According to statistics and numerous studies, only 3% of people inhabiting the planet are not prone to depressive disorders. The rest of the people have experienced this pathological condition in the past, suffer from it now or risk experiencing it in the future. Every year, more than 150 million people suffering from depression lose their ability to work. In addition, half of suicides are committed in this state. It is important to understand that it is pathological, it cannot be ignored. When the first warning signs appear, it is recommended to contact a specialist and get information on how to get rid of apathy and depression. You also need to deal with the disorder on your own. At the same time, a person, as a rule, can cope with an illness without medical assistance.

Causes and signs of depression
In medicine, this term refers to an affective disorder, the course of which is accompanied by depressed mood, slow reaction and negative thinking. Depression is currently the most common type of mental disorder. At the same time, women are the most resistant to its development. In the fairer sex, the risk of a violation is extremely high during menopause, it is at this time that the disorder is most often diagnosed.
To understand whether you can get rid of depression on your own, it is important to determine its type. The pathological condition may be:
- Exogenous. In this case, the development of a mental disorder is provoked by an external stimulus. A striking example is the death of a loved one.
- Endogenous. The disorder arises against the background of existing internal problems. At the same time, most often a person cannot explain which ones.
Psychologists also classify depression into the following types:
- Dysthymia. In this case, we are talking about a pathological process of a chronic nature. The person is constantly depressed, tired, suffers from insomnia and often refuses to eat. Some people sooner or later realize the deplorability of their situation and turn to a specialist to provide them with information on how to get rid of chronic depression. It is also possible to cope with the disease on your own, it is not a sentence.
- Recurrent. It is characterized by the occurrence of clinical manifestations approximately once every 30 days. Symptoms of the disorder persist for several days.
- Reactive. Occurs instantly. It is a kind of response of the body that has experienced severe stress.
- Neurotic. It is a consequence of psycho-emotional instability. Neuroses are considered to be the main provoking factor.
- Manic-depressive disorder. People suffering from the disorder lead a normal life, they are no different from he althy people. Seizures are of a short duration. Remission periods, on the other hand, are very long.
- Postpartum. It occurs in women in the first days after the birth of their child. Symptoms are quite pronounced, every mother is able to suspect the presence of this disorder. In such cases, you can get rid of depression itself. As described below.
In most cases, the disorder progresses slowly. Psychotherapists refer to the following conditions as early signs of illness:
- Reduced or lack of interest in favorite activities.
- Laziness.
- The desire to work as little as possible and rest more.
- Permanent feeling of tiredness.
- General weakness.
- Nausea in the morning.
- Decreased libido.
- Patience.
- Feeling that people around you are constantly trying to morally offend.
- Irritable.
- Bad mood.
- Inexplicable feeling of unease.
- Violation of the usual regime of day and night.
- Insomnia.
- Frequent headache episodes.
- Intense fear.
- Inability to make decisions.
- Lower self-esteem.
Over time, emotional and other symptoms related to other groups appear. Clinical manifestations of progressive depression:
- Longing.
- Suffering.
- Despair.
- Dissatisfied with yourself.
- Desire to retire.
- Loss of interest in the world around.
- Frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages.
- No meaning to life.
- Significant decrease in concentration.
- Inability to make decisions, avoiding any responsibility.
- Lack of energy after waking up in the morning.
- Pain in the muscles.
- Feeling broken.
- Pain in the heart area.
- Distorted perception of colors and sounds.
- Persistent dry mouth and consequent thirst.
Extremely severe depression is indicated by suicidal thoughts. Often, patients develop a plan for suicide and clearly imagine it. In this case, the advice of psychologists will not help. How to get rid of depression on their own, they will not be able to tell. Patients in such cases do not feel the desire to get out of this state. In such situations, the only right decision is hospitalization. The psychiatrist then works with the patient.
To understand how to get rid of depression on your own and forever, it is important to identify the cause of the disorder. Usually provokingthe factors are:
- The presence of serious diseases that significantly impair the quality of life.
- Mental disorders.
- Alcohol and/or drug addiction.
- Taking certain medications. For example, studies show that hormonal and blood pressure medications are the most likely to trigger depression.
- Overwork.
- Failure to achieve your goal for a long time.
- Failure at work.
- Problems in personal life.
Women are less likely to suffer from depression, but their clinical manifestations are severe. Men, on the other hand, can be in this state for years, and others may not even suspect that they have a disorder.
According to medical reviews, how to get rid of depression on your own is a question that worries a large number of people. Psychotherapists consider this a good sign, since awareness of the problem is already a sign that a person is ready to deal with it. Ways to get rid of the disorder are described below.

