Can't get enough sleep? Do you wake up in the morning completely unrested? Do you feel weak all day long? Are you interested in the opposite sex? Do you look bad? Can't work?

Do you think hard? Go see a therapist instead! Most likely, he will diagnose you with "asthenia", or "asthenic condition". Asthenia is such a decrease in mental activity, in which a person feels constant irritability, mental exhaustion, and many other psychosomatic symptoms. Asthenic condition can be caused by both functional and organic causes. The latter include infectious diseases, hormonal problems, viral or oncological diseases that weaken the body as a whole. In this case, treatment should begin with the underlying disease. It often happens that when cured from it, the asthenic condition disappears without additional treatment. However, there are disorders that are not related to the disease.
Functional asthenic conditions

They may not be caused by a disease, but by other reasons:
- prolonged exposure to stress;
- hangover;
- developing depression;
- hard work, frequent overwork;
- pre- or postinfarction condition;
- childbirth;
- sleep disorders associated with the peculiarities of work: shift work, change of time zones.
The asthenic condition that develops for these reasons is often called CFS today: chronic fatigue syndrome. Unfortunately, many people are familiar with this syndrome today. Is such an asthenic condition dangerous? Not always. At the very beginning, like other diseases, it can be cured. You can determine how far the disease has gone by yourself, using, for example, developed by P. P. Maykova and M. G. Damn test, called ShAS: scale of asthenic condition. Psychologists always have it. By answering 30 questions, a person himself will be able to determine how far his disorders have gone.
Asthenic condition: what to do?

This question is often heard by therapists and other doctors. Naturally, in each case, the patient will receive an individual, condition-oriented response. However, there are also general recommendations. First of all, the asthenic condition requires compliance with the hygiene of sleep, work, control of one's own emotions. Recommended for people with CFS:
- Be sure to undergo an examination in order to diagnose in timeexisting diseases and start treating them.
- Follow the routine: go to bed on time, eat, be sure to walk in the air (preferably also at the same time). Sometimes, to regulate sleep, the doctor prescribes special drugs that help restore strength and normalize sleep.
- Regulate mental, mental and physical stress.
- Completely eliminate self-medication. With asthenia, sedative pills and antidepressants do not help.
- If possible, take a vacation.
- Be sure to follow everything recommended by your doctor. Asthenia, although it lasts a long time, is perfectly cured.