Potentilla white is in great demand among folk healers due to its medicinal qualities. Various decoctions and infusions are made from this plant, which help with endocrine system disorders and gynecological problems. All parts of the herb, including the roots, have healing qualities. The most convenient to use is the white cinquefoil tincture.
Rich plant composition
This herb contains many useful trace elements needed for the normal functioning of all body systems. The people also call it a five-ring, five-finger, five-finger. Potentilla-based tincture helps to establish mineral and s alt metabolism. Due to this quality, it is customary to use it in the fight against gout and rheumatism.
Phenocarboxylic acids and flavonoids present in the composition of the herb improve the functioning of the nervous system, strengthen the immune system, relieve stress and cheer up. Potentilla still contains tannins, so decoctions from it are advised to take for rinsingthroat and oral cavity with stomatitis or sore throat. In addition, it contains ions of iodic acid and iodine.
To eliminate inflammation, diarrhea, peptic ulcers of the digestive tract, tincture of Potentilla white is also often used. How to take it correctly for such ailments, consider below.

Five-fingers in the fight against diseases
This plant is most often used to eliminate problems with the thyroid gland. Potentilla tincture is used to treat the following problems:
- palpitations and shortness of breath;
- cardiac pathology;
- atherosclerosis;
- anemia;
- liver disease;
- uterine fibroids;
- excessive sweating;
- menstrual irregularities.
Means from this plant are used to recover from a heart attack or stroke. Potentilla is also used for thyroid diseases such as hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.
Tincture based on the five-fingered plant has a hepatoprotective effect on the body. It has protective properties, one of which is the maintenance of the functioning of the liver. Taking the herb helps to eliminate toxic substances that accumulate in this organ.

Tincture of white cinquefoil: instructions for use
You can insist on such a medicinal plant on vodka or medical alcohol diluted to 40 ° C. To prepare the tincture take dryfive-fingered root, it is carefully crushed with a hammer, and then ground in a coffee grinder to a powder state. A ready-made mixture of cinquefoil can be purchased at a pharmacy, it is also suitable for creating a tincture.
Before you prepare the first portion of the healing drink, you need to prepare a kitchen scale. For 500 ml of alcohol, about 50 grams of dry cinquefoil roots are taken. The liquid should be infused in a dark bottle at a positive temperature not exceeding 23 ° C. Keep the tincture container away from sunlight, remembering to shake it periodically.
About a month later, the healing drink is ready. During this period, the liquid acquires a dark brown color with a tart odor. But the taste of the tincture is pleasant. But at this stage, the preparation of the medicine is not finished. There is no need to filter and pour the tincture into another container, you should pour a single dose into a measuring glass and take it. Alcohol will continue to extract medicinal substances from the herb.
Tincture of white cinquefoil is recommended to use 25 minutes before a snack. It is enough to add 20 drops to 100 ml of warm water. The duration of such treatment is at least 1 month, then a break is made for 7 days and the course is repeated again.
When the alcohol liquid in the bottle runs out, you should pour the rest of the herb with a small amount of vodka and leave it to infuse for 14 days. The instructions for the white cinquefoil tincture say that you can use it repeatedly not 20, but 40 drops several times a day. After this course of treatment, cinquefoil is again poured with 125 ml of alcohol and infused for 7days, diluting in water for 60 drops. At the same time, all useful substances in the medicine are preserved.

Treatment of gynecological diseases
Potentilla white tincture is quite often used for fibroids and cysts. It helps to restore the menstrual cycle, as well as remove pain during critical days. But before being treated with this plant, you need to consult your gynecologist. With the constant use of tincture, women stabilize the balance of hormones in the body, problems with nails, skin and hair disappear. In addition, this herb has a calming effect.

Potentilla white tincture: use for thyroid problems
The plant is used in the presence of nodular and diffuse goiter, excess hormone levels, glandular adenoma. During the use of cinquefoil, the unpleasant symptoms characteristic of the listed diseases disappear, for example, shortness of breath and sweating.
Crushed herb rhizomes are used for effective therapy. For this purpose, plants over 3 years old are collected. Young specimens contain little albinin, a component necessary for the full treatment of gland diseases.
Potentilla can be prescribed for a long period in case of severe thyroid diseases. Usually in such situations there is a noticeable improvement or complete healing. Pentula is a non-toxic plant, it does not harm the body.
Potentilla white tinctureoften used to avoid a lack of iodine in the body, as the grass contains a lot of this substance. It is advised to take it with walnuts to enhance the healing properties.

Cooking root on vodka
The main indications for the use of Potentilla white tincture are the following pathologies:
- Euthyroidism;
- Adenoma;
- Hyperfunction;
- Thyroid hyperplasia;
- Autoimmune thyrotoxicosis and goiter.
Most of all albinin, iodine and other valuable components are present in the rhizomes of Potentilla, they contain about 16 trace elements. Treatment with this plant is effective, but complete healing will take time, especially in advanced cases and in chronic pathology.
The medicine from the five-fingered plant stabilizes the level of hormones in the thyroid gland in case of their deficiency or excess. Moreover, there is no alternative for such a herb to eliminate these diseases in traditional medicine.
Tincture of white cinquefoil vodka is made in the following way: 50 grams of crushed roots are poured into half a liter of alcohol, mixed and stored in a dark place for about 2 weeks. After the time has elapsed, the mixture is filtered. It is necessary to use the obtained alcohol tincture of the white cinquefoil root in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening before each meal, it can be diluted in water. The duration of therapy is about 3 months. After several courses, it is recommended to take a break for a month.
At an early stage of the disease, folk healers advisedrink Potentilla-based tincture for 30 days, then take a break for a week. The course of treatment should be repeated at least 4-5 times.

Potentilla root ointment
It should be used while drinking the tincture. To prepare the ointment, you will need ingredients such as liquid honey and crushed five-pale rhizomes. These components are well mixed and cleaned in the refrigerator. Apply the finished mixture to the affected areas 3 times a day.
Creating a water tincture
People who are contraindicated in the use of alcohol-containing liquids, you can prepare a regular decoction of cinquefoil. 15 grams of dry plant roots are poured into a thermos, poured with boiling water and the lid is tightly screwed on. The product should be infused for 10 hours, after which it will only be filtered. The resulting infusion of Potentilla is drunk before breakfast, lunch and dinner, 150 ml each.

Forbidden to whom?
Potentilla white tincture has only positive reviews, but it should not be taken for certain ailments. This herb should be used with caution in urolithiasis as it can cause large stones to move, causing severe pain and damage to the ureter.
Because Potentilla can lower blood pressure, it should not be taken by people suffering from hypotension. If during the use of the tincture there is an intolerance or an allergic reaction, it is necessary to stop treatment with this plant.
VeryPotentilla should be taken with caution if there is hypothyroidism, since the herb can cause a large release of thyroid hormones. After using medicines based on this plant, constipation may occur. Therefore, patients with intestinal colitis should refrain from treatment with five fingers.
Substances included in the white cinquefoil can provoke the appearance of menstruation, because of this, it should not be used during childbearing. You should also refuse to take the tincture while breastfeeding. The plant can reduce capillary permeability, which can be dangerous with increased blood density.
Potentilla white helps to get rid of many diseases, but you need to take treatment seriously and take precautions when taking it. The first step is to visit a doctor to clarify the diagnosis. It is allowed to take the tincture only as directed by a specialist.
If you use cinquefoil-based medicines correctly, then you will feel better after the first course of therapy: the thyroid bulge will decrease, cysts will disappear, and shortness of breath will disappear. The pentagon goes well with other medicinal plants.