Renal failure is a dangerous disease, the result of which is a metabolic disorder. According to medical statistics, about 3% of the population currently suffers from pathology. These figures are increasing exponentially every year. Both women and men are equally susceptible to the disease. The disease does not bypass even small children. In this article, we will try to figure out what symptoms accompany kidney failure in men, what kind of disease it is, how to treat it.
General information
The kidneys perform an important function in the human body. They continuously produce urine, which subsequently removes harmful substances. This filter structure provides retention inbalance of two balances: water-s alt and acid-base. Renal failure is a dangerous pathological condition characterized by mass death of nephron cells. In the future, the body loses the ability to form and excrete urine. The disease is a consequence of acute damage to the tissues of the organ, therefore it develops suddenly. The volume of urine produced is sharply reduced, sometimes it is completely absent. It is very important to recognize the symptoms of kidney failure in men in a timely manner in order to exclude the occurrence of complications. The sooner the doctor prescribes treatment, the higher the chances of recovery.

Main causes of disease
Renal failure has two forms of development: acute and chronic. Based on this, physicians identify factors predisposing to the development of the disease. Among the causes of the acute variant of the disease, the most common are the following:
- Intoxication of the body with food and alcohol, drugs.
- Disorder of renal circulation.
- Diseases of an infectious nature.
- Injury or removal of a single kidney.
- Urinary tract blockage.
Chronic renal failure in men, the causes of which differ from the acute form of the disease, develops gradually. Usually it is preceded by serious pathologies of the internal organs. It can be diabetes, hypertension, congenital nephropathy, pyelonephritis or systemic lupus erythematosus. Any ofThese diagnoses require constant monitoring by a doctor. The implementation of his recommendations and prescriptions helps to prevent the occurrence of kidney failure.

How does the disease manifest itself?
The development of the pathological process and its causes affect the symptoms of renal failure in men. Initially, the patient pays attention to the fact that the fluid is excreted from the body irregularly. Urination may be accompanied by pain discomfort. The man begins to inexplicably lose weight, the skin becomes yellow. Appetite disappears, nausea and vomiting appear after eating. Anemia can be clearly observed in the blood test. A similar clinical picture is characteristic of a disease such as renal failure. Symptoms in men can vary depending on the form of the disease - acute or chronic. Next, we will consider each case in more detail.
Acute current
The disease in this case is manifested by a sharp decrease in the amount of urine or a complete cessation of its excretion from the body. Signs of intoxication gradually increase: loss of appetite, indigestion, under the influence of toxins, the liver enlarges. Kidney dysfunction is accompanied by the appearance of specific swelling under the eyes.

The clinical picture of the acute form of the disease develops in the following sequence:
- The first stage. The appearance of signs of the disease is due to its root cause. Usually,symptoms of general intoxication appear: the skin is pale, the patient is constantly sick. The duration of this stage may vary. In some patients, the disease begins to manifest itself a few hours after the death of nephrons, in others - after 2-3 days.
- Second stage. At this stage, the volume of urine output is sharply reduced, so the likelihood of death is high. Urea and other products of protein metabolism gradually accumulate in the blood. The result of such a violation is severe swelling. The body starts poisoning itself. What are the symptoms of kidney failure in the second stage? In men, lethargy, drowsiness, and possibly a disorder of the stool appear. The leading symptom of the disease is an increase in nitrogen levels in the blood.
- Third stage. At this stage, diuresis gradually normalizes, but the symptoms still persist. The body's ability to concentrate urine and remove metabolic products is restored. The work of the lungs, cardiac system and gastrointestinal tract also returns to normal. Puffiness, pastosity of the legs goes away. The duration of this phase is approximately 14 days.
- The fourth stage. Gradually recedes renal failure. Symptoms in men do not disappear immediately, it takes from one to three months for the final recovery.
If there are signs that indicate acute renal failure, it is necessary to immediately call a team of medical workers. All subsequent therapeutic measures are carried out in a hospital.
Chronic process
The chronic form of the disease is characterized by a latent course. Initially, the patient notices a deterioration in well-being. He quickly gets tired, appetite disappears, headaches appear. The skin becomes dry, and the muscles lose their tone. The patient is constantly sick, worried about frequent seizures. Hands, feet and face are very swollen. Symptoms of chronic renal failure in men increase gradually. The skin turns yellow, and sores appear in the oral cavity. The patient may suffer from diarrhea and severe flatulence. The smell of urine begins to be felt by the surrounding people. In parallel, the work of the cardiac and respiratory systems is disrupted. Immunity suffers from the pathological process.

