Mental he alth

Existential approach in psychotherapy. Existential psychotherapy: techniques, methods, representatives, basic concepts

Existential approach in psychotherapy. Existential psychotherapy: techniques, methods, representatives, basic concepts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

At all times, people have faced psychological manifestations, such as disappointment, fatigue from life, self-doubt, turning into depression. Problems in different eras were also different, but the feelings and experiences of people are similar

Senile psychosis (senile psychosis): symptoms, signs, treatment

Senile psychosis (senile psychosis): symptoms, signs, treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The books say that senile psychosis and senile dementia are one and the same. But this assumption is wrong. Senile psychosis provokes dementia, but it will not be complete. In addition, the main symptoms of the disease resemble a psychotic disorder. Although the mind often remains normal

Schizoaffective disorders: symptoms, treatment, prognosis

Schizoaffective disorders: symptoms, treatment, prognosis

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Schizoaffective disorder is incurable, and it is not possible to cope with it on your own. However, preventive treatment with a consultation in a psychiatric clinic will allow the patient to become a full-fledged personality, have a normal habitual lifestyle, study and work

Acute psychosis: symptoms, causes, treatment. Reactive acute psychosis

Acute psychosis: symptoms, causes, treatment. Reactive acute psychosis

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

It's time to talk about human he alth, namely, we will touch on the section of psychology. Let's talk about psychosis

Affective psychosis: symptoms, course of the disease, treatment

Affective psychosis: symptoms, course of the disease, treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The category of affective psychoses includes a group of disorders that develop in patients with the onset of a state of extreme shock and severe stress. These pathologies arise on the basis of the development of affect, they are characterized by the periodicity of phases. In this article, we will find out what the symptoms are when affective psychosis appears, the main patterns of the course will also be presented

Pavel Fedorenko - young promising psychologist

Pavel Fedorenko - young promising psychologist

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Pavel Fedorenko is a young specialist, practicing psychologist, who founded the “He althy Thinking System” in 2012 in Saratov. She is a practicing psychologist and author of books on psychology. He conducts many trainings, gives lectures, where he talks about his personally developed methodology

Ways to calm yourself down

Ways to calm yourself down

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

No one is safe from stress in our world. Various loads, conflicts, problems - all this significantly undermines he alth. Therefore, you need to know how to calm yourself. Almost everyone had situations when it seemed that they had already reached the “hands”, and all the negativity was about to spill out on others

ZPR in children: symptoms and causes of the disorder

ZPR in children: symptoms and causes of the disorder

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Under mental retardation refers to the syndrome of mental retardation in general or only its individual functions, as well as slowing down the realization of potential. The latter is expressed in an insufficient stock of knowledge, limited basic ideas and general immaturity of thinking

Ronald Laing, British psychiatrist: biography, education, achievements

Ronald Laing, British psychiatrist: biography, education, achievements

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

This article tells about the British psychiatrist Ronald Laing: his biography, education and contributions to science

What is emotional dullness?

What is emotional dullness?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Let's find out what emotional dullness is, for whom it is typical, how to deal with it. Consider the main symptoms of this disease

Electra complex: fact or fiction?

Electra complex: fact or fiction?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

On the one hand, the Electra complex is opposed to the Oedipal complex (the boy's craving for his mother), which was once formulated by Z. Freud. On the other hand, both the Oedipus complex and the Electra complex (according to Freud) characterize the child's craving for the parent of the opposite sex

Fear in a child: how to treat, causes and consequences of fright

Fear in a child: how to treat, causes and consequences of fright

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Children's fright belongs to the category of neurotic disorders. Most often it affects children under the age of two years. The main signs are changes in the behavior and mood of the baby

Basic treatments for schizophrenia

Basic treatments for schizophrenia

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Schizophrenia is a complex mental disorder. It manifests itself in the disintegration of thought processes and emotional reactions. Hallucinations, paranoid delusions, disorganized thinking and speech, social dysfunction - this is just a minimum of what a person suffering from this disorder has to live with

Asthenic condition: not fatal, but still

Asthenic condition: not fatal, but still

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Can't get enough sleep? Do you wake up in the morning completely unrested? Do you feel weak all day long? Most likely, the doctor will diagnose you with "asthenia", or "asthenic condition"

Gannushkina hospital: where is it located? Reviews and photos

Gannushkina hospital: where is it located? Reviews and photos

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Hospital №4 im. Gannushkina is a neuropsychiatric dispensary that hosts people with various problems, for example, senile dementia, schizophrenia, alcohol addiction, etc. This medical organization has its own website, which anyone can go to and find out something they need

The most cruel maniacs of the world of the twentieth century

The most cruel maniacs of the world of the twentieth century

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The most brutal maniacs in the world shock not by the number of their victims. What the murderers included in this sad rating are guilty of causes a mixture of disgust, fear and horror in the layman. The details of the crimes frightened not only ordinary people, even experienced police officers lost their temper when they found evidence of such atrocities

Megalomaniac. Illness "delusions of grandeur" (schizophrenia). Signs of megalomania

Megalomaniac. Illness "delusions of grandeur" (schizophrenia). Signs of megalomania

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

There are a huge number of different diseases in the world. However, today mental illnesses, various mental disorders and deviations are still very poorly understood. In this article I want to talk about exactly what megalomania is

What to do with a panic attack in different situations?

