Basic treatments for schizophrenia

Basic treatments for schizophrenia
Basic treatments for schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a complex mental disorder. It manifests itself in the disintegration of thought processes and emotional reactions. Hallucinations, paranoid delusions, disorganized thinking and speech, social dysfunction - this is just a minimum of what a person suffering from this disorder has to live with.

Is it possible to treat schizophrenia? If yes, at what stages? Is complete healing real? And in general, by what symptoms can it be detected? Well, this and much more will be discussed now.

Treatment of schizophrenia folk remedies
Treatment of schizophrenia folk remedies

Causes of the disorder

They remain confusing and unclear to this day, although, thanks to advances in neuroscience, some questions are beginning to be answered. If you do not go deep, then the reasons that provoke the onset of the development of schizophrenia, the treatment of which will be discussed later, can be identified in the following list:

  • Genetic predisposition. The inheritance of this disorder is complex. Scientists do not exclude the possibility of interactionseveral genes. They either cause a risk of schizophrenia, or provoke several pathological processes at once, which eventually add up to a single diagnosis.
  • Gene mutations. And of a very specific nature - they definitely were in someone's pedigree, perhaps several generations ago, but none of the patient's parents have them.
  • Social factors. They include everything from traumatic experiences, psychological trauma and prolonged stress, ending with inadequate emotional treatment, lack of well-being in the family and social isolation.
  • Psychological factors. Cognitive distortions, as well as many other problems of this nature, are considered a predisposition to the manifestation of symptoms of schizophrenia. It is believed that in such people, delirium may be a reflection of the emotional causes of the disease.
  • Drug addiction. All banned substances are psychoactive drugs. One way or another, they affect the mental state of a person. And for people with already diagnosed schizophrenia, they have a stimulating effect. Drugs only increase psychotic symptoms.
  • Neurocognitive impairment. In people with schizophrenia, differences have been identified that affect the temporal and frontal lobes. Doctors also recorded hypofrontality, which manifests itself in a decrease in blood flow to the frontal and prefrontal regions of the cerebral cortex.

It is extremely important at least at this level, in general, to know about the causes of schizophrenia. After all, treatment is prescribed taking into account the prerequisites.



It is important to talk about them too. When prescribing treatment for schizophrenia, the symptoms are also taken into account. Typically, symptoms are:

  • Disorganization, non-standard speech and thinking.
  • Dusions and hallucinations (auditory, usually).
  • Violation of social cognition (problems in communication, behavior).
  • Abulia and apathy.
  • Aimless arousal or long silence.
  • Reducing the brightness of experienced emotions.
  • Scanty, poor speech.
  • Loss of ability to enjoy.

As part of the topic of treatment and symptoms of schizophrenia, it is important to note that about 2 years before the onset of obvious signs of it, alarming signals can be noticed. These are, as a rule, causeless irritability, a tendency to social isolation and a painfully low mood.

Is a cure possible?

Well, now we can move on to the treatment of schizophrenia. In fact, this is a very controversial topic. There is not even a generally accepted definition of this concept, what can we say about a full-fledged treatment?

However, recently scientists have proposed some rational criteria for remission, which are easily applied in clinical practice and in research. There are also standard assessment methods. The generally accepted scale is the assessment of positive and negative syndromes (PANSS).

Modern methods of treating schizophrenia are aimed, of course, at healing a person, but it is impossible. Imbalance of the work of both hemispheres is unrealistic to leadback to normal. But in no case should everything be left to chance.

Therapy effectively helps to correct symptoms and significantly increase the level of brain functioning. A person may not be completely healed, but treatment will prevent relapses of the psychotic episode and maintain a stable state of his psyche.

Innovative treatments for schizophrenia
Innovative treatments for schizophrenia

Treatment of schizophrenia with antipsychotics

Drug therapy is considered the most effective and common. Antipsychotics are psychotropic drugs that effectively affect the productive symptoms described above.

They are different - there are dihydroindolones, thioxanthenes, dibenzoxazepines, etc. Regardless of the class of neuroleptics, the antipsychotic effect of each of them lies in the ability to block dopamine D2 receptors. They are found in the basal ganglia and in the frontal cortex.

In simple terms, the treatment of schizophrenia with antipsychotics is aimed at restoring the homeostasis of this system. At the cellular level, they block the depolarization of mesolimbic, nigrostriatal and dopaminergic neurons.

