with a full sexual life, and also lead to rapid fatigue and refusal from daily duties at work and at home. If the menopause manifests itself weakly, with a periodic deterioration in well-being, then you can try to influence the symptoms yourself.

He althy lifestyle

First a manshould give up bad habits and spend as much time as possible in the fresh air. Male menopause, the treatment of which should take place in a he althy environment, does not accept alcohol, nicotine and stress. Many men, having quit smoking at the first signs of aging, endured andropause (the scientific name for male menopause) easily, without even noticing it

Male menopause treatment
Male menopause treatment

offensive. A good helper is sports - light jogging, push-ups, squats.

Nervous disorders

When a man begins to notice intense irritability, which is very difficult to contain, he must deal with these nervous disorders, which are another symptom of menopause. To do this, before going to bed, you need to take a bath with the addition of valerian herb and pine needles. This composition effectively relieves nervous fatigue and irritation.

High blood pressure

High blood pressure is another of the symptoms that causes menopause. Treatment in this case should consist of the use of a mixture of nuts and honey. In case of hypertension, in no case should you use tonic drinks and herbs (for example, ginseng). Many men believe that with their help, erection will improve and sexual intercourse will last. However, apart from a sharp increase in pressure, you should not expect anything from tonic drinks.


Rapid heartbeat and redness of the face are signs that determine menopause (hot flashes). Their treatment is also possible with folk remedies. For this, a man needs to eat choppedgrains and dill grass. It is worth including a decoction of hawthorn flowers in the diet.

Climax hot flashes treatment
Climax hot flashes treatment

To relieve stress and improve overall well-being, a man needs to drink about half a glass of a decoction of badger's purse, St. John's wort or woodruff a day. These herbs help increase potency and improve erections.

Male menopause, the treatment of which should be comprehensive and aimed at reducing the manifestation of symptoms, passes closer to 55 years. After that, the man can return to a full sexual life again.