What to do with a panic attack in different situations?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Not many people know what to do with a panic attack, in such a situation it is important to quickly overcome fear so that everything does not go too far. There are many techniques to help you deal with panic

Signs of suicidal behavior: symptoms, how to recognize, identify, treat and prevent

Signs of suicidal behavior: symptoms, how to recognize, identify, treat and prevent

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The child's suicidal behavior is expressed in his drawings and invented stories. Children can talk about the advantages and disadvantages of one or another way of dying. They may discuss the dangers of drugs, falling from heights, drowning, or suffocation. At the same time, the child has no interests in the present, plans for the future. There are lethargy, drowsiness, deterioration in school performance, insomnia, impaired appetite, weight loss

Psychological trauma is Concept, causes, treatment and consequences

Psychological trauma is Concept, causes, treatment and consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Psychological trauma is a process that occurs as a result of some stressful event. It is difficult to overcome it on your own, you need the help of a specialist. The concept of "psychological trauma" includes problems that appear at the emotional level, in the functions of the brain that are responsible for the perception and formation of certain concepts

What is the name of the fear of blood? Description of the phobia

What is the name of the fear of blood? Description of the phobia

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

What is the name of the fear of blood? In our article, we will consider such a phobia in detail. Let's talk about the reasons for its appearance, manifestation. The topic of treatment of this disease will also be touched upon

Acrophobia is Acrophobia: causes, symptoms and treatment

Acrophobia is Acrophobia: causes, symptoms and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

There are many fears that prevent people from enjoying a fulfilling life. Among them, one can single out acrophobia, which makes it impossible to stay at a height, even a slight one

Aggression in a child. How to negotiate with a little brawler?

Aggression in a child. How to negotiate with a little brawler?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

If you notice that the child is too active or expresses constant dissatisfaction and aggression towards you and others, you should think about what is wrong with the baby

Filophobia - fear of falling in love: causes, symptoms and treatments

Filophobia - fear of falling in love: causes, symptoms and treatments

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Philophobia is the fear of falling in love. This is a certain mental disorder, which includes a strong fear of positive emotions in relation to another person. A person suffering from this disorder is afraid of sincere and intimate feelings, which on his part can be addressed to another individual

Why do people go crazy? Causes and signs that a person has gone crazy

Why do people go crazy? Causes and signs that a person has gone crazy

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

It is not uncommon to hear about people who have gone insane or committed suicide in the news, newspapers or TV shows. Why is this happening? By what signs can such a state be determined? How to live to old age and maintain clarity of thought? Why do people go crazy, read the article

What is psychotherapy: definition of the concept, features, techniques, goals and methods

What is psychotherapy: definition of the concept, features, techniques, goals and methods

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

About what psychotherapy is, experts in this field can tell - scientists, due to whom science is progressing, and practicing psychiatrists, who are in any fairly large settlement. The layman often underestimates the importance of psychotherapy as a method and approach to healing. In Western countries, this is less common, but we have yet to improve people's awareness in this area. Let's try to figure out what we're talking about

Erickson's age periodization: basic principles of the theory, stages of personality development and psychologists' reviews

Erickson's age periodization: basic principles of the theory, stages of personality development and psychologists' reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Erickson's age periodization is a doctrine of the psychosocial development of the personality, developed by a German-American psychologist. In it, he describes 8 stages, focusing on the development of the "I-individual". In his theory, he paid great attention to the concept of the ego. When Freud's theory of development was limited only to childhood, Erickson believed that the personality continues to develop throughout one's life

Classification of psychopathy and their etiology

Classification of psychopathy and their etiology

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

One of the questions that occupy the minds of modern psychologists is the forms of psychopathy, the primary anomalies that explain them, the diversity of the phenomenon and the features of its progress. One of the tasks of specialists is the grouping of signs for the clinical division of all cases into categories. Classifications of modernity are not always sufficiently coherent, different authors hold slightly different positions. Consider the basic

Who should have a psychiatric evaluation? List of professions subject to mandatory psychiatric examination

Who should have a psychiatric evaluation? List of professions subject to mandatory psychiatric examination

