Under mental retardation refers to the syndrome of mental retardation in general or only its individual functions, as well as slowing down the realization of potential. The latter is expressed in an insufficient stock of knowledge, limited basic ideas and general immaturity of thinking. The main difficulties that such children have to face are related to social adaptation. At the same time, mental retardation is a complex disorder in which, depending on its degree, mental, physical and psychological components of activity suffer. At the same time, we can also talk about what refers to the borderline form of mental retardation disorders in children. Symptoms may be pronounced due to uneven mental functions, which can be associated with both damage and underdevelopment.

Causes of mental retardation in children
The symptoms of this disorder are closely related to the causes that led to the onset of the disease. Biological ones include pathology of pregnancy, asphyxia or other injuries received during childbirth, prematurity,infection, and genetic predisposition. For social reasons - unfavorable conditions of education, limitation of life, psychotraumatic situations.
Manifestations of mental retardation in children
Symptoms of violation are very diverse. So, in such children, a delay in physical development is often found: muscle failure, growth retardation, underdevelopment of muscles. In addition, the formation of how to walk may be delayed,

so speech, as well as the stages of the game.
Emotional-volitional sphere
Features of development also affect the emotional-volitional sphere. So, in children with mental retardation, organic infantilism is manifested: the brightness and liveliness of emotions are not as pronounced as in he althy children, the volitional component is poorly developed. It is much more difficult for such a child to make an effort of will, to force himself to do something. This leads to the fact that the cognitive sphere begins to suffer.
Sphere of Knowledge
There are also violations here. These include instability of attention, reduced switchability, slowness. If CRA is found in children, the symptoms of deviation indicate that they need a longer period to process and receive both visual and any other impressions. The game is usually distinguished by the scarcity of the creative process and the poverty of the imagination, some monotony. Due to increased exhaustion, these children have a low level of performance. At the same time, impaired attention can be combined with an increase in speech and motor activity. This complexdeviations are typical for manifestations of mental retardation in children. Its symptoms, not complicated by other manifestations, are referred to as "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder".

The speech of children with mental retardation and the features of its formation depend, first of all, on the severity of the disorder. So, for example, only a slight delay may be detected, indicating a discrepancy with the level of the norm. In more severe forms, there may be a violation of the lexical and grammatical side of speech. A child with mental retardation has a much smaller stock of information about the world around him. In such children, both spatial and temporal representations are not fully formed.