Generic "Dapoxetine": instructions for use, reviews of doctors and patients

Generic "Dapoxetine": instructions for use, reviews of doctors and patients
Generic "Dapoxetine": instructions for use, reviews of doctors and patients

Men's he alth is an eternal problem. It gets worse and worse with age. Yes, and it is very difficult to meet a man who would be completely satisfied with his masculine strength. Sometimes, to maintain potency, you have to use a variety of medications and biological supplements. For example, the generic "Dapoxetine". What do customers and doctors think of it? How to use it? Can you really trust this remedy or is it better to use some other drug? In all this we have to deal with you further. It's not as difficult as it seems at first glance!

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So what do we have to deal with anyway? This question is extremely important. After all, he alth is no joke. And it is important to understand what type of drugs you will have to work with. Generic Dapoxetine is a bluish, tasteless tablet. They are meant to be taken by mouth.

What is this? A tool that helps restore male sexual activity. Can be said to be a good treatmentimpotence. Also, as noted by buyers and some doctors, it is used to prolong sexual intercourse. Something like Viagra. But is it worth trusting this drug? How to use it? Is it really effective?


To figure this out, you have to pay attention to many factors. For example, what does the instructions for use say about such a drug as generic "Dapoxetine"? First of all, here you can see the composition of the product. Already on it, one can often judge the effectiveness of a particular medical drug.

To be honest, "Dapoxetine" has no special features. The composition contains the substance of the same name in the amount of 30 grams (there are tablets for 60). It's just one tablet. There is nothing more. Is that medical glaze.

Dapoxetine is a drug used to treat impotence and erectile dysfunction in men. This also includes premature ejaculation. That is, there is every reason to believe that we have before us the most real and effective remedy that will help improve men's he alth. What so many are looking for! This is not a biological supplement and not vitamins, but a real medical preparation. In any case, such a conclusion can be drawn on the basis of the composition of the product.

generic dapoxetine instructions for use
generic dapoxetine instructions for use


About a drug such as generic Dapoxetine, the instructions say that you will need to use this drug regularly. Just keep in mind: it acts like Viagra. Thatthere is an effect will come in about 30-50 minutes. The drug is intended for immediate results, but over time it is fully capable of curing a man of sexual weakness. That is, at first the action is immediate, then - therapeutic. And it pleases.

Please note: generic "Dapoxetine" is desirable to use in the amount of 1 tablet during a meal. On an empty stomach is not recommended. With all this, do not forget to take the pill with plenty of water. So it is better absorbed. And the result will be on top.

The average course of treatment is about 2-3 months. For an immediate effect, you can take 1 tablet of "Dapoxetine" 30-40 minutes before sexual intercourse. But the treatment of impotence will simply require regular and daily use of the remedy for several months. In principle, your doctor can determine exactly how to use the generic drug Dapoxetine.

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generic dapoxetine reviews


Unfortunately, but our today's drug has a number of contraindications. There are not very many of them. However, it's worth knowing about them. Generic "Dapoxetine" is not recommended for people with increased nervous excitability, as well as pressure problems.

This also includes cirrhosis of the liver, individual intolerance to the drug, renal failure. Heart problems and a recent stroke (heart attack) are another contraindications. Of course, at a young age, the describedpills.

This is where the contraindications end. In principle, there are not so many of them. Remember easy and simple. For this, the generic "Dapoxetine" reviews are positive. After all, there are no special side effects. You can even combine the drug with other pills for the treatment of impotence.


Special attention requires such a moment as the compatibility of the drug with alcohol. The manufacturer claims that it is. But it is strongly not recommended to drink Dapoxetine while intoxicated. Most likely, it will not give any result.

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generic dapoxetine reviews of doctors

Moreover, you may experience side effects at such times. They, in combination with alcohol, are gaining momentum very quickly. So, if you have drunk, it is advisable to refrain from Dapoxetine. Consider this factor.

Side effects

Like most medicines, "Dapoxetine" suggests in some cases the manifestation of certain side effects. Nobody is safe from them. This is not a reason to refuse the drug. After all, there are simply no perfect medicines. So it's important to know what to prepare for.

Generic "Dapoxetine" reviews of doctors and buyers in terms of side effects are varied. Some people say that nothing bad will happen. And some claim that after taking the drug they started having he alth problems. Not too serious, but they do occur.

What to prepare yourself and your body for? You may startmigraines, nausea and even vomiting, as well as indigestion, insomnia, diarrhea. All this is considered the norm to one degree or another. If you notice persistent manifestations of side effects, it is recommended to stop using the drug. Of course, do not neglect the advice of doctors.

Doctors about the drug

Generic "Dapoxetine" causes a variety of opinions. Doctors play an important role here. After all, they are able to accurately indicate the effectiveness or futility of a particular drug. So it's worth paying attention to.

generic dapoxetine instruction
generic dapoxetine instruction

What do doctors think in this area? To be honest, they themselves recommend Dapoxetine to their patients to improve potency. Yes, this is not quite a medicinal drug, but its effectiveness has been proven. Moreover, there is even a quality certificate. That is, we are not dealing with a simple biological supplement, but with a real medicine.

In other words, one can hope for the effectiveness of the remedy. Doctors point out that Generic "Dapoxetine" will not cure you quickly from impotence, but for a short-term effect it will work perfectly. To get rid of erection problems, you will have to take our today's drug for several months. The result will appear, but you do not need to rely heavily on it. In any case, Dapoxetine is not a hoax. Many doctors think so.


What do buyers think about a product like generic Dapoxetine? Real reviewsindicate that this is a fairly high-quality tool. True, it's expensive. You will have to pay about 1,000 rubles for packaging. On the one hand, not too expensive for the elimination of problems with potency. On the other hand, you can always find a cheaper analogue. Nevertheless, the price category of the product does not cause violent negative emotions.

generic drug dapoxetine
generic drug dapoxetine

What about efficiency? She definitely is. And the one that the manufacturer promises. It is enough just to take one tablet of "Dapoxetine" 30 minutes before sexual intercourse, as you will see the result. And if you regularly use the drug, then the word "impotence" will generally be unknown to you. This is what many buyers emphasize.

True, an overdose of the drug or taking it at the time of illness leads to some not the most pleasant side effects. Nausea and headaches are most common, along with indigestion. Such effects are observed in practice. Not too nice. Therefore, it is important to follow the recommendations of doctors regarding the dosage and duration of treatment with Dapoxetine. You can also use this drug on your own. But the slightest side effects - and self-medication will have to be stopped.


Where can I get our today's remedy? Buying pills is not difficult. It is best to buy generic Dapoxetine in pharmacies. Pills are sold without a prescription, and everywhere. True, sometimes you may be required to provide a certificate from a doctor. itillegal action.

In addition, you have every right to order "Dapoxetine" in the online store or on any other medical site. Rest assured, no fake will be sent to you. After all, our today's drug is basically impossible to fake. He has a certificate of quality, sold without a prescription. And there is simply no need for forgery. It has no miraculous properties, nothing special stands out.

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generic dapoxetine real reviews

Thus, only one thing can be said: "Dapoxetine" is a really affordable and effective remedy. You should pay attention to it if you are experiencing problems with erection and potency. It is advisable to consult a doctor before use. After all, sometimes the remedy is selected individually (you can increase the dose). In general, we have a really effective remedy for improving the potency and duration of sexual intercourse.