Conservative treatment allows you to maintain the full functioning of the excretory organs. However, an increase in psycho-emotional / physical activity, neglect of the prescribed diet, improper drinking regimen - all these factors can cause a deterioration in the patient's condition.
Diagnostic Methods
In order to avoid complications of the disease, it is necessary to diagnose it in time, determine the causes. The medical examination of the patient begins with the collection of a clinical history. The doctor should know how long ago the signs of kidney failure appeared. In men with one kidney, the clinical picture practically does not differ from that in patients with a full-fledged organ (both kidneys). It is mandatory to study the state of the urinary system. Comprehensive diagnostics includes ultrasound, blood biochemistry andurine, radiography, CT. An early comprehensive examination of the body allows you to start treatment in a timely manner and prevent the transition of the disease into a chronic form.

What is the pathology dangerous?
Renal failure in men, the treatment and diagnosis of which was not carried out in a timely manner, may be accompanied by complications. The body gradually stops working, which is fraught with intoxication of the body with metabolic products. An extremely unpleasant complication is the narrowing of the vessels of the kidneys. This pathology is considered as the last stage of the development of the disease, as a result of which sodium accumulates in the body.
Therapy of the acute form of the disease
Renal failure is a dangerous disease that requires hospital treatment. At the initial stages, therapy is reduced to the elimination of the causes of the disease, the restoration of homeostasis and impaired system functions. Depending on the patient's condition, you may need:
- antibacterial drugs;
- detoxification therapy (hemodialysis, infusion of saline solutions);
- fluid replacement (transfusion of blood and blood substitutes);
- hormonal drugs.
At the diagnosis of "renal failure" in men, the treatment and dosage of drugs are selected by a specialist. To remove nitrogenous slags and detoxify the body, they resort to hemosorption, plasmapheresis, and hemodialysis. To normalize diuresis, use diuretic medications ("Furosemide"). Depending on the type of violationwater-electrolyte balance is administered with solutions of calcium, sodium and potassium s alts.
Treatment of a chronic process
Therapy for chronic renal failure involves addressing the underlying cause of the disease, maintaining organ function, and detoxification procedures. At the initial stages, the main goal of treatment is to slow down the progression of the pathological process. In hypertension, antihypertensive drugs are used. If the main cause of renal failure is hidden in an autoimmune disease, glucocorticoid hormones and cytostatics are prescribed. With anatomical changes in the excretory system, an operation is performed to improve the patency of the urinary tract or remove the calculus.
After ongoing therapy, additional therapy is prescribed to reduce the symptoms of kidney failure in men. How to treat the disease, the doctor determines. For example, diuretics are used to reduce swelling. With severe anemia, vitamin complexes and iron preparations are prescribed.
In the last stages, the patient is transferred to permanent hemodialysis. The procedures are repeated every 14 days. Kidney transplantation is an alternative to hemodialysis. With good compatibility and a successful operation, the patient has a chance to recover and return to normal life.

Principles of Diet Therapy
We have already told you about the symptoms of kidney failure in men. Diet in this disease is an important componenttreatment. Patients are advised to follow a low protein diet. Changing the habitual diet can slow down the development of the pathological process and reduce the burden on the kidneys. Diet therapy includes several principles:
- Restrict protein intake to 65g per day.
- Increasing the energy value of nutrition by increasing carbohydrate foods in the diet.
- The main focus should be on fruits and vegetables. It is important to take into account the content of vitamins, s alts and protein component in them.
It is necessary to constantly monitor the amount of fluid consumed and excreted. This parameter can be calculated by the formula: the amount of urine excreted per day + 800 ml. In this case, all liquids (soups, cereals, drinks, fruits, vegetables) should be taken into account. The absence of pronounced edema and the preserved water balance allow the patient to receive 6 g of s alt per day.
Prevention measures
How to prevent kidney failure? First of all, it is necessary to observe the indications and the scheme for the use of drugs. It is necessary to refuse nephrotoxic products, which include surrogate alcohol and narcotic substances. It is important to treat infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the urinary system in a timely manner.
To prevent the transition of the disease into a chronic form, you should know what symptoms of kidney failure have. In men, the disease is manifested by problems with urination and deterioration of well-being. When such disorders occur, you should seek help fromspecialist.

Timely identification of the causes of renal failure, competent diagnosis and appropriate treatment can save the patient's he alth. The acute form of the disease has a favorable prognosis if the patient follows all the doctor's instructions and follows a diet. In a chronic course, the chances of recovery depend on the stage of the pathological process. In the case of full compensation for the work of the kidneys, the prognosis for life is favorable. In the terminal stage, the only option to maintain he alth is permanent hemodialysis or organ transplant.