Cyst of the spermatic cord in a boy: causes, photo, treatment, operation, reviews, consequences

Cyst of the spermatic cord in a boy: causes, photo, treatment, operation, reviews, consequences
Cyst of the spermatic cord in a boy: causes, photo, treatment, operation, reviews, consequences

A spermatic cord cyst in a boy (may be due to abnormal development in the womb) is an isolated hydrocele. This disease involves the accumulation of fluid. The size of the cyst can be different - from very small, which are almost invisible, to those that disrupt the entire reproductive system of the boy.

What is the spermatic cord

The spermatic cord is one of the organs of the reproductive system, which is paired. It consists of nerves, lymphatic and blood vessels, vas deferens, remnants of the outgrowth of the peritoneum.

spermatic cord cyst in a boy
spermatic cord cyst in a boy

Funicular is a benign hollow neoplasm in the spermatic cord, which can be congenital or acquired. It is quite easy to identify this pathology during a manual examination of the child, but it is better to entrust this to a doctor who will putdiagnosis based on a comprehensive examination.

Forms of Manifestation

A cyst of the spermatic cord in a boy (reasons, photos are presented in this article) can be:

  • Innate. In this case, there is only one explanation - failures in embryonic development. A congenital cyst of the spermatic cord manifests itself in a boy with incomplete infection in the abdominal cavity of the vaginal process, which is why hollow neoplasms form in the spermatic cord. Most often, this form of pathology is spermatogenic and consists only of a clear liquid without spermatozoa.
  • Purchased. This form most often develops as a result of the inflammatory process of the scrotum or its injury. The ducts that have been damaged in one way or another cease to function, due to which an overlap occurs, which means that the outflow of spermatozoa stops. In addition, there is a blockage of the secret itself, which delays some parts of the seminal ducts. It is precisely because of this that hollow neoplasms, cysts, are formed. In contrast to congenital pathology, in this case, the fluid is also filled with sperm bodies, and they can be already destroyed or still fresh.
cyst of the spermatic cord in a boy reasons photo
cyst of the spermatic cord in a boy reasons photo

It is worth noting that a congenital cyst of the spermatic cord in a boy, the causes of which lie in the peculiarities of embryonic development, does not pose a threat to life, however, when the first symptoms appear, it is recommended to immediately contact a urologist. This is due to the fact that the funiculocele can only be a symptom of anotherserious illness. For example, with the same symptoms, a cancerous tumor can develop. That is why any neoplasm needs a full study.

Main causes of pathology

In addition to pathologies of embryonic development, a cyst of the spermatic cord in a boy, the causes, treatment and diagnosis of which are discussed in the article, may occur due to:

  • Occlusion of the duct of the spermatic cord or failure of the circulation of the interstitial fluid (retention cyst);
  • mechanical damage, inflammation or other pathology of the spermatic cord (remolation cyst).

Most often, this disease is congenital in nature and is formed as follows: in the womb, the testicle normally descends into the scrotum, moving along the inguinal canal, at the same time, the outgrowth of the peritoneum also descends, which subsequently forms the inner shell of the testicle. It is this outgrowth that is called the vaginal process.

spermatic cord cyst in a boy causes treatment
spermatic cord cyst in a boy causes treatment

Normally, this process overgrows during the first months of life, as a result of which a thin cord is formed, and the area of contact between the testicle and the peritoneum disappears. This prevents the passage of peritoneal fluid to the location of the testicle. The lower part of the process forms a kind of cavity around the testicle, which serves as a reservoir for fluid in the cyst of the spermatic cord. The main reason for this condition is that the area of contact between the testicle and the peritoneum does not disappear. It is through this hole that the abdominal fluid penetrates to the testicle.

Howlooks like a cyst?

Outwardly, this disease has its manifestations. In particular, a cyst of the spermatic cord in a boy, an operation on which is inevitable, is manifested by swelling or rounded formations in the inguinal region. This formation tends to change in size. This indicates that there is a communication with the abdominal cavity.

A cyst develops for a long time, so it is almost impossible to notice any functional failures in the work of the organ. Neoplasm can be felt when probing, but very rarely bothers. If the boy already knows how to walk, discomfort may occur during movement, but this symptom is quite rare. In addition, pain may be experienced.

spermatic cord cyst in a boy
spermatic cord cyst in a boy

Detecting a neoplasm is usually obtained during a routine examination or when the cyst reaches a certain size (usually they are in the range of 1-3 cm).

It is worth remembering that a cyst of the spermatic cord in a boy, the causes of which were described above, regardless of its size, can put pressure on neighboring elements, resulting in a deterioration in the nutrition of the testicle. That is why, in any case, an operation is required, which is performed at the age of 1.5-2 years.

