
Dyshidrosis of the hands: photos, causes and treatment, reviews

Dyshidrosis of the hands: photos, causes and treatment, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

This pathology is understood as a skin disease, which is accompanied by the appearance of blisters filled with light liquid, which are characterized by itchy character. These bubbles are located, as a rule, on the palms, and can also be found on the lateral surface of the fingers. And when the symptoms of the disease occur not only on the hands, but also on the legs, they speak of a mixed type of dyshidrosis

Diabetic angiopathy: types, causes, symptoms, signs and treatment

Diabetic angiopathy: types, causes, symptoms, signs and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

In this article we will talk about such a disease as diabetic angiopathy, and find out how dangerous this disease is. In addition, we will study its main symptoms, possible complications, and, in addition, find out how the diagnosis is carried out along with the treatment and prevention of the disease

Free fluid in the abdominal cavity: causes

Free fluid in the abdominal cavity: causes

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

In medicine, the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity is also called abdominal dropsy, which can accompany many urological, oncological, gynecological, cardiological, gastroenterological, lymphological and other diseases. Ascites is not an independent disease. It acts as an indicator of any severe defect in the human body

Mucus in urine: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Mucus in urine: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Mucus in the urine in clinical medicine is considered to be a pathology, especially in cases where this element is present in large quantities. A small amount of mucus should not cause concern, however, if it exceeds the minimum values, then this may indicate that a certain inflammatory process is taking place in the kidneys or urinary tract

Flat warts on the face: treatment and reviews

Flat warts on the face: treatment and reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Flat warts are formations on the skin that slightly rise above its surface. They are called flat because they are a kind of plaques that vaguely resemble a small nettle burn. Such neoplasms are also popularly called youthful, since they very often occur in childhood or adolescence, when hormonal changes are carried out in the body

Diverticulosis of the sigmoid colon: symptoms, causes and features of treatment

Diverticulosis of the sigmoid colon: symptoms, causes and features of treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Diverticulosis of the sigmoid colon is considered to be a pathological process, which is characterized by the formation of diverticula (sac-like hernial protrusions on the walls of the intestine). As a rule, the disease develops closer to 50 years, since it is at this age that the walls of the sigmoid colon begin to weaken and squeeze outward with an increase in intracavitary pressure

Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD) by hypertensive type: symptoms and methods of treatment

Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD) by hypertensive type: symptoms and methods of treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Many people know what it is like when the heart is pounding and the pressure is constantly rising. Some may live with these years and not attach much importance to such problems, but others, on the contrary, instantly begin to sound the alarm and conduct a thorough examination. When, after passing the tests, a person in his medical record sees a diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia of a hypertensive type, it becomes necessary to study this problem in more detail

An eyesore in humans: photo, causes, treatment

An eyesore in humans: photo, causes, treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Pathological disease, popularly known as an eyesore, is called eye leukoma. The disease is expressed in clouding of the cornea. Belmo can be a congenital pathology, it can manifest itself as a result of various inflammatory processes, after an injury

Symptoms and treatment of drug-induced rhinitis

Symptoms and treatment of drug-induced rhinitis

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The most common consequence of any hypothermia is a runny nose. This is a symptom that is considered by many to be a minor nuisance and in this regard, people prefer to treat it on their own. Often, treatment consists of going to the nearest pharmacy and purchasing vasoconstrictor drops that make breathing easier. And it seems that this scheme works flawlessly, but this happens only until the body itself begins to refuse such treatment

Erythema multiforme exudative: causes, forms, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Erythema multiforme exudative: causes, forms, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Lesions of the skin, mucous membranes in humans are manifestations of erythema multiforme exudative. This acute disease, characterized by the occurrence of polymorphic rashes, has a relapsing course. Often this disease affects young and middle-aged people, less often diagnosed in children. Such an ailment is a fairly common disease, which usually manifests itself during the off-season

Rheumatoid arthritis: symptoms and treatment

Rheumatoid arthritis: symptoms and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

It is an inflammatory disease that causes painful discomfort in the joints along with their deformity. This disease usually develops after the age of thirty. Every hundredth inhabitant suffers from it on the planet. Women are three times more likely than men to have symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. The photos presented in the article show that this disease mainly affects the small joints of the hands, knees and ankles, leading to their destruction and disruption

Bradycardia: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Bradycardia: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Such a diagnosis is made in the presence of disorders and changes in the functioning of the heart. In this case, the heart rate decreases to 60 beats per minute or less. For comparison, it is worth saying that in he althy people, the pulse is usually from 60 to 100 beats per minute. Directly, the heart rate with bradycardia is below 60 beats. Symptoms and causes of bradycardia are of interest to many

Erythema annulus: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Erythema annulus: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Erythema annulare is redness and swelling of the skin, which is associated with vasodilation and stagnation of blood in them. It can occur as a reaction to insect bites, as well as against the background of autoimmune processes and helminthic invasions. Pathology is so called because of the characteristic appearance: a red ring with raised edges that limit the area of u200bu200bdamaged skin. Depending on the factors that caused the disease, the disease takes place in an acute or chronic form

Bartholinitis: home treatment, methods and reviews

Bartholinitis: home treatment, methods and reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

This is an infectious disease during which there is an inflammation of the gland near the entrance to the vagina. The cause of this disease is Escherichia coli, staphylococci, streptococci and other types of infections

Vegetovascular dystonia: causes, symptoms and treatment

Vegetovascular dystonia: causes, symptoms and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Everyone has heard of such a thing as vegetovascular dystonia. This is due to the fