Proper functioning of the digestive tract is necessary for the smooth functioning of the whole organism. With poor peristalsis and a tendency to constipation, mild laxatives that will not be addictive should be used. The drug "Fitomucil Norm" is considered effective and safe, which has earned the recognition of many experts. Let's get acquainted with the composition, therapeutic effect and indications for the appointment of this remedy.
Medication description
Even adherents of proper nutrition often experience malfunctions in the digestive tract. Discomfort and pain in the abdomen, delayed defecation, flatulence are the first signs of a pathological condition. If such symptoms occur only occasionally, experts recommend using laxatives. However, it should be borne in mind that some of them have a number of contraindications and are not always safe. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention topreparations with the most natural composition. One of these means is Phytomucil Norm.

Instructions for use classifies this laxative as a dietary supplement. The composition contains exclusively natural substances that contribute to the normalization of the digestive system and the restoration of peristalsis. Recently, the supplement is often used not only according to indications, but also to get rid of extra pounds. The tool was developed by specialists and is produced under the brand name Pharmamed naturals.
What's included?
The manufacturer offers three varieties of the drug, which differ in the number of active ingredients in the composition. The supplement is produced in the form of a powder and packaged in sachets, which prevents overdose. For one dose, you need to use only 1 sachet of medicine. The product is also available in 250 mg cans.
The active organic ingredients are psyllium husks and prunes. Both substances have a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system. Phytomucil Diet Formula is one type of supplement. The composition contains 5 g of psyllium seed husks and 1 g of plum fruits. "Fitomucil Slim Smart" will help get rid of a few extra pounds and improve bowel function. Contains psyllium husk and glucomannan. The latter substance is obtained from the konja plant. This plant polysaccharide has the ability to absorb large amounts of liquid.
Additive "Phytomucil Norm",the composition of which is somewhat different from the previous species, more suitable only for restoring peristalsis and the functionality of the digestive tract. The composition contains 4.5 g of psyllium husks, and only 0.5 mg of prunes.
Action BAD
The tool performs several tasks at once. Firstly, the shell of psyllium seeds stimulates the production of bile, which is necessary for normal digestion, and cleanses the intestines of harmful substances and toxins. The husk gives a feeling of satiety, which is necessary when following a diet. Secondly, pectin-rich plums, which have a laxative effect, also help to eliminate toxic substances from the body, which are usually formed during the digestion of food.

Therapeutic effect "Fitomucil Norm" begins to provide immediately after application. The powder, when combined with water, forms a gel that must be drunk. When it enters the stomach, the product envelops the mucous membrane and causes a feeling of satiety.
In the digestive tract, the gel increases slightly in volume, but is not digested. The mass, moving through the intestines, cleanses its walls of food debris and harmful substances that it secretes. This allows you to start intestinal peristalsis. In addition, the drug promotes the reproduction of beneficial microflora.
Indications for appointment
Dietary supplement "Fitomucil Norm" instructions for use recommends using for recurrent and chronic constipation. Given that the drug not only eliminates problems with bowel movements, but also the pain associated with this phenomenon, you can exclude the additional use of drugs for flatulence, spasms and bloating.

According to the instructions "Fitomucil" is used in the following cases:
- intestinal dysbacteriosis;
- unbalanced diet;
- diabetes;
- obesity;
- disorders of the digestive tract (constipation, diarrhea);
- hemorrhoids;
- high cholesterol.
Due to the natural composition, pregnant women and children can also take Phytomucil supplement. The price of the drug is available and ranges from 230-280 rubles for 10 sachets. More expensive is Fitomucil Slim Smart. For packaging (30 sachets) you will have to pay 890-960 rubles.
How to take?
Dose and treatment regimen should be determined by the physician. Despite the fact that the remedy is a dietary supplement, it is still not recommended to take it without first consulting a specialist. The standard scheme involves the use of the powder twice during the day. Use the contents of one packet at a time.

Powder is diluted with water or any other non-carbonated liquid. You can use juice, tea, drinking yogurt or kefir for this. Do not wait until the agent is completely dissolved in the liquid. After taking a nutritional supplement, drink it with a glass of clean water. According to the instructions, the drug is drunkat least half an hour before meals.
Experts recommend taking "Fitomucil" for weight loss (the "Diet Formula" complex) according to a scheme that depends on the number of extra pounds. With a large weight, the standard dose can be doubled. Four sachets of powder is the maximum daily dose, which is highly undesirable to exceed.
How long does Fitomucil Norm work?
You can feel a significant improvement within a few days after starting the supplement. The remedy has a laxative effect rather quickly. According to some reviews, after a day, problems with bowel movements are eliminated. For a few more days, you should take the medicine to consolidate the result and establish peristalsis.

If "Fitomucil Norm" is taken to reduce weight, it is necessary to evaluate the first results no earlier than a month after the first use of the powder. If you follow the recommendations of a specialist for a month, you can get rid of 3-4 kg. More active weight loss is a serious stress for the body and can only harm.
In order to eliminate dysbacteriosis and constipation in a baby, the supplement is started to be administered with a minimum dose. One sachet is enough for a child aged 3-11.
Maximum duration of dietary supplement therapy is 4 weeks. After completing the course of treatment, you need to take a break for 1-2 months.
To lose weight with a dietary supplement, it is important to diet and increasephysical load. The menu includes a large amount of plant foods and completely refuses fast food, smoked meats, semi-finished products, fried and fatty foods. Limit the use of flour products, white bread, sweets.

For frequent constipation, it is recommended to consult a gastroenterologist before using a laxative. A pathological phenomenon may indicate serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which must be de alt with using completely different methods. Dietary supplement "Phytomucil" can be prescribed as part of complex therapy to eliminate constipation and improve peristalsis.
Use in children
A nutritional supplement will bring great benefits to a baby who is breastfed and suffering from dysbacteriosis. In this case, the mother should take the drug. The active natural ingredients will penetrate into breast milk and enter the body of the crumbs. Plum fruits and psyllium husks are absolutely safe substances. Therefore, it is absolutely not worth worrying about the negative reaction of the child to the use of dietary supplements.

At an older age, Phytomucil Norm is prescribed for children to improve peristalsis, treat and prevent problems with defecation. It should be borne in mind that with such pathological conditions, you must first contact a specialist to find out the reasons that led to their appearance.
With the problem of constipation and dysbacteriosis dietary supplementcopes well, which is confirmed by the positive recommendations of patients. Soft and safe impact, natural composition are the essential advantages of Fitomucil. The price of dietary supplements is quite affordable.
Despite the natural composition, the medicine still has some contraindications and therefore is not suitable for all patients. The powder is forbidden to be taken during exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, in the presence of an acute inflammatory process. Not suitable for the treatment of constipation and other pathological conditions in case of intolerance to the active ingredients.
According to the reviews, the dietary supplement causes almost no side effects. Diarrhea may develop with an accelerated metabolism or with an increase in dosage. In rare cases, against the background of taking dietary supplements, a rash and redness appear on the skin.