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The mental state of the future worker is also important. Especially for speci alties that require exceptional attention and concentration in the performance of work. Therefore, a mandatory psychiatric examination of employees has been introduced

Mild form of autism: signs, initial form of the disease, causes, diagnosis and treatment correction

Mild form of autism: signs, initial form of the disease, causes, diagnosis and treatment correction

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Autism is a form of mental disorder. It develops in connection with the existing disorders in the functioning of the brain. A person with autism has difficulty interacting with others. At the same time, there is a pattern of his thinking, unemotionality, narrowness of interests and other symptoms

Mental disorders in children and adolescents

Mental disorders in children and adolescents

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Mental disorders in children are not uncommon. After all, the nervous system of the child is especially vulnerable. Often, parents, noticing oddities in the behavior of children, postpone a visit to a psychiatrist. They are afraid of registering the child. As a result, the disease is neglected, and signs of mental disorders persist into adulthood

Schizophasia is a speech disorder. Causes, symptoms, treatment of pathology

Schizophasia is a speech disorder. Causes, symptoms, treatment of pathology

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Schizophasia is a speech disorder. With this pathology, statements are constructed correctly, but do not make sense to others. Anomaly refers to deviations of a mental nature. It occurs quite often. The development of this disease occurs as a result of various reasons. One of them is the abuse of alcohol and drugs

Homosexuality - is it a disease or not? Causes, signs, studies and opinions of doctors

Homosexuality - is it a disease or not? Causes, signs, studies and opinions of doctors

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Some people in our progressive age believe that homosexuality is a disease. Such an opinion cannot be considered correct, since there is no such diagnosis in the list of international classification of diseases. If just a century ago, having a non-traditional sexual orientation was considered something unworthy, today even public people - actors, artists, fashion designers, etc. do not hesitate to admit their preferences

How to remove the diagnosis of epilepsy: procedure, necessary documents

How to remove the diagnosis of epilepsy: procedure, necessary documents

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

For a long time, mankind has known about epilepsy. Is it possible to remove the diagnosis in Russia? How does it change human life? Why is it so important to be registered until complete recovery (and it occurs quite rarely)? Doctors know all the answers to these questions. Sick people, as well as their closest relatives, should also be guided in this matter. This article tells all the nuances of how to remove this disappointing diagnosis

How is a psychiatric examination carried out: the procedure for passing, the algorithm for conducting, who is supposed to and the frequency of the check

How is a psychiatric examination carried out: the procedure for passing, the algorithm for conducting, who is supposed to and the frequency of the check

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The question of how a psychiatric examination is carried out is certainly of concern to every person who needs to undergo it. And many people have to deal with this procedure. After all, it is mandatory when applying for many jobs. What is the order of passing it? What algorithm is used? Who is required to pass it, and how often should it be done? There are many questions, and the most important ones should now be answered

Psychiatrist in Novosibirsk: list, selection, rating of the best. Clinics, medical centers and hospitals of the city, quality of treatment and patient reviews

Psychiatrist in Novosibirsk: list, selection, rating of the best. Clinics, medical centers and hospitals of the city, quality of treatment and patient reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Choosing a psychiatrist is a very responsible matter. It is dangerous to trust your mental he alth in the hands of an insufficiently qualified person or a charlatan who wants not to help, but only to make money on the patient. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, the list of the best psychiatrists in Novosibirsk

Amnestic syndrome: causes, symptoms and treatment

Amnestic syndrome: causes, symptoms and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

This is a serious pathological condition that greatly desocializes a person, infinitely affecting aspects of his behavior, with a poor prognosis, destroying the core of the personality. This is not a separate characteristic disease, but a condition that occurs with various pathological manifestations. The disease is not selective in terms of gender, age, it greatly affects the life aspects of the individual and himself

Psychiatric examination when applying for a job: concept, purpose and procedure for passing

Psychiatric examination when applying for a job: concept, purpose and procedure for passing

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Psychiatric examination when applying for a job today is becoming one of the necessary stages of employment, especially when it comes to certain categories of workers. This medical procedure does not violate human rights if it is provided for in the law

How to get rid of depression on your own: advice from a psychologist, causes, symptoms and treatments

How to get rid of depression on your own: advice from a psychologist, causes, symptoms and treatments

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

According to statistics and numerous studies, only 3% of people inhabiting the planet are not prone to depressive disorders. The rest of the people have experienced this pathological condition in the past, suffer from it now or risk experiencing it in the future. Every year, more than 150 million people suffering from depression lose their ability to work. In addition, half of the suicides are committed in this state

Paranoid syndrome: description, causes, symptoms and treatment

Paranoid syndrome: description, causes, symptoms and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Complex mental disorder - paranoid syndrome. Causes, clinical picture and therapeutic methods of removing the patient from the state of hallucinations and delusions