No need to say how much parents worry when they notice some deviations in the development of their crumbs. For many mothers and fathers, the deformation of the skull in children is a very serious cause for concern. However, in some cases, these experiences are in vain, since the phenomenon is associated with the natural development of the child. However, parents need to monitor the size of the child's head circumference, deformations of the skull. In some cases, observation will help to identify a dangerous pathology at an early stage. So let's deal with all the problems that worry new parents.
Baby head circumference
In the first 12 months of his life, the baby grows and develops rapidly. The process also applies to the baby's head - during this period, the diameter of his skull should increase by several centimeters!
The greatest activity of this stage is observed in the first six months of life. In a one-month-old baby, in comparison with a newborn, the diameter of the skull will increase by 2 cm! This process only slows down4th month of life.
Parents sometimes think that the fetus has a big head. There is nothing pathogenic and terrible in this. The body of the baby will acquire the correct proportions only by one year. But at the 15-16th week of life, his chest and head will be the same diameter.

What are the norms for the circumference of the skull in a newborn?
The norm for the head circumference of a newborn baby is 35 cm. However, taking into account individual characteristics, the diameter of the skull will be normal within 32-38 cm. Further monitoring is carried out taking into account the size of the head circumference at birth.
If the indicators are slightly above the norm, then, accordingly, during the subsequent development, a slight increase will be normal. If the head size at birth is smaller than the standard, then this should be taken into account in the analysis of developmental indicators.
Table with baby head sizes
The table "Child's head circumference by months" specially compiled by scientists helps a lot here. You can read it in the article. The table not only shows the norm for a certain age, but deviations from it that are not pathological.
However, the table "Baby's head circumference by months" is not able to reflect the individual characteristics of each crumb. Therefore, only a pediatrician should take measurements, analyzing the results for a specific baby.
The normality of the increase in the size of the skull of your child as he grows and develops can be calculated by each parent independently:
- Children 0-6 months have the fastest increase in head diameter. Every month it normally increases by 1.5-2 cm.
- It is normal for babies 0.5-1 years old to increase head circumference by 0.5-1 cm every month.

Pathological and non-dangerous deviations in head size
Why is it so important to track the increase in the diameter of the baby's head? Too small or too large sizes can indicate a serious illness. But deviations are not always pathological in nature. The main reasons are:
- Hydrocephalus. This is a pathologically large head in a newborn. A congenital defect in which dropsy of the brain begins. It leads to swelling of the fontanel in the baby, an increase in the size of the skull, a characteristic protrusion of the venous network on the head. The danger of vice is that it can lead to both serious neurological disorders and death.
- Microcephaly. With this pathology, the baby, on the contrary, has a very small head. A closed fontanel does not allow the cranium to increase. This delay in development is fraught with a wide range of consequences.
- Consequences of birth trauma. One of the common reasons. During the passage of the birth canal, the child could not only touch the internal tissues of the mother, but also hit the bones through their thickness with his head. Trauma leads to the appearance of edema. In most cases, this effect goes away on its own within a day. But a certain percentage of children require serious treatment. Puffiness at some point makes the child's head larger than normal.
- Hereditary factor. If most members of your family have a somewhat large or small head, then there is nothing surprising in the fact that a newborn heir will boast of a similar feature. You should warn your pediatrician about this fact.

An uneven head is normal
Let's move on from size to skull deformities in children. Experts tell us: an uneven head in a baby is absolutely normal!
The fact is that the body of the fetus, like his mother, is also preparing for the upcoming birth. That is why, until the very birth, the wise nature leaves the bones of the child's skull soft. This helps him move more easily through the narrow birth canal.
If a woman gave birth to a baby naturally, his head is normally slightly deformed or enlarged. Babies born by caesarean section will usually not have this feature.
The flat head in infants at birth is somewhat elongated, which leads to deformation of the skull in children, the appearance of small irregularities. There is no need to worry here. In the process of development and growth, the asymmetry will pass, and the irregularities will smooth out.
The round and even shape of the head of the child becomes only by one year. And the final circumference of the skull in most children is formed only by school age.
Why is the child's skull deformed?
Deformation of the skull in infants canappear not only at birth. Sometimes parents notice that in the process of development, the child's skull has unnaturally changed. What happened?
Let's consider the most common cases:
- Strongly elongated or sloping back of the head. In this case, the head may be uneven, flattened, and its dimensions cease to correspond to normal ones. What does this type of skull shape indicate? The point is most often that the baby is in the same type of lying position for too long. Newborns have a peculiarity at the same time to tilt their heads to a certain side. This leads to the development of skull deformity in children.
- The bones of the baby's skull remain soft for a long time. This is provided by nature for a reason: the feature allows the brain to develop unhindered and protects the child himself from injury. Therefore, if he often turns his head in a certain direction, lies on one side, all this can affect the shape of his skull. Mothers always move the child from one position to another, put it in different directions from the object of interest.
- Don't forget about the fontanel. This is an area on the head characterized by elastic soft tissues. While the fontanel is open, it has not dragged on, the shape of the child's skull can sometimes change significantly. The head becomes twisted or flat if the baby just lay in the same position for a long time. Therefore, parents should always pay attention to this fact so that in the future an adult child does not blame them for their disproportionate shape of the skull.

