Let's put aside modesty, shyness and try to openly discuss a common problem in men - white pimples on the balls. What's this? Is this the norm? How to perceive such a phenomenon? It so happened that it is difficult to persuade the representatives of the stronger sex to consult a doctor, especially a urologist - such an intimate specialist. But is it worth worrying if there is a problem? Maybe it's just a peculiarity of the structure of the genital organs, which does not pose any threat to he alth? Let's try to delve into the issue and understand it.

The core of the problem
Acne never brings joy to its appearance. Especially when they "get out" on the intimate parts of the body. In particular, severe discomfort can cause acne on the eggs in men or on the penis. But according to statistics, every fifth out of a dozen respondents at least once in their lives was worried because of such a nuisance. It seems to be a trifle, but it can seriously spoil intimacy with a loved one. Even if we are talking about a person of free morals, then his frequency of sexual contacts may decrease just because of this aesthetic trouble.
So is it worth it in this caseworry about your own he alth? Or is it just an aesthetic problem? Everyone knows that certain acne is normal, but some need surgical treatment. Most often they occur in adolescents at the time of puberty, but can also appear in adults. With a good course of affairs, they disappear in a week, but passive waiting can be delayed. Let's say right away that pimples cannot be squeezed out, since the tissues are severely injured from such exposure.

What does the norm look like?
It should be noted right away that a pimple on an egg is a priori not the norm. But there are some factors due to which we can say that the situation is within reason. So, it's normal if the skin on the testicles resembles a goose. Small yellow pimples speak of clogged fatty pores, but this is also acceptable. Bright red vesicles with pustules also do not signal danger, since their appearance can be triggered by temperature condensate. Ordinary pimples go away in a few days, mature quickly and cause discomfort, mainly from an aesthetic point of view.
Anomaly in detail
But if pimples on the testicles resemble pointed warts, then this is already an alarming bell. In addition, attention should be paid to the appearance of swelling in the genital area. The lion's share of such seals is not dangerous, but there is always a risk of transition from ordinary formations to malignant ones. If a hard lump is felt, you should consult a doctor. The need for medical advice is especially pronounced,when you had unprotected intercourse the day before. After all, acne can be its consequence and signal an infection with a sexually transmitted disease.

What could it be?
Unpleasant white pimples on the balls may actually be ordinary hair follicles hiding hairs inside. They are convex in shape, spread along the scrotum and penis. There is no particular reason for concern in this case. The matter is more serious when the problem is caused by acne. Probably, in this case, the guy neglects banal personal hygiene and avoids washing with soap or gel. Inflamed sebaceous glands are also consequences of untidiness. Such pimples do not cause pain, but they are not pleasing to the eye either. There are situations when acne actually turns out to be genital warts. But this will require drastic measures.
In rare cases, a pimple on an egg is a symptom of malignancy. But it must be said that rashes cannot be the only symptom. If they are accompanied by itching and the appearance of abscesses, then it is likely that a fungus develops on the scrotum. Also, pain can signal that a boil or carbuncle has formed. Such acne needs to be urgently opened and eliminated pus. Probably a more unpleasant cause of acne is scabies. In this case, you need to check for the presence of scabies mites. Although in this case, a pimple on the egg is not a unique symptom, but only a "bonus" to other factors.

How to treat and prevent?
Soit is definitely impossible to attribute a pimple on an egg to harmless factors that are not worth special attention. This is not only an unpleasant aesthetic flaw, but also a very serious he alth problem. How to deal with it? First, focus on personal hygiene. Male genitals should be washed daily with warm water and a special gel. Second, if necessary, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics and disinfectants.
Among sexually transmitted diseases, acne can provoke such troubles as condyloma and genital herpes. Sudden eruptions may be due to molluscum contagiosum, which is usually treated with nitrogen and temperature differences. The presence of pubic lice can also cause acne. The most annoying thing is that they are transmitted not only during sexual intercourse, but also through everyday contact. Getting them out will be long and unpleasant. Finally, we need to list a few of the least problematic causes of acne on the genitals. It's an allergy, wearing synthetic underwear. The secret to fighting in such situations is simple - use cotton products and regular hygiene.