One of the questions that occupy the minds of modern psychologists is the forms of psychopathy, the primary anomalies that explain them, the diversity of the phenomenon and the features of its progress. One of the tasks of specialists is the grouping of signs for the clinical division of all cases into categories. Classifications of modernity are not always sufficiently coherent, different authors hold slightly different positions. Consider the basic ones.

What is it about?
If we turn to the theories of Kraepelin, we can find out that people are prone to impulsive actions and very excitable, loving to argue, prone to lie. This psychologist singled out unstable, fraudulent personalities, public enemies and eccentrics. In fact, there was a mixture of biological inclinations and characters formed under the influence of social conditions.
Classification of psychopathy according to Schneider involves the allocationdepressive types, hyperthymic, and also striving for recognition. The latter is not connected with the peculiarities and deviations of temperament. In the works of Gannushkin one can see the constitutionally stupid as a category of psychopathy. The name suggests an assessment of intelligence, which is unacceptable in the analysis of psychopathy. Lack of intelligence is possible with a wide range of hysteria, paranoia, impulse psychopathy. At the same time, intelligence does not in any way determine the psychopathic structure of a person.

Basic approach
From the point of view of methodology, the maximum reactionism is observed in theories that require correcting normal and mental illnesses and removing the boundaries between them. In fact, this calls for eliminating the separation of a social phenomenon and a biological one. In modern works, the desire for a one-dimensional assessment of pathology and normal phenomena is especially pronounced in Kretschmer, who wrote about the characteristics and bodily structure of a person. This author applied the regularities discovered regarding mental deviations to psychology, combining normal characters and psychoses. Psychopathic forms were considered as an intermediate stage. Kretschmer proposes to regard psychology, philosophy, sociological trends and artistry, creative activity in one key, and the idea of mental abnormality becomes the basis for this.
Speaking of personality psychopathy, this phenomenon should be considered. A group of active pseudologists are people who are very talented in representingsociety a lie in order to become the center of attention. Lies are formed in such a way as to increase the assessment of the person in the environment. This is how stories of various adventures and exploits are invented. Often a lie is not an end in itself, but is only created as a means of obtaining benefits and circumventing difficulties in life. People of this type can lie sincerely, behave resourcefully and directly, act enthusiastically. They are well versed in the conditions and take into account the peculiarities of the psyche of their victims, they easily become objects of unlimited trust.
Krepelin paid special attention to pseudologists in his works on the etiology of psychopathy and their classification. As revealed, pseudologists are a heterogeneous group of personalities. Most are unstable psychopaths. Rogues, swindlers, liars - these are the features of the characters of people, but such specificity does not allow a person to be classified as a psychopath. Deceit is not a biological quality, nor is honesty, but an anti-social personality aspect of a person.

Violent psychopaths
Turning to the criteria of psychopathy, you can find out that this class is usually defined as people who are characterized by mental instability. Their ability to regulate their behavior by will is reduced, and the activity of the nervous system is too mobile, the dominants are unstable. Among people of such a plan, there are often lively and intelligent people who are very impressed by what is happening. They are prone to superficial experiences and do not linger on one object for a long time. It is easy for them to move between moods, change decisions,without thinking too much about it. Psychopaths of this kind are strongly influenced by what is happening, carried away by external circumstances. They tend to fall under the influence of other people, quickly go headlong into new plans and just as easily free themselves from the situation. Often these people have excellent abilities, but the problem becomes the inability to be interested in the chosen activity for a long time.
When observing the dynamics of this type of psychopathy, there is a gentleness, good nature of unstable personalities prone to excitement: unpleasant moments quickly fade from their memory. People of this type quickly restore normal relationships, easily seem to others worthy of trust. They easily deceive others, at the same time they deceive themselves, because they believe themselves at the moment when they indicate intentions.
Impulsive psychopaths
Turning to the classification of psychopathy according to Kerbikov, one can see the selection of an excitable personality type, whose main feature is impulsivity. Psychopaths of the impulsive type are prone to undifferentiated impulses, are difficult to linger, and are too excitable. Affective influence can cause aggressive behavior and destructive activity. People of this type can remain in an excited state for a long time. Anger can be combined with a feeling of powerlessness, which provokes a hysterical, harsh response to the situation with possible harm to oneself. For such people, primitive drives are important. They practically cannot cope with dietary, intimate and motor restrictions.activity.
Impulsive psychopaths, often young, are prone to unformed impulses, stressful states, forcing them to look for a way out. According to the descriptions and classification of psychopathy, people of this type need relaxation and behave restlessly, relief can be obtained by doing something aggressive or destroying some object. Sometimes impulsive drives are determined by mood disorders, which can provoke vagrancy. Such persons are imbued with hatred for others, they are drawn to other places, and conveniences and interests, attachments are assessed as of little importance.