When does the danger of deformation pass?
Don't think that you always have to watch how often the baby turns his head to the right or left, on which side he lies more often. Pediatricians reassure: the deformation of the skull in infants is a phenomenon characteristic of the period when he can only lie down.
As soon as the baby learns to sit down, begins to spend more time in an upright position, the situation will change. As a rule, already on the 2-3rd month of life, the baby's skull becomes noticeably equal, the deformations disappear, and the head gradually begins to take on a permanent correct shape.
By the way, the reverse problem here will be too rapid overgrowth of fontanelles. The cranium in this case becomes prematurely rigid. Of course, this saves the baby from the danger of skull deformation earlier, but it is fraught with something else. The child suffers from increased intracranial pressure.
Pathological causes of deformity
We have sorted out common harmless cases. However, the deformation of the shape of the skull in children can also occur for serious reasons:
- Rickets.
- Curvature of the neck.
- Hematoma.
Let's consider each of the situations in detail.

Rickets is a disease that still occurs in young children quite often today. Head shape deformity is one of its most common manifestations.
Rickets is caused by a lack of calcium in the body. Because of this, the baby slowly grows and develops, itsbones are weak and brittle. Another consequence is that fontanelles do not overgrow for a long time. Therefore, the cranial bones remain soft even in a relatively large child. And as a result, they remain prone to deformation longer.
Treatment is prescribed in the form of taking drugs containing calcium and vitamin D. It is also important to introduce foods rich in these elements into the baby's diet, to be with him more often in the fresh air.
Curvature of the neck
The child constantly turns, tilts his head to one side, which over time causes him to deform the skull. However, it remains to be seen why he does this.
The reason is not always force of habit. Often this behavior is a sign of a curvature of the cervical vertebrae. What should parents do in this case? See a pediatric surgeon or neurologist as soon as possible. The specialist will prescribe a treatment that is quite effective in dealing with the problem in the early stages.

Hematoma is the accumulation of blood or other biological fluid in places of rupture of soft tissue cells. It can occur both under the skin and near the cranial bone. Such a formation can greatly deform the small head of a newborn.
A hematoma may appear on his head as a result of a birth injury. This is especially true for large children, babies with a large skull. Passing through the mother's birth canal, it can easily be damaged by her internal organs, bones.
Children whowere born by caesarean section. Here the baby abruptly moves from a comfortable environment to an external, completely different one. The stressful situation is reflected in the outer covers. They become too susceptible, which is why any impact can damage them, cause the formation of a hematoma.

How to fix the deformation?
We found that the deformation of the shape of the skull in infants is a common phenomenon. However, with any problem that bothers you, it is best to see your pediatrician!
If the causes of the deformity are not pathological, then it can be easily de alt with in a number of simple ways:
- Change your baby's position in the crib periodically. As a rule, it is placed on the back. Then tilt the head to the right or left. You can change its position along with the position of the body.
- Do not turn the baby on its side completely. You can put a blanket under his left or right side while lying on his back to change his position.
- When breastfeeding, a mother should ensure that each time she holds the baby with a different hand.
- Pediatricians also advise periodically turning the baby on the tummy. But at the same time, do not leave him for a second! There is a good chance he could suffocate with his nose buried in a blanket or pillow.
- If you have already noticed the deformation, then change the location of the crib so that the beveled part is on the "uninteresting" side (for example, against the wall), and the baby no longer lays his head on it.
- It is advised to periodically change the locationcots in the room so that the child can see everything without freezing in the same position day after day.
- Don't let your baby fall asleep on a pillow or other soft platform.
- In some cases, massage helps. However, for such help, you should only contact a qualified specialist.
Treatment - helmet?
If the above tips do not correct the situation, then the asymmetry can be corrected with a special bandage similar in shape to a helmet. The device gently acts on the deformed zones for a certain time, returning them to their normal position.
The helmet is effective at 4-6 months of life. And provided that the child wears it constantly for 12 weeks. Remove the device only for hygiene procedures. In addition, once a week or two, parents adjust the size of the bandage, taking into account the fact that the child's head is growing.

Deformation of the shape of the skull in a baby in most cases will not be a dangerous symptom. It is possible to fight it by following simple recommendations, wearing a special bandage.