All components of the human body are important. It is from their work that the normal life of each person depends. Now I want to talk about the he alth of the stronger sex, namely to figure out why a man has one testicle larger than the other.

What is this organ and why is it needed
Initially, it must be said that testicles are very important for men. After all, it is in them that spermatozoa are produced, which give the guy the opportunity to become a father. But they also produce a hormone such as testosterone. And he is responsible for the presence of male qualities in the representative of the stronger sex.
So why is one testicle bigger than the other in men? It is worth noting that this is provided by nature. Those. such a state is assumed by anatomy. And all in order to prevent injury, twisting or grinding of the scrotum in everyday life.
The normal size of the testicles is an average of four to six centimeters in length. The width should be about two and a half centimeters. Howeverthese parameters are not a standard at all. It all depends on the man's body. The bigger he is, the larger his testicles will be, respectively.
However, it's okay if the differences are basically minor. Otherwise, you should seek the advice of a doctor.

Self inspection
Let's look further into why one testicle is larger than the other in men. It is also worth mentioning here that each man can detect the problem on his own. To do this, it is necessary to periodically inspect this body. Procedure:
- Inspection should be carried out in a calm state. Never after exercise or sex.
- Visual examination: you need to stand in front of a mirror and compare the sizes of both testicles.
- It is also important to consider their color. The testicles must be the same color.
- Next, you need to raise each testicle in turn to the inguinal region. Here you need to see if there is pain.
- At this stage, each testicle should be squeezed slightly. It will also tell you if it hurts.
- Last step: you need to push a few times, as if urinating. If there is pain, this is not a good sign.
Reason 1. Taking drugs
The first reason why one testicle is larger than the other in men may be the use of various drugs. And especially marijuana. Scientists have proven that this plant is able to change the size of this male organ. Sometimes it happens that one testicledecreases, while others remain normal. It turns out the disproportion disturbing the guy.
Reason 2. Medicines
If one testicle is larger than the other in men, the reasons may be taking certain medications. Anabolic steroids, as well as synthetic testosterone preparations, can lead to such consequences. When using the latter means, the pituitary gives the body an indication to stop the independent production of testosterone (which is what the testicles do). As a result, this organ gradually atrophies and decreases in size.

Reason 3. Varicocele
What other reasons are there for why one testicle is larger than the other in men? This condition can cause a disease such as varicocele. With this disease, blood circulation in this organ is disturbed, as a result of which the guy’s testicle does not receive the proper and necessary nutrition for normal operation. Therefore, it decreases in size.
Reason 4. Injury
Why does a man have one testicle larger than the other, what reason can cause such a condition? Often this is facilitated by various injuries that the guy receives in the groin area. This can even lead to irreversible consequences. And all because at the same time there is stagnation of blood in the inguinal region, as a result - improper blood supply and nutrition of the testicle, which causes this condition.
Reason 5. Epididymitis
It is worth noting that this is an inflammatory process that affects the male epididymis. arisethis problem may even be due to an infectious disease such as influenza, pneumonia, meningitis, etc. In this case, the appendage itself becomes dense, inflamed. The temperature rises in it, and when touched, unpleasant and even painful sensations arise.

Reason 6. Twisting
If a man has one testicle larger than the other, it may be torsion of the cord (or, as is commonly believed, torsion of the testicle). In this case, the normal blood supply to this organ is disrupted, which can cause the occurrence of such a condition.
Reason 7. Cancer
And, of course, often this condition occurs due to the fact that a man has a tumor in this organ. Those. cancer also causes a condition where one testicle is larger than the other in men. After the operation to remove such a formation, the situation changes, everything falls into place.
When to Seek Doctoral Care
A man should know that you need to carefully monitor the he alth of the entire genitourinary system. You should seek medical help in the following cases:
- If the size of the testicles is drastically different. The normal difference is 0.7 cm. Anything more is already a deviation from the norm.
- If the color of the testicles is not the same.
- If their skin or structure feels uneven to the touch.
- If it hurts when touched.
- If one testicle is hotter than the other.
If one testicle is larger than the other in men, the treatment iswhat's important. It should also be noted that it must also be timely. After all, if you do not pay attention to the problem in time, you can significantly aggravate the condition. It is important to remember that this can lead to irreversible consequences.
What to do in this case? Initially, it is necessary to determine the problem, and only after that treatment can be prescribed. Depending on the reason, it may differ.
Quite often, with such problems, men are shown surgery. For example, if you have to remove neoplasms, tumors, cysts. Also, the operation will help to cope with varicocele disease and even the consequences of serious injuries to the scrotum of a man.
Drug treatment is prescribed exclusively by a doctor, depending on the diagnosis.

To prevent any problems with this male organ, prevention is very important:
- Be sure to lead a he althy full-fledged lifestyle.
- All physical activity received should not lead to overexertion.
- Do not overheat or overcool the testicles.
- You should try to protect this body from any injuries and infections.
And, of course, you need to periodically conduct an independent examination of the testicles at home and from time to time go for a medical examination at the clinic.