Also, to some extent, these drugs affect muscarinic, serotonin, dopamine, as well as alpha and beta receptors.

Side effects

Unfortunately, after the treatment of schizophrenia with antipsychotics, a number of side effects occur. Which ones? It depends on the characteristics of the pharmacological action of the drug.

Take, for example, medicines with anticholinergic action -those that block the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Due to their intake, the patient experiences dry mouth, infrequent urination, constipation, and accommodation disorders.

Noradrenergic, cholinergic and dopaminergic drugs cause disorders in the genital area. These include anorgasmia, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, lubrication disorder, galactorrhea, soreness and swelling of the mammary glands, deterioration of potency.

But the worst consequence is a violation of motor functions. The following side effects are also common:

  • Termregulation disorders.
  • Malignant neuroleptic syndrome.
  • Epileptic seizures.
  • Tired and sleepy.
  • Extrapyramidal disorders.
  • Changes in ECG.
  • Tachycardia of various forms.
  • Orthostatic hypotension.
  • Increase skin sensitivity to light.
  • Many allergic reactions.
  • Galactorrhea and amenorrhea.
  • Getting mass for no reason.
  • Sexual dysfunction.
  • Constipation.
  • Cholestatic jaundice.
  • Leukopenia.
  • Agranulocytosis.
  • Retinitis pigmentosa.

Also, a person may have acute and sudden reactions. This is manifested, as a rule, in spontaneous contraction of the muscles of the trunk and face. Eliminate this by injection of benzotropine or diphenylhydramine. Many more people experience inner turmoil and an urgent need to move early in therapy.

Treatment of schizophreniain Israel
Treatment of schizophreniain Israel

Innovation in therapy

It is encouraging that scientists are taking action to develop newer, more advanced treatments for schizophrenia. They can be called innovative.

So, for example, in the psychiatric hospital No. 5, located in Novosibirsk, they are already resorting to the delivery of control cytokines directly to the limbic system of the brain. But this approach, if you start to apply it everywhere, will inevitably entail not only the rejection of traditional drugs, but a change in the whole theory regarding the disease as a whole.

Yes, and scientists themselves believe that autoimmune destruction of neurons is the only thing that can explain the pathogenesis and etiology of schizophrenia. Therefore, traditional antipsychotics are replaced with a special cryopreserved solution of cytokines. Inside, he gets through the nose, through inhalation. The course includes more than 100 inhalations.

Of course, for now all hospitals continue to treat schizophrenia with drugs. This method is currently at the stage of clinical trials. But the fact that medicine seeks to move away from conservative ways cannot but rejoice.


Talking about the signs, symptoms and treatment of schizophrenia, I would also like to mention this method. The goals of psychotherapy are:

  • Prevent autism and social isolation of the patient.
  • To soften the person's reaction to situations that happen to him due to schizophrenia or ongoing treatment.
  • Help deal with mental stress.
  • Support,encouragement, showing concern for the patient's situation.

Psychotherapy is difficult both for a patient who finds it difficult to open up and generally make contact, and for a doctor. It is very important to choose the right method and technique. This takes into account the type and form of the course of the disease, its features, as well as the patient's personality and everything connected with it. For people, especially those with low-progressive schizophrenia, competent psychotherapy really helps.

Schizophrenia: symptoms, signs and treatment
Schizophrenia: symptoms, signs and treatment

Folk remedies

What kind of ailments people tried to cope with with their help! Schizophrenia was no exception. Treatment of such a serious and complex disease with folk remedies is doubtful, but there are some recipes that are considered effective. Here are some of them:

  • Remedy for eliminating hallucinations. Medicinal comfrey (1 tsp) pour clean water (1 l). Send to slow fire. When the broth boils, reduce the flame and leave for another 10 minutes. Then remove, let it brew for an hour, strain. Drink the resulting volume in small portions per day. The course lasts 10 days. Then - a 2-week break and repeat if necessary.
  • Means for mitigating aggression. Pour flowering mignonette (200 g) with vegetable oil (0.5 l) and let it brew for 14 days. The composition should be in a dark glass container, and always in a cool place. Periodically shake the product. After the time has passed, you can use it - rub the oil into the whiskey 2 times a day.
  • Remedy for tremor. Oregano (3 tbsp.l.) pour boiling water (3 tablespoons) and let it brew for 12 hours, preferably in a thermos. Strain and drink during the day for 4 doses. Prepare this infusion daily, consume for 30 days. Then you need to take a month break.
  • Remedy for relieving seizures. Pour foxglove (1 tsp) into a thermos and pour boiling water (350 ml). Insist for 12 hours. Drink 50 milliliters four times a day.

