Removal of the testicle in men, postoperative period, consequences

Removal of the testicle in men, postoperative period, consequences
Removal of the testicle in men, postoperative period, consequences

There are a large number of diseases of the male genital area, many of which are so serious that doctors suggest that the representatives of the stronger sex perform an operation to remove one testicle - hemicasterization. Such a measure is resorted to only in the most extreme cases. Men are very afraid that this will affect their sexual function or they will not be able to have children. This is not true. The operation is not able to make a man impotent and does not affect their fertility in any way.

Indications for surgery

testicle removal in men
testicle removal in men

There are the following reasons why it is necessary to have a testicle removed in men:

  • Prostate cancer. As a result of the operation, male sex hormones stop being produced, which allows you to control the growth of the tumor.
  • If the testicle didn't descend during puberty.
  • High amounts of testosterone caused by many systemic diseases.
  • Twisting of the spermatic cord, due to which the organ ceases to be supplied with blood. Such a pathology occurs as a result of prolonged sports exercises or physical effort.
  • Testicular cancer.

Preparation for surgery

Before an operation is performed to remove a testicle in men, standard procedures are carried out: a complete medical examination, passing urine and blood for analysis, taking pictures. Determine the possible risks of the anesthesia used.

male testicle removal surgery
male testicle removal surgery

The doctor is also provided with a list of medicines that a man usually takes. It is forbidden to use aspirin or other anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as blood thinners (for example, Clopidogrel, Warfarin) a week before the operation. The intestines should be cleansed with an enema or mild laxatives. For 8 hours before the removal of the testicle, the patient is forbidden to eat and for two hours - to drink.

How is the operation performed?

Mostly, the removal of the testicle in men is carried out under local or spinal anesthesia, but sometimes, at the request of the patient, the doctor uses general anesthesia. The operation lasts from one to two hours, depending on the severity of the disease.

First, the hair in the genital area is shaved off, and then the penis is fixed with a bandage. An anesthetic is injected into the scrotal suture, after which a 5 cm incision is made along it. The testis is brought out, clamped and the spermatic cord is crossed. The remnants of the cord are inserted into the scrotum and a cosmetic suture is applied.

after testicle removal in men
after testicle removal in men

After the operation, the patient can immediately leave the hospital. A man is able to go to work in a few days. To preserve the aesthetic appearance of the external genital organs, it is possible to choose an implant before the operation, which is a silicone prosthesis that repeats the removed organ in shape and size.

What complications can occur?

As with any surgical intervention, the removal of the testicle in men can be accompanied by various complications, and they usually appear in the first few days after the operation. These could be:

  • pain;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • increased body temperature.
effects of testicle removal in men
effects of testicle removal in men

However, after hemocastration, the consequences can be much more serious:

  • loose seams;
  • suppuration due to infection;
  • tissue or nerve damage;
  • swelling at the seams.

All of the above pathological conditions require immediate medical attention, as this is a rather serious operation - the removal of a testicle in men.

Post-operative period

After surgery, the postoperative wound should be looked after very carefully so that complications do not arise. In the first two to three weeks after testicle removal, men are prohibited from playing sports, lifting weights, going to the pool, bath or sauna, making sudden movements, having sex, taking a bath.

In this case, you must perform the following actions:

  • external genitals should be wiped twice a day;
  • to avoid swelling, it is recommended to apply an ice pack to the groin;
  • drink every day 2.5 liters of pure non-carbonated water;
  • must wear a groin brace.

Possible consequences after testicular surgery

The main function of the testicles is the production of androgens. Testosterone is responsible for sexual desire, in addition, it promotes the development of bone tissue and activates blood flow. Many men are mistaken, believing that after such an operation there may be problems with erection. After the removal of one testicle, the second testis is quite capable of performing its functions. Otherwise, hormone replacement therapy is carried out.

Due to hormonal imbalance, changes occur in the appearance of a man. Due to the increase in fat, weight begins to increase, muscle mass decreases, skin becomes flabby, and bone tissue loses its density.

removal of the testicle in men postoperative period
removal of the testicle in men postoperative period

The consequences of removing a testicle in men may be as follows:

  • weight gain often reaches 10 kilograms;
  • specific breast enlargement, palpation feels painful;
  • psychological impotence that occurs due to dissatisfaction with the appearance of their genitals;
  • fatigue, which becomes chronic after a while;
  • female menopause symptoms: hot flashes, hot flashes, sweating;
  • appear on the skinstretch marks due to reduced levels of elasticity and collagen, increased dryness;
  • reduced sensitivity of the genitals;
  • irritability, unreasonable mood swings;
  • reduction or complete loss of sexual desire.


Removal of a testicle in men is a rather serious operation that can cause various complications. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to properly observe the postoperative regimen. Be sure to wear a fixing bandage. The incision on the scrotum heals without a trace. Men with one testicle almost always become fathers, because the remaining testis is doing its job normally.
