The category of affective psychoses includes a group of disorders that develop in patients with the onset of a state of extreme shock and severe stress. These pathologies arise on the basis of the development of affect, they are characterized by the periodicity of phases. In this article, we will find out what the symptoms are when affective psychosis appears, the main patterns of the course will also be presented.

Development Feature
Feature of the development of affective type psychosis is:
- Suddenness of formation. This form appears, as a rule, without any previous symptoms.
- Strictly biphasic course of the disorder. Mania and depression should be considered as these phases.
Provoking disease factors
Affective psychoses are usually caused by the following factors:
- The presence of strong fluctuations in hormonal levels inhuman body.
- Genetic predetermination.
- Concomitant somatic pathology. It may be hormonally determined. In addition, this pathology is characterized by the residence of certain periods, for example, puberty, menopause, menopause, pregnancy, and the like.
- Using antidepressants.
Main provoking factor
Affective psychoses in psychiatry are diagnosed quite often. The main provoking factor causing the onset of such a state is the presence of a person in an extreme position for his psyche. This may be, for example, a situation of obvious threat to life. In addition, figuratively speaking, the mind may perceive the usual situation as threatening death for the body, or simply conjecture the circumstances to such a state. Through the mind, the appearance of pain along with suffocation or other similar sensations can be staged.

Narrowing of consciousness
States within affective psychosis are characterized by a narrowing of the level of consciousness. It is also accompanied by inadequate thinking for the environment. All this, as a rule, is reflected in behavior and speech. Deviations in such functions arise as a result of abrupt changes in the energy of the brain due to the accumulation of under-oxidized waste products in the blood under the influence of a stress factor. These foods become toxic substances called hallucinogens.
First experiencestay in an affective state a person experiences being a fetus in the womb. The process occurs under the influence of brain hypoxia, which is determined by the behavior, as well as the energy of the pregnant woman.
Risk category
The risk category includes both sexes. But mostly women with such a personality type, in which the psychopathic and hysterical component predominates, fall into it. In addition, this category includes people with a psyche that has been deformed as a result of trauma. Such changes in the structure of the nervous system can also be affected by neuroinfections.
Recurrent depression has a nosological position among affective psychoses.
Features of the disease
The difference between this kind of psychosis and bipolar disorder, which occurs in two phases, is that the latter type, as a result of its course, forms mixed states, in which the symptoms of depression are replaced by signs of mania or vice versa. The development of psychotic states of affective genesis occurs as a result of a change in the depressive and manic phases.

What's the difference?
The difference between them lies in their diametrically opposed behavior patterns. They can also be distinguished by changes in speech and movements, which are characterized by either unusual revival or depression of the patient's psyche. The classic sign of the first phase is the presence of dreary depression, but the disorder may have featuresanxious, hypochondriacal, or hysterical.
Prevailing emotions
The prevailing emotion is, as a rule, the appearance of despondency along with depression, passivity and indifference in behavior. All this is determined by the circumstances of the seemingly hopeless situation from a situation that traumatizes the human psyche. At the same time, absolutely all the thoughts of the patient are concentrated on it. The symptoms of affective psychosis vary from person to person.
The patient's statements are filled with self-accusations, as well as all sorts of ideas of his own uselessness and sinfulness. Or this state can be expressed in terms of accusations against others, which become especially persistent due to concern about the he alth of the opponent. Manifest and reactive forms of depression are accompanied by a pronounced negative vegetative. Physically, this usually manifests itself in the form of a rapid heart rate, spikes in blood pressure, shortness of breath, and sweating. At the same time, mood improvement can be noted in the evening hours. True, the night's sleep is extremely disturbed, it is intermittent and filled with nightmares. Appetite, as practice shows, usually decreases.
In bipolar affective psychosis, excessive dramatization with complaints about fate and life circumstances may be accompanied by general motor retardation along with a slowness in the rate of speech and thought processes. At the same time, speech and thinking do not differ in the richness or variety of their shades. The duration of the presented depression, inwithin which complaints about mental pain often take on the character of a physical sensation, is a time period of three to six months. The general structure of the depressive phases themselves is up to eighty percent of their total volume.
It is also worth noting that among affective psychoses, the manic-depressive variant is quite common.

