Ointments for thrush in men. Treatment of thrush in men

Ointments for thrush in men. Treatment of thrush in men
Ointments for thrush in men. Treatment of thrush in men

Thrush is perceived as a female disease. However, candidiasis also occurs in men, only due to the peculiarities of the structure of the genital organs, the disease proceeds in a milder degree and is almost asymptomatic. Ointments for thrush in men can not only eliminate the symptoms, but also neutralize the pathogens.

thrush in men doctor
thrush in men doctor

Problem description

Candidiasis in men occurs against the background of a general decrease in the body's defenses in the presence of chronic diseases. If the symptoms appear only on the penis, then the disease is called balanitis (superficial candidiasis). If the inflammatory process touches the foreskin, candidal balanoposthitis develops.

In the event that the necessary treatment was not provided at the initial stage and fungi spread to the scrotum and groin area, the disease turns into candidal prostatitis or urethritis.

Ointments for thrush in men are effective at different stages of the disease, the main thing is to choose the right onetreatment, its duration and frequency of use of antifungal agents.

Signs of thrush

Depending on the work of the immune system of a man and the degree of development of the disease, the following symptoms may be:

  • pain, burning, itching when urinating;
  • increased erection due to irritation of nerve endings, while during intercourse a man will have discomfort, burning, itching and pain;
  • swelling of the glans penis and foreskin;
  • bad smell of sour milk;
  • the presence of gray-white discharge localized on the head of the penis or under the foreskin, when trying to get rid of them, wounds, erosions and bleeding ulcers can form.
man against thrush
man against thrush

On the question of whether thrush is transmitted to a man, you can give a definite positive answer. Therefore, both partners need to monitor their he alth and ensure personal hygiene.

Causes of disease

Unprotected intercourse is only one of the possible causes of infection, but it is worth noting that a man who does not have any sexual infections and other chronic diseases has good immunity, and thrush is cured by self-cleansing. If there are symptoms of this disease, it is important to pay attention to the state of your he alth.

To do this, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination of the whole body to identify hidden infections that provoke the development of thrush. You need to visit a specialistidentifying the first discomfort or discharge to determine if men have thrush. Based on the results, the doctor will be able to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Causes of candidiasis that are not related to the genital area

The disease of a man may be completely unrelated to infection from a woman suffering from thrush. There may be several reasons for the manifestation of the problem in this case:

Diseases of the endocrine system, metabolic disorders in the body and diabetes mellitus are the first reasons due to which candidiasis may occur. This is due to the presence of excess weight, in which sweating increases and favorable conditions appear in the groin area, in which pathogenic fungi multiply rapidly

is thrush transmitted to men
is thrush transmitted to men
  • The intake of corticosteroids and antimicrobials in large quantities can cause inhibition of the beneficial microflora of the male genital area and a decrease in immunity, which also causes the reproduction of fungal flora. Ointments for thrush in men with non-compliance with the dosage and duration of treatment can also cause complications of the disease.
  • Hypovitaminosis and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can cause the development of candidiasis.
  • Alcohol consumption in some cases also causes irritation and itching in the penis, which indicate the presence of a mild degree of thrush.
  • If a man is often subjected to nervous stress, stress, emotional stress, it is possible that a decrease in immunity anddevelopment of mild candidiasis.

Knowing whether thrush is transmitted to a man, you can be much calmer about the onset of symptoms. In order not to blame everything on your partner, you must first determine the cause of the infection and undergo an examination.


For the treatment of candidiasis in men, various ointments and creams are used that have an antimycotic effect on pathogens. In a severe form of thrush, in addition to the topical application of ointments, it is necessary to involve oral preparations that solve the problem from the inside.

ointment for thrush in men price
ointment for thrush in men price

Ointments for thrush in men are very effective, and in most cases their use is enough to eliminate not only the symptoms, but also the cause. The chronic form requires the treatment of not only the thrush itself, but also the disease that caused its appearance. Along with this, it is necessary to use vitamin complexes or immunomodulators that will restore natural immunity.

Preparations for the treatment of thrush

The most common means to eliminate thrush in men are topical ointments. The most requested are:

"Clotrimazole" - has a directed spectrum of action, is used only after a doctor's prescription with strict adherence to the dosage and duration of treatment. In small doses, it stops the growth of fungi, with an increase in volume, complete destruction of fungal microorganisms is observed. For a man against thrush, this ointment is prescribed for severe disease

ointments for thrush in men
ointments for thrush in men
  • "Candide" - an ointment that eliminates thrush caused by any kind of fungi, is also used for ringworm and dermatosis of the skin of the inguinal region and genital organs. It has an effective anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effect.
  • "Pimafucin" - the price of the ointment makes it the most popular for the treatment of thrush. The active ingredient is natamycin. The substance blocks the growth and reproduction of fungal cells by acting on the cell wall.
pimafucin price
pimafucin price

You can not self-medicate! Before prescribing a drug, the doctor will conduct an examination and, based on the tests obtained, select the best option that can effectively eliminate the infection.

Personal hygiene rules

For a speedy recovery and prevention of re-infection, you must follow the rules of intimate hygiene. The most important thing is hand hygiene, especially before and after going to the toilet.

Underwear should be made from natural fabrics and loosely fit the body. Every day you need to monitor the cleanliness of the body and change clothes. "Pimafucin", the price of which is affordable (200 rubles per 100-gram tube), in any case, will cost more than the prevention of the disease.

How to avoid the problem?

To prevent thrush, you can use special intimate hygiene products designed for men. They do not irritate the mucous membranes and skin of the genital organs, prevent the appearance of fungalinfections.

Thanks to this, you do not have to buy ointment from thrush for men, the price of which will be much higher than a hygiene product for washing the genitals. Regular maintenance of cleanliness of the body and linen is the main preventive measure in order to prevent the development of most sexual infections.
