What is aggression?
Aggression is an integral form of behavior that is inherent in every person to one degree or another. It is one of the methods of self-defense. If an adult is able to control his outbursts of anger, then a child does not yet have such a skill. So how do you deal with the little brawler? All parents must have seen at least once how their child squeals, rests, screams … At such moments, you feel especially helpless. What are these “buy, buy!” in the shops! And what about the complaints of the teachers about the pugnacity of your child? We think it is not worth talking about it in detail. We'd better try to learn how to respond correctly to such attacks of our beloved baby.
What to do?
First of all, you should learn to control your own emotions. Believe that aggression in a child is natural. It cannot be controlled or regulated. Also, you can’t set permanent prohibitions for the child to express his anger, for example, “Don’t shout!”, “Don’t make noise!”, “Don’t stomp!”. You should not punish for this either, because then the child will be afraid to express his emotions. This can lead to him hidingfrom you their true experiences. Constant prohibitions can make a “weakling” out of a child who will not be able to fight back in the right situation. But such behavior of your offspring cannot be left without attention either. Before taking punitive measures, you should understand “where the legs grow from”, which is why your beloved son or daughter so often began to express their dissatisfaction with such behavior as aggression. The child has many reasons for this. First, look for the problem in yourself.
Lack of attention
Mom and dad are the most important and important people in a baby's life. And when baby

constantly hears from his beloved parents: “I don’t have time now, play on your own”, - he starts to think that they don’t need him. The kid becomes offended due to the fact that mom and dad, as it seems to him, have stopped loving him. And he does what he can: screams, beats his fists, throws toys. He needs attention. The child is no longer afraid of punishment, as the principle “if I scream, they will pay attention to me” works. This situation very often leads to the fact that there is aggression in the child.
What to do?
The answer is ridiculously simple: pay attention to your little brawler. Sometimes you need to double your strength. Despite being busy, tired, try to talk with the baby, answer all his questions, be sure to caress. Such tender feelings are very soothing for overly active children. Love your child and often show how much you care about him.
Passive aggression in a child
If suddenly your baby doesn'tfor no reason at all began to behave badly, then this is a sign of manifestation of passive aggression. It is difficult to deal with it, because often the child himself does not understand the reason for such behavior.

Speech aggression in a child
This type of aggression is distinguished by offensive, rude and offensive communication. There are several ways in which you can try to overcome this manifestation. The first and most common is direct censure. The second can be called ignoring the behavior of the child. The third is the method of projecting the good qualities of the baby. For example: “I thought you were so obedient to me, but it turns out that you are behaving very badly.” Here are some examples of how parents should behave when faced with the concept of child abuse. Good luck and love your babies!