The manic phase of this form of psychosis is characterized by atypia of behavior and movements, which is explained by the patient being in a state of inexplicable and incomprehensible euphoria in situations in which it concerns self-assessment of one's activities.
The patient is in a state of unjustified complacency, experiencing pleasant sensations from his mobility. At the same time, he also talks a lot and willingly, accompanying his speech with rich gestures. The patient is sociable, but against the background of all this, his attention is extremely superficial, and his actions are not thought out and justified.
The whole behavior of the patient as a whole gives the impression of some random movements and unconscious excitement. In addition, the general behavior of the patient seems to be unproductive. There is a kind of movement just for the sake of it. Actions do not bring any fun or joy. The patient causes an explosion of irritation along with anger at any slightest criticism from outside or when listening to adequate questions.
Thinking activity
Cogitative activity, as well as speech on the background of the disorder, tooare distinguished by a low level of concentration of attention, which is accompanied by superficial unconsciousness along with fading. Emotions in a patient with bipolar affective psychosis are shallow and monotonous, they are interrupted by outbursts of completely unmotivated anger. Disorders of appetite and sleep can complement the overall picture of the phase. Its duration is sometimes up to one year. The exception is mania, which builds up over five days and lasts about six months.
It is interesting to note that up to twenty percent of patients with this psychopathology suffer from the classic mania of fun, which lasts up to four months with the appearance of delusional disorders at the peak of affect.
Diagnosis of affective psychosis

The following factors are important in making a diagnosis:
- Clinic with inherent biphasic component.
- The presence of a connection with fluctuations in the hormonal activity of the human body.
- The presence of a genetic determinant and the transmission of the disease from generation to generation.
In order to confirm the diagnosis, specialists also use instrumental research methods:
- Performing electroencephalography.
- Computed tomography of the brain.
- Taking samples of biological materials of the body. Thus, a clinical and biochemical blood test is needed.
In order to diagnose, it is advisable to invite an oncologist, as well asoptometrist, pediatrician and other specialists.
Methods and techniques for treating affective psychosis
Treatment directly depends on what phase the disease is in at a particular moment. With exacerbation, medications are especially actively used. During the period of remission, specialists resort, as a rule, to psychotherapeutic methods of influencing patients. Directly to the methods of psychotherapy include the following techniques:
- Hypnotic therapy.
- Group or individual occupational therapy.
- Art therapy.
- Conducting psychoanalysis.
- Performing relaxation therapy.

Drug exposure is carried out based on the pathology phase. In the depressive phase, specialists use the following drugs:
- Drugs that prevent depression of the nervous system.
- Drugs that contribute to a general increase in mood, improving the tone of the body as a whole.
- Medicines designed to prevent muscle stiffness and slow motor skills.
Medications from the first category include antipsychotics, which improve the clarity of thinking. These include "Risperidone", "Eglonil" and others. The use of benzodiazepine agents, which include Phenazepam, makes it possible to reduce the overall level of depression and anxiety, reducing the manifestations of fear and muscle stiffness. Such pills artificially lower the excitability thresholds of subcortical structures. The use of mood stabilizers (lithium s alts) improves mood. In turn, the category of antidepressants, which includes "Sertraline" and similar drugs, softens the phenomena of melancholy and hopelessness. A group of anticholinergics, among which Akineton and its analogues can be named, significantly reduce muscle stiffness and contribute to greater freedom of movement.
Directly in the manic phase, it is desirable to prescribe the following drugs:
- Drugs with antipsychotic action. Among them, it is worth mentioning such medicines as Fluanxol and Solian.
- Preparations related to the benzodiazepine series. In this case, we are talking about Zopiclone and Oxazepam. These drugs have a sedative effect on the body of patients, helping to restore sleep and reduce anxiety.
- Drugs related to the normothymic spectrum. These include "Kontemnol" and "Aktinerval", they allow you to control the level of emotional state.
- Ancholinergics, which include "Cyclodol" and similar means. Such drugs reduce the level of side effects from neuroleptics, preventing excessive excitability from the side of brain neurons.
Symptoms and treatment of affective psychosis are often linked.

Preventive measures
The states of psychosis that can lead to vital anguish, with proper and timely treatment, can be completely reversible. Thus, attimely treatment can achieve positive changes in the psyche, as well as fully restore all its functions.
Measures for the prevention of manic-affective psychosis are primarily the preservation of the nervous system. At the same time, it must be protected from psychological trauma and neuroinfections. It is also extremely important to observe the norms of the duration of work and rest, maintaining an adequate and he althy psychological climate in any team. In addition, it is required to take measures aimed at maintaining the body in a state of full working capacity and the tone required for life. Also, for a he althy psycho-emotional state, a person needs regular receipt of positive emotions.