Remember how the liquid part of the blood is called: erythrocytes, plasma or lymph? Having trouble answering? Then let's remember together.
What is blood
It's hard to believe, but blood is a type of connective tissue. And it's easy enough to prove it. Blood consists of a liquid part and blood cells. The first is the intercellular substance. There is a lot of it, so all the tissues of the internal environment are loose and form the basis of the body. And blood cells are the cells that are in it. They are also called shaped elements.

Plasma and body fluids
The liquid part of blood is called plasma. Its state of aggregation and physical properties largely determine the functions of this type of tissue. It is a yellow liquid, which has a significant viscosity due to the presence of proteins and formed elements in it. Its share in the blood is about 60%.
The internal environment of the body is blood, lymph, tissue fluid. Water is a necessary condition for the complex chemical processes of synthesis and breakdown of substances, as well as their transportation through the body.

Plasma chemistry
The liquid part of blood is called plasma and is its intercellular substance. It is 90% water. Proteins are next in percentage, the rate of which reaches up to 8%. These are fibrinogen, albumins and globulins. These proteins provide water metabolism and humoral immunity, transport hormones, and regulate osmotic pressure.
Much less other organic substances in blood plasma. Carbohydrates make up 0.12%, and fats are even less - 0.7%.

Mineral constituents of blood plasma are represented by s alts. These substances are there in the form of charged particles. These are sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, and copper cations. Negatively charged particles include residues of chloride, carbonate, orthophosphoric and other mineral acids. A special role among these substances belongs to saline. Its content in plasma is always at a constant level. This is a solution of sodium chloride in water, the s alt concentration in which is 0.9%. In case of blood loss, this is used to restore its required volume. This is very important, especially in cases where it is impossible to establish the group and Rh factor of a person who needs medical assistance.
Blood cells
40% of the blood is its formed elements, each type of which is characterized by a certain structure and functions. So, erythrocytes are red discs of a biconcave shape. These cells are non-nuclear and containhemoglobin. The main function of erythrocytes is gas exchange. They transport oxygen from the lungs to every cell in the body, as well as carbon dioxide in the opposite direction.
Leukocytes are colorless nucleated cells that do not have a permanent shape. They are characterized by amoeboid movement. At the same time, by phagocytosis, they neutralize pathogenic particles that have entered the bloodstream and form human immunity.
Platelets carry out blood clotting. These are rounded colorless plates. With their help, a complex enzymatic conversion of the fibrinogen protein into its insoluble form is carried out. As a result, the body is protected from excessive blood loss, which can be life-threatening.

Blood functions
A human life without blood is simply impossible. After all, plasma (the liquid part of the blood is called that), together with the formed elements, ensures the respiration of living organisms.
Another important function is to provide food. After all, organic substances come from the digestive channel into the bloodstream, in which they are already transported to each cell. Since plasma is an aqueous solution, it takes part in maintaining homeostasis and a constant body temperature. The protective functions of blood can also include clotting and the formation of immunity.
So, the liquid part of blood is called plasma. It is an intercellular substance in which the formed elements are located. Together they perform transport, respiratory,excretory and respiratory functions.