Schizophasia is a speech disorder. With this pathology, statements are constructed correctly, but do not make sense to others. Anomaly refers to deviations of a mental nature. It occurs quite often. The development of this disease occurs as a result of various reasons. One of them is alcohol and drug abuse.
Situations that provoke the appearance of the disease

Schizophasia is an anomaly resulting from the influence of external and internal factors. Possible reasons for its development include:
- Hereditary factor (presence of pathology in relatives).
- Unfavorable living conditions in childhood (lack of love and attention from mother and father, ambivalent reaction to the same actions of the baby). These situations provoke the development of mental disorders.
- Infection with various diseases during delivery, mechanicalbrain damage in infancy.
- Encephalitis, which has a chronic course. This disease is manifested by trembling of the limbs, fever, paralysis. Schizophasia is one of the possible consequences of such a pathology.
- Reasons of a social nature. Mental overstrain, financial problems, difficult relationships in the family and in the workplace.
- Schizophrenic disorder.
- Use of alcohol-containing products, drugs. A person who takes illegal drugs or alcohol is not able to control his thinking and build sentences normally.
- Submitted mechanical damage to the brain.
Signs of disorder

Among the symptoms of schizophasia are the appearance in speech of words and phrases that are meaningless. The manner of pronunciation becomes abstruse and pretentious. With this pathology, the normal structure of speech is preserved. Her pace is unbroken. Patients with schizophasia can invent words, and the phrases they say do not fit together. However, patients understand other people's statements.
Such people do not realize that their speech is pathological. In general, their behavior is quite adequate. Patients are reasonable, can be in a team, do not commit aggressive actions.
Sentence patterns
What does the speech of a patient with a diagnosis of "Schizophasia" look like? Examples are provided in this section of the article.
Spent my childhood on Mozart Avenue. In supermarket No. 43. Populara financier, and by vocation a baker. The people are a tractor driver. The library has an archivist. In politics, one might say, it will be useful. Here, probably, a systematic … well … approach, including 250 pieces. Take pictures of Samara Island on your camera and get a filmoscope. And the trainee is on vacation on the first line. Along Bakery Avenue. And there will be no water, but a master! So there is an opportunity to rent Samara Island. And you can become a sea wolf. You can become a sea planet. And you will know for sure that this planet will be accepted according to the school primer. It follows from this that there will be another planet for the benefit of chemistry. The value - plucked into the area of diplomacy - will give fluctuations to the entire territory of diplomacy. And Alyosha Popovich will give hesitation only to his family. The lighter in the library is working. He enters the newsreel and sets fire to a huge piece of paper in the newsreel…
Diagnostic deviation

To detect pathology, it is enough to talk with the patient for a short time. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, the statements of patients become unusual. The man talks a lot, but his phrases are completely meaningless.
Schizophasia is a diagnosis that only a specialist in psychiatry can make. Pathology must be distinguished from other types of mental abnormalities. Sometimes, against the background of this disorder, the patient has hallucinations of a visual, gustatory, auditory or olfactory nature, increased anxiety, obsessive thoughts or ideas. In such cases, they speak of the symptoms of a schizophrenic disorder. When it is exacerbatedthe person needs to be hospitalized.
Therapy Methods

Schizophasia is a pathology, the exact causes of which remain unknown today.
There are currently no ways to radically treat the disease. Therapy is prescribed taking into account factors such as the age category of the patient, concomitant mental disorders. The necessary drugs and their dosage can only be determined by a doctor. Against the background of adequate treatment of schizophasia, the speech of patients becomes more meaningful, the number of seizures decreases.
If the violation is caused by the use of alcohol-containing products or drugs, a person needs funds to help eliminate toxic compounds from the body. In the future, he should stop taking alcohol and illegal substances.
Sometimes schizophasia is a complication of mechanical damage or infections of the brain. In this case, therapy is carried out in a hospital. Antipsychotics (in the form of tablets or injections) are used as the main treatment. The dosage of medicines is determined by the doctor and must be strictly observed. Taking medication helps to avoid exacerbations.
If the disease arose against the background of a depressive state or stressful situations, a person needs classes with a specialist in the field of psychotherapy.

Preventing schizophasia is extremely difficult. If the disorder is present in a blood relative, the person should contactto a specialist for the purpose of preventive examinations. In the event of the first signs of deviation, the patient is advised to refrain from alcohol-containing products and drugs, to avoid emotional overstrain.
The patient is prescribed antipsychotics. Such funds should be taken only under the strict supervision of a doctor. These drugs are prohibited for patients suffering from serious pathologies of the myocardium, liver and urinary organs. In the absence of contraindications, medicines must be taken regularly, in the dosages prescribed by the attending physician.
Taking the prescribed funds, giving up addictions (alcoholism and drug addiction), avoiding stressful situations, timely treatment of concomitant mental disorders and mechanical damage - all these factors help prevent the exacerbation of the pathology. If these conditions are not met, the patient's condition worsens.