With regard to the signs, symptoms and treatment of schizophrenia in men and women, I would like to note that a mixture of hop cones and blackberry leaves is also recommended. You just need to brew two tablespoons of the collection with half a liter of boiling water, leave for 12 hours, and then drink 4 doses a day. This tool helps to cope with disorders in the central nervous system and strengthen it.

Treatment prognosis for schizophrenia
Treatment prognosis for schizophrenia


If the treatment of schizophrenia with folk remedies causes a lot of skepticism, then there is more confidence in the approach known as soteria.

A person suffering from this disease is assigned to a medical institution, which does not resemble one with its situation. Its features are the home environment, service provided by unskilled personnel, as well as the prescription by doctors (professional doctoral control is required) of neuroleptics in low dosages. Although, it is often possible to do without them.

Soteria is an alternative to clinical treatment. The bottom line is that in such an environment, people do not feel sick orabnormal. Medical control is carried out as if secretly. Drugs are not prescribed without fail - only if the patient himself wishes it. In addition, they can participate in the choice of medication themselves.

The most important thing is that people are not limited by anything. They can do their own cooking, take care of themselves. At the same time, they are constantly watched, and they are also helped to constructively rethink their hallucinations and delusions.

I can't help but rejoice that Soteria is as effective as the treatment of schizophrenia with drugs. This is confirmed by numerous studies. The results of some of these were even published in 2004 by the journal World Psychiatry. Those studies were conducted in Bern. Once again, it was concluded that in this specific environment, people can be treated just as successfully as in conventional clinics.

Be that as it may, the subjective-emotional, social and family level of a person's perception of what is happening has a significant impact on the process of therapy.

Therapy in Israel

For quality medical care, many people are sent abroad. Often in Israel. The treatment of schizophrenia is based on a combination of pharmacological agents and psychotherapy. Combining these methods helps a person:

  • Begin to perceive reality more adequately.
  • Get rid of social constraint.
  • Stop hearing hallucinations.
  • Get rid of strange behavior.

Abroad, there is a completely different approach to the patient. Medical treatments for schizophreniaused only to relieve acute symptoms. After that, only supportive therapy. Israeli doctors help a person and his family perceive this disease correctly.

The treatment regimen is compiled individually. The first two stages are a conversation with a doctor and hardware diagnostics, including EEG and CT.

Then, detoxification of the body, taking drugs that act on individual brain lobes, or antipsychotics that block dopamine receptors can be prescribed.

In extremely rare cases, shock therapy is used (electroconvulsive measures, insulin coma, etc.). It can be prescribed if a person cannot cope with an illness, and shows a tendency to commit suicide and harm others. But with the disease of sluggish schizophrenia, doctors consider dietary-unloading therapy appropriate. It is believed that dietary optimization can indeed lead to progress in treatment.

Ways to treat schizophrenia
Ways to treat schizophrenia


In many cases, the prognosis for schizophrenia is positive. Of course, remission is not a sign of complete healing. Its diagnosis suggests that a person has been in a stable condition for a long time without symptoms and feels great.

According to statistics, approximately 30% of people suffering from this disease can return to their original habitual lifestyle.

Another 30% of some of its manifestations persist despite treatment. Symptoms and signs of schizophrenia in women and men manifest themselves differently, withdiffering in intensity, so that healing from them is not typical. People in this 30% often feel uncomfortable, they sometimes have ideas about persecution. But they can socialize and work.

If people who have reached remission regularly visit a psychiatrist and take medication in a timely manner, they can live to a ripe old age, and the disease will not overtake them again.

The remaining 40%, unfortunately, includes patients with extremely severe disease. They cannot socially adapt, lead an independent life, work. Such people are prescribed a disability group. They also have to constantly take medication and go to the clinic regularly.

Relapse, of course, can happen to anyone. It's easy to find out about it. The level of irritability and anxiety rises, a person ceases to cope with stress even in the most simple situations. Often there are bouts of causeless melancholy and apathy, interest in life and ordinary activities fades. In general, the old symptoms are gradually returning.
