No one is safe from stress in our world. Various loads, conflicts, problems - all this significantly undermines he alth. Therefore, you need to know how to calm yourself. Almost everyone had situations when it seemed that they had already reached the “hands”, and all the negativity was about to spill out onto others. At the same time, we understand that by giving free rein to our emotions, we can face negative consequences, including spoiling the opinions of others about ourselves. In some cases, it is possible to drink tranquilizers, but it is best to turn to other methods.
The most common way to calm down is to count to ten and deep

breath. True, most often we remember about this method when it is already too late. Therefore, it is necessary to learn how to apply it automatically. This method allows you to calm yourself in 30 seconds. To make it more effective, it is necessary to monitor the process of breathing and constantly mentally pronounce all the stages. It should look something like this: “I take a breath. Air passes throughnose. It hits the trachea…” by focusing on this, you will be distracted from the psychologically difficult situation.
Express method
If the excitement is too high and you feel your heart start beating faster,

hands are trembling, you need to press the first aid point. How to calm yourself down with this method? Press on the place that is under the nose and above the area of the upper lip. In this case, you need to press hard enough and hold for at least three seconds. This method will not only calm the nerves, but also distract from the situation.
Natural sedatives
In addition to chemical sedatives, you can drink natural ones. Vegetable juices from carrots, pumpkins, beets will come to the rescue. At the same time, a glass of fresh pumpkin juice will help not only calm the nervous system, but also defeat insomnia. To better absorb vitamin A from carrot juice, you can add cream or a little vegetable oil to it. But beetroot juice must be insisted for six hours before drinking. How to calm yourself down? With the help of peony tincture. However, if there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then it is better to first consult a doctor, since the peony increases acidity. A tincture made from walnut partitions will also help fight nervous disorders. To do this, you need to take this component (from 30 nuts) and pour a glass of vodka. Then insist for two weeks

spruce and drink 25 ml before meals.
Essential oils
How to calm yourself downwith essential oils? To do this, you need to take lemon balm, mint, lavender. Bouquets of dried herbs are hung around the room, or a small pillow is made from them and placed at the head of the head. Some people prefer to use essential oils in an aroma lamp. However, no tinctures and oils will help solve the problem with nerves if there is no order in your own life. On the one hand, you should try to find harmony in life. On the other hand, you should not make too high demands on yourself, as this is a sure path to stress and psychosomatic illnesses.