According to the International Classification of Diseases 10, tonsillitis is divided into acute and chronic, which are distinguished as independent nosological forms with their own codes: J03, J35.0. They make it possible to simplify the activities of medical workers in registering patients.
Acute tonsillitis (ICD code 10 J03) or tonsillitis is an infectious disease during which tonsils (palatine tonsils) become inflamed. It is contagious, transmitted through direct contact or through food. There is also self-infection by microbes living in the pharynx. When immunity decreases, their activity increases.

Often the causative agent is streptococcus A (it can be in almost all he althy people and poses a threat to others), a little less often - adenoviruses, pneumo- and staphylococcus aureus.
Therapy of the acute form consists in the elimination of the pathogenic microorganism, the general relief of the patient's condition.
So, what causes tonsillitis (tonsillitis). ICD codes10 listed.
Reasons for appearance
This disease can occur due to two main factors: bacterial and viral infections. The first rarely provokes the appearance of tonsillitis (about a third of all cases), these are usually various kinds of anaerobic bacteria (pneumonia, mycoplasma, chlamydia, diphtheria). The latter most often includes viruses such as adenovirus, measles virus, herpes simplex, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus.
Acute tonsillitis is a contagious disease. The highest percentage of infection was noted in its first days. The symptoms of this pathology differ depending on which type of tonsillitis is detected in the patient. How does acute tonsillitis (ICD code 10 J03) manifest itself?

Catarrhal variety
With this form, the surface of the palatine tonsils is affected. It is among the lightest. With competent and timely therapy, angina will end safely. If this is not done, then it will move into a more serious stage.
Catarrhal angina has the following symptoms: pain in the head and throat, weakness, fever. Sore throat is the main symptom that determines this form of tonsillitis. To distinguish the catarrhal variety from pharyngitis, you need to know that redness with it is noted on the back wall and palate.
Acute purulent tonsillitis occurs (ICD code 10 J03.0).
Follicular variety
During the course of follicular angina, follicles are formed that look like formationsyellow or white-yellow hue, which penetrate through the inflamed mucous membrane of the tonsils. They are no larger than the head of a pin.
If a patient has follicular tonsillitis, then his lymph nodes are enlarged, causing him pain during probing. There are cases in which the follicular form of tonsillitis affects the increase in the size of the spleen. This ailment lasts about five to seven days and is characterized by symptoms such as fever, vomiting and diarrhea, and sore throat. What else is angina? Classification of tonsillitis (ICD 10 J03) continues.

Lacunar variety
With this form, the appearance of lacunae is observed, presented in the form of whitish or purulent formations that affect the mucous membrane of the tonsils. They gradually increase, affecting an ever larger part. However, these formations do not go beyond the boundaries of the amygdala. When the gaps are removed, there are no bleeding wounds left after them. Lacunar tonsillitis develops in the same way as follicular, but it has a more severe course.
What other acute tonsillitis is there (ICD code 10 J03)?
Fibrous variety
This form is characterized by a continuous coating of yellow or white color. Unlike previous forms, in which tonsillitis did not go beyond the tonsils, with a fibrous variety, it can violate these boundaries. The film is formed in the first hours after the onset of the disease. In an acute course, characteristics such as headachepain, fever, general weakness, poor appetite. Also, against the background of these symptoms, the development of brain damage is possible.
Treatment and causes of chronic tonsillitis (ICD code 10 J35.0) will be presented below.