Do not ignore the pathological condition and let go of resentment
In some cases, people think that depression is short-term, that is, after a few days it will disappear on its own. Contrary to popular belief, this is not the case. Depression is a progressive disorder. The patient will not even notice how thoughts of suicide will begin to visit him more and more often.
It is important to understand thatignoring the problem is fundamentally the wrong tactic. In this case, the advice of psychologists can come to the rescue. How to get rid of depression on your own, according to the opinions of experts? The first step to recovery is thinking about the situation. You need to stop working for wear and tear, take a break and analyze your condition.
Another common mistake is the accumulation of resentment. This is a heavy load. Any negative significantly worsens the quality of life. It is important not to dwell on grievances and forgive the person who behaved in a bad way. It will be difficult at first, but don't give up. Within a few days, an unprecedented lightness will appear in both thoughts and body.
This term refers to the method of controlling the psyche with the help of will and concentration. After meditation, negative thoughts recede, the pictures in the head cease to be terrifying, a person finds harmony and begins to accept himself with all the advantages and disadvantages.
Regarding how to get rid of depression yourself at home using this technique. Meditation should be practiced daily. Several exercises for beginners have now been developed.
The most effective is thought counting. There are a lot of them in the human head, they are constantly changing. In a calm environment for 5 minutes, you need to count thoughts. In other words, celebrate the appearance of each new one. The task of the exercise is to control the thought process, it is important to make it a part of consciousness. Energy dominates during countingawareness. Some people manage to mark dozens of thoughts in 5 minutes.
To achieve complete harmony is not possible immediately. During meditation, states such as fear, irritation, boredom, anxiety, doubt, and even lust can arise. At the first sign of a distraction, it is important to understand what preceded it, how it began, what thoughts provoked it. Such introspection allows you to cope with the above conditions.
One of the effective methods of meditation is breathing. Psychotherapists recommend doing it most often, especially to people who are interested in how to get rid of autumn depression on their own. This is a seasonal type of disorder, the occurrence of which is provoked by a cold snap and a decrease in the length of daylight hours.
The technique is simple, but at the same time it is a powerful tool for managing the psyche. Its essence lies in the observation of the breath. You don't need to speed it up or slow it down, you just need to watch it. The purpose of the technique is to understand that the breathing process works like a clockwork. During meditation, a clear feeling and understanding of both the body and the person residing in it gradually appears.

Order in the head and home
As a rule, with depression, a lot of anger is concentrated inside a person. In most cases, this condition occurs due to insults caused by relatives, spouse, colleagues. Some people are ready to look at the whole world with rage. If anger is not thrown out, a pathological conditionbecomes chronic, characterized by a protracted course.
Psychotherapists consider 2 methods to be the most effective. How to get rid of prolonged depression on your own:
- Go to a deserted place, like a forest. Start screaming loudly and with anger. Do this until it gets easier.
- Take a pillow at home and hit it with all your might. If possible, it is recommended to go to the gym and box.
These two exercises are very effective, they help to throw out anger and clean up the mind.
Psychotherapists note that not a single piece of advice on how to get rid of depression on your own (autumn, postpartum, etc.) will not help if the surrounding atmosphere does not contribute to this. To do this, you need to put things in order in your home. It is important to understand that garbage and unnecessary things provoke the appearance of negative thoughts. As a result, a person makes an erroneous conclusion that he does not need to change internally at all. If the house is in order, and the space is cleared of unnecessary things, it is easier to achieve harmony with oneself and tune in to positive thinking.

No to loneliness and alcohol
Drinking alcoholic beverages is not a way out of this situation. Sooner or later, a person realizes this and begins to look for other ways to get distracted. This may be smoking, taking drugs, casual sexual contact. It is important to understand that all this will help to forget about negative thoughts only for a short period.time. Depression without competent intervention always returns, while the intensity of its manifestations becomes stronger. In addition, the above methods significantly worsen the state of he alth.
Let's give another piece of advice from psychologists. How to get rid of depression on your own, without becoming a recluse or an overly sociable person? It is important to find a middle ground. You can’t lock yourself in, you need to find an interlocutor who is distinguished by wisdom in relation to life situations. Such a person should not suffer from depression and other mental disorders. Wise people are always full of positive thoughts and steadfastly endure life's difficulties. They are good listeners and interlocutors. After talking with such people, relief comes, and it is not of a short-term nature.
Other ways to fight
The above methods are currently recognized as the most effective. But psychologists always give a few more tips on how to get rid of depression on your own (both autumn and postpartum, etc.). This is necessary to consolidate a positive result.
Additional methods of dealing with depression:
- Hobby. It is important to understand what kind of activity truly brings joy. It is necessary to allocate at least a little time for it, but every day.
- Getting new emotions. Monotony is synonymous with boredom. The latter, in turn, often leads to apathy and depression. It doesn't have to be overly extreme. It is recommended to do what inspires fear. For example, a person who is afraid of heights can conquermountain peak or take a plane vacation.
- Correction of the diet. The menu should not consist only of "heavy" dishes. It is important to include fruits and vegetables in your diet. The amount of fatty foods and meat dishes is recommended to be limited. This is due to the fact that against the background of an unbalanced diet, the positive energy of a person weakens. He becomes lazy and lethargic.
- Recreation in nature. It can even be walking alone. Pictures of nature and its sounds have a positive effect on the mental state.
Thus, people who are interested in how to get rid of depression on their own can be given the following advice: you need to find harmony with yourself, but periodically it is important to arrange emotional shake-ups that are positive. In other words, it is recommended to avoid monotony and do what you love.