Diagnostic features

Only an andrologist can diagnose a boy with a spermatic cord cyst based on the results of the study. The following procedures may be required:

Ultrasound of the scrotum. This method is the most informative andaccurate for research. With the help of it, a cyst of the spermatic cord is diagnosed. This research method allows you to determine the exact size of the neoplasm, as well as its location. On ultrasound, this pathology has the appearance of a homogeneous formation, which has a thin wall. In addition, smooth internal and external contours are clearly visible on the screen. However, ultrasound does not detect the presence of spermatozoa in the fluid

cyst of the spermatic cord in a boy operation
cyst of the spermatic cord in a boy operation
  • Diaphanoscopy. This method involves the transillumination of the scrotum in rays of light of a certain length. During this, the cyst (usually no larger than 2.5 cm) can be seen as a light yellow transparent content. The cyst has the ability to completely transmit light, unlike tissue seals.
  • Computed tomography and MRI are performed only when the doctor suspects a tumor process.

An important role in the diagnosis has a manual inspection of a suspicious area. It is on the basis of the results of probing that the presence of pathology can be established.

Cyst treatment methods

This pathology is not a deadly threat to the body. A feature is that the cyst of the spermatic cord is easily treatable. However, in the presence of severe pain, as well as with a rapid growth rate of the cyst, the necessary measures must be taken as quickly as possible, since slowness can lead to the development of serious complications, such as a hernia. Also, this neoplasm can put pressure on neighboring tissues, which is why theyare deformed and their functionality is impaired.

If a boy is diagnosed with a spermatic cord cyst, surgery (doctors' reviews only confirm this) is the only possible method of treatment. It is performed using local anesthesia. After the operation, the patient spends another day in the hospital, and on the tenth day, almost all restrictions are removed.

Surgery steps

The operation itself is carried out in several stages:

  • Making a minor incision.
  • Detailed dissection of all tissues on the way to the cyst. The main rule of this stage of the operation: the skin of the appendages should be injured as little as possible. If this rule is neglected, there may be difficulties with the patient's reproductive function in the future.
  • Removal of the cyst.
  • Suturing epididymis tissues. If this stage is missed, scars may appear some time after surgery, which will negatively affect the process of production and transport of spermatozoa.
spermatic cord cyst in a boy
spermatic cord cyst in a boy

To reduce the negative consequences after surgery, modern surgeons use special microsurgical instruments, as well as optical magnification. This allows you to make the smallest possible seam. The scar will be almost invisible, which means it will not interfere. After all surgical procedures, cold is applied to the sore spot to prevent the formation of a hematoma.

Cyst of the spermatic cord inboy: operation, consequences specific

After the surgery, there can be both specific and non-specific complications. The first group includes:

  • hemorrhages in the place where the operation was performed;
  • suppuration of the wound;
  • seam separation.

As a rule, these consequences can be avoided if the operation was carried out in accordance with all the rules.

Non-specific effects

As for non-specific complications, they include a pronounced cicatricial process, as a result of which the outflow of seminal fluid is disturbed (this complication can lead to the development of infertility). In order to avoid such a violation, surgical intervention is recommended only for indications, which are:

  • significant symptoms of pathology, such as severe pain or a constant feeling of heaviness in the groin area;
  • increase in cyst size;
  • too large neoplasm, resulting in deformation of surrounding tissues.

For small cysts, the so-called waiting tactics are chosen.

spermatic cord cyst in a boy operation reviews
spermatic cord cyst in a boy operation reviews

Given the numerous reviews of mothers whose children were operated on, we can conclude that any consequences after surgery are extremely rare and largely depend on the individual characteristics of the body. However, experienced specialists take this into account even before the operation, during a complete examination. Patients also report thatthe use of local anesthesia significantly speeds up the rehabilitation period, and in a day you can return to your previous lifestyle. And this is already an important argument, given the speed of modern life.

Is conservative treatment possible?

Many people have a question: "If a cyst of the spermatic cord in a boy is diagnosed, can Hel's drugs help to avoid surgery or not?" The answer is unequivocal: no, they cannot. Neither tablets nor ointments are able to get rid of a congenital or acquired cyst of the spermatic cord, since this is an anatomical formation that cannot resolve itself. That is why only a surgical method is used to solve this problem.

You should not engage in self-treatment, because in some cases, delay can lead to dangerous consequences. A timely diagnosis of a funiculocele can minimize complications. That is why it is recommended that the boy's parents have a regular examination of the child's groin.