Hyperthymous psychopaths
In Gannushkin's classification, psychopathies of this plan are called cycloid. Such people are more often excited or in a state of passion, they strive to do something, they quickly react to what is happening. They are characterized by expansive options for expressing feelings, facial expressions of the same nature and physical activity. Some mistakenly confuse hyperthymia and sanguine temperamental type. Pavlov described sanguine people as people with strong nerves - they equally withstand excitement and inhibition. Sanguine people are normal people with balanced activity; hyperthymic psychopaths waste energy, overreact to what is happening, are often fussy and tire other people with their anxiety and abundance of speeches.
Described as cycloid according to Gannushkin's classification, hyperthymic-type psychopathy is often accompanied by sociable behavior and friendliness,responsiveness. People of this type work enthusiastically and spend their energy, activity on useful tasks. Their interests are often real. Many are distinguished by directness, immediacy in expressing thoughts. They are unrestrained, they do not have a sense of proportion, they lack tact. Increased drives subjugate such a person, which leads to affective arousal. Not everyone feels better, but the mood is cheerful. The affective background often accompanies a reassessment of the qualities inherent in the personality, creates the foundation for a hypomanic deviation. Psychosis itself is not hypomanic, but for some individuals it is not realistic to distinguish between these states.
Depressive psychopaths
In the current classification of psychopathy, this type is called people who, for no reason, are sometimes or constantly oppressed, dissatisfied with the situation, the situation. Such tend to regard themselves as a burden to others, they say that they are not suitable for existence in society. People of this plan are characterized by slowness and weakness of will and body. They find it difficult to perform normal tasks. A depressed state does not prevent a person from being impressionable. Many people in this group are responsive and attached to others. As is known from forensic practice, psychopaths of this type are more often prone to melancholy, dissatisfaction, easily irritated and explain their mood by external factors and the behavior of other people. They are rarely satisfied with the world and regard themselves as an ideal judge, considering their opinion valuable and important, regardless of the reason. Many people of this type do not know how to trustothers, are acrimonious in their statements, tend to be suspicious of others and treat them unkindly.
Depressive psychopathy in the currently accepted classification would include some active psychopaths in this category. These people have a tendency to interfere in the affairs of others, to conflict with them, to teach others. Psychopaths of the described class are worried about their he alth and are afraid of getting sick. Hypochondria is often explained by internal sensations and too high susceptibility to the features of the functioning of the organs of the body. Feelings of this kind are one of the aspects that form the general negative background.

Paranoid psychopaths
In the classification of psychopathy, this type is considered to be inert persons, whose emotions and mind do not have sufficient flexibility. These people hardly manage to switch between tasks, they think in schemes. If an idea comes to the head of such a person, it runs there for a long time, sometimes for a lifetime, dominates the personality and controls its actions, controls emotions and subjugates interests. The idea is called overvalued. Psychopaths of this type tend to exaggerate their own abilities. Often they regard themselves as innovators and warriors, they associate with fighters who were able to defeat enemies after long battles. If people disagree with them, they take it as personal ill will. Such psychopaths are suspicious, like to expose other personal enemies and try to defend their inventions at all costs.
As you can see fromLichko's classification, psychopathy of this type is often combined with epileptoid personality accentuation. People of this type are sure that they are right. They are characterized by excitability and exactingness. Many people of this type try to make the most of any plan and action. Others prefer to adhere to some broad reform idea, which takes a lifetime to translate into reality. Psychopaths of this type persistently realize their plans, interests, while the activity is intertwined with reality, so at first their actions seem reasonable and inspire confidence. Plans usually fit into the actual tasks of science and technology, politics. People strive to implement the idea at any cost, but only with time do others discern the absurdity of the content of the idea itself. A psychopath who has received initial support acquires additional strength, strives even more persistently to achieve the goal.
A rather interesting type of accentuation - schizoid, described in Lichko's classification. Psychopathy, somewhat similar to it, is paranoid. A relatively close theme is paranoia. This term refers to a disease that has not yet been determined in terms of etiology, the nuances of the course. Paranoia is rare, more often there are paranoid reactions or such a development due to the specific character, defects associated with organic disorders or process diseases. A negative environment can provoke active paranoid development.
In forensic practice, paranoia is a situation that experts have to deal withwork infrequently. The existing classification of psychopathy according to severity suggests that such a condition is regarded as rather complex. The conducted studies allow us to say with confidence that spontaneous delirium of this kind is usually schizophrenic. Love delirium, which is often fixed with paranoia, takes place in forensic practice, but indicates a latent schizophrenic course. Zealous delusions are mainly due to schizophrenia, a tendency to drink.

Sukhareva's theory
The classification of psychopathy according to Sukhareva is somewhat different from that described above and involves the allocation of three groups: due to disharmonic infantilism, pathological constitution and organic disorders of the National Assembly.
The first variant is formed after puberty. A person retains childish mental traits, his will qualities are not formed, there is a tendency to pleasure and orientation to current desires. The person's intelligence is usually normal. This kind of psychopathy with an adequate social environment is corrected.
About the reasons
In the case of a pathological constitution as the root cause of psychopathy, signs can be seen even before puberty. The statics of psychopathy is associated with a delay in a number of functions against the background of an excessively rapid development of others. The person is distorted. Some have a pathologically pointed type of nervous system with a sharp change in emotional status and a tendency to anger. The weak type is accompanied by autistic psychopathy. The man is closed, his willweak. Psychasthenia is possible as a form of psychopathy. The person is indecisive, timid, has normal or high intelligence. She has obsessive states.
Conditioned violation of the National Assembly due to organic causes of psychopathy is considered the most difficult option. The first symptoms can be seen before adolescence. A violation can be provoked by infection of the body, poisoning or injury. Manifestations of violation - instability of emotional status, a tendency to aggression, euphoria. People of this type have lower intelligence, the body is inharmonious and disproportionate, facial expressions are weak, and movements are clumsy.
At the moment, scientists do not have accurate and verified information that allows us to talk about the significance of various factors in the formation of psychopathy. To some extent, this is due to the problems of studying the circumstances due to which a mental disorder was formed. There is no doubt the dependence on genetics. Among those who had persons with psychopathy among their relatives, the risk of manifestation of such a condition is higher. Psychopathies are often inherent in two generations or have an even longer hereditary chain. Vicious relationships, according to experts, can also be explained by behavioral patterns that a child learns from childhood.

As professionals say, the formation of psychopathy can be explained by problems of pregnancy, difficult childbirth and diseases suffered at an early age. There is a connection with violence of the physical plane, sexual, affectingpsychological aspects. Poor conditions during early childhood exacerbate genetic preconditions and increase the risk of developing psychopathy.