The final stage is a deep analysis of the pathological condition
A person always pays attention only to negative signals. If life had never been overshadowed, it would pass quickly and imperceptibly. It is important to know that a depressed state is a signal that something is not right in the inner world of a person. Before you get rid of depression yourself (advice of this kind has already been mentioned above), you need to understand why it arose.
To do this, you need to answer yourself the following questions:
- At what moment it arose, what situation preceded it.
- Is suffering far-fetched.
- Which person caused the depression.
After that, it is recommended to think about what you can change in your life. First of all, it is important to remove the irritant from it. For example, if divorce is the cause of depression, you need to let go of the person and not focus only on the past. It is recommended to minimize contact with people who are boring.
In addition, during the period of introspection, you do not need to read the news (as a rule, they are negative) and watch scandalous TV shows - this is another important advice from psychologists. How to get rid of depression on your own if the media broadcasts daily about tragedies? No way, in such situations it is very easy to bring yourself to suicidal thoughts, which, at best, will end in hospitalization and registration.

Postpartum depression
This condition is diagnosed very often. Many women do not realize that the joy of motherhood may not appear immediately. Scared of themselves, they start looking for information on how to get rid of postpartum depression on their own.
Tips in this case are as follows:
- Need to prioritize. Child care should come first. As soon as he falls asleep, you do not need to immediately clean up if there is no strength at all. It is important to make time for rest.
- Don't turn down help. You need to get used to the new rhythm of life. If no one offers help, do not be shy. It is necessary to ask for it from loved ones.
- We need to get rid of the obsessive image of the ideal mother. You can't box yourself in. You need to understand that doing everything in time is almost impossible.
- It is important to properly organize the diet. To free up more time for rest, it is recommended to prepare simple meals. It is desirable to eat often and in small portions, especially for lactating women. If the child is not bothered by abdominal pain, he will sleep longer and more peacefully.
In addition, women who are interested in how to get rid of postpartum depression on their own should not forget about self-care. Even simple procedures help you feel desirable again, and this has a positive effect on your mental state.
Folk methods
In the fight against a pathological condition, herbal medicine is an excellent assistant. Reception of healing agents is recommended to anyone who wants to receive information on how to get rid of depression on their own. The advice of a psychotherapist helps to understand the inner world, while decoctions and infusions normalize processes directly in the body.
Most Effective Recipes:
- Take 6 tsp. dried and crushed St. John's wort. Pour raw materials with 0.6 liters of boiling water. Let it brew for 15 minutes. Take three times a day, 200 ml. Course - at least 3 months.
- Take 1 tbsp. l. pre-dried and crushed peppermint. Pour raw materials with 200 ml of water. Place the container in a water bath. Simmer for 15 minutes. Take 100 ml twice a day.
- Take 20 g of berriesChinese lemongrass. Pour 300 ml of water over them. Put the container on fire. Boil for 5 minutes. Drink liquid in small sips throughout the day. Honey can be added to taste.
In a few days, the mood improves, insomnia disappears, weakness recedes. Regarding how to get rid of postpartum depression on your own with the help of herbs, we note the following: any plant is a potential allergen. In this regard, the intake of decoctions and infusions in most cases is contraindicated for nursing mothers.

In closing
Depression is a pathological condition that is characterized by the occurrence of not only mental but also physical symptoms. The most serious and dangerous clinical manifestation of the disease is the presence of thoughts about committing suicide. In this case, hospitalization is indicated. In all other situations, it is possible to get rid of depression on your own. It is important to analyze this condition, find out its cause and let go of all negative thoughts. In addition, you need to understand what changes in life will be beneficial.