Phlegmatic variety
This form is observed in very rare cases. It is distinguished by such a sign as the melting of a certain area of the tonsil, and only one is affected. This form can be recognized by the following characteristics: acute sore throat, weakness, chills, high salivation, temperature reaching 38-39 degrees, unpleasant odor. During the examination of the patient, enlarged lymph nodes are found, causing the patient to feel pain from probing. In addition, there is reddening of the palate on one side, the palatine tonsil is displaced, and there is swelling. Since the mobility of the soft palate is limited due to its inflammation, liquid food can flow out through the nose. With untimely treatment, an abscess, or a perintosillar abscess, is formed on the tissues of the tonsils. Opening it can occur either independently or through the use of surgical methods. Let's continue the review of information about angina (acute tonsillitis).
Herpetic variety
This form of the disease is characterized by a rise in temperature, pharyngitis, vomiting, pain in the abdomen, the appearance of ulcers that affect either the soft palate or the back of the throat. Only the Coxsackie virus can affect the development of herpetic sore throat. Mostcases, the disease is diagnosed in people in the summer and autumn. Infection is the result of interaction with a sick person.
The initial stage of the disease is characterized by fever, fatigue, weakness and irritability. In the future, a person feels a sore throat, saliva is strongly secreted, a runny nose and redness appear on the palate, tonsils and back of the throat. The mucosa is covered with vesicles containing serous fluid. Gradually, they begin to dry out, and crusts appear on these places. In addition, in the presence of herpetic sore throat, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting may occur. As a diagnosis, the patient is examined and sent for a blood test.
The classification of acute tonsillitis (according to ICD 10 J03) does not end there.

This form develops against the background of a decrease in immunity and vitamin deficiency. Its causative agent is a spindle-shaped stick, located in the oral cavity of any person. In most cases, the disease occurs in older people. Patients with heart disease are also at risk. In the ulcerative-necrotic form, completely different symptoms are observed than those presented in the previous varieties: the temperature does not rise, there is no weakness and sore throat, but the patient feels that there is a foreign object in his throat, and there is also a bad smell from mouth. On examination, the doctor notices green or grayplaque that covers the inflamed tonsil. If it is removed, an ulcer will appear in this place, which will bleed. Angina or acute tonsillitis according to ICD 10 (International Classification of Diseases) has the code J03.9 and may have an unspecified form.
With this form, manifestations of a general and local order are observed. There is an ulcerative necrotic lesion affecting the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. Unspecified angina is not an independent disease - it is only a consequence of a number of provoking factors. Symptoms of this disease appear throughout the day. This form is characterized by a rise in temperature, malaise, chills. If you do not start treatment, then the pathological process will also affect the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. In this case, the inflammation will spread to the periodontal tissues, resulting in the formation of gingivitis and stomatitis.

Common symptoms of acute tonsillitis
Acute tonsillitis is characterized by the following main symptoms:
- increase to forty degrees of temperature;
- feeling of a foreign object in the throat and tickling;
- sharp sore throat that gets worse when swallowing;
- headache;
- weakness;
- joint and muscle pain;
- less likely to experience heart pain;
- lymph nodes become inflamed, resulting in discomfort in the neck when turning the head.
Most often the disease does not have any complications, the forecasts are generally optimistic. However, in some cases, rheumatic fever may appear as a complication, although this is still more an exception than a rule. In advanced form, acute tonsillitis flows into chronic, along the way, damage to the organs of the nasopharynx is possible. Often the chronic form is accompanied by frontal sinusitis, sinusitis and adenoiditis in children.
In addition, complications can result from incorrect, untimely or insufficient therapy. Those patients who try to cope with the disease on their own and do not seek help from a specialist are also at risk.

Therapy is aimed at general and local effects. It turns out to be a hyposensitizing and restorative treatment, vitamins are prescribed. There is no need for hospitalization for this disease, with the exception of severe forms of its course. Acute tonsillitis (ICD code 10 J03.8) should be treated exclusively under medical supervision. To combat the disease, the following measures are being taken:
- if bacteria are the source, antibiotics are prescribed (local remedies: Miramistin, Kameton, Bioparox sprays; Hexaliz, Lyzobact lollipops);
- sore throat relieve drugs containing antiseptic substances: "Tantum Verde", "Strepsils";
- if there is a high temperature, prescribe antipyretics;
- gargle need anti-inflammatory and antisepticpreparations: "Chlorhexidine", "Furacilin", decoctions of chamomile, sage;
- if there is severe swelling of the tonsils, antihistamines are prescribed.
The patient must be isolated. The mode is assigned sparing. It is necessary to adhere to a diet, exclude spicy, cold, hot food. Recovery usually occurs in ten to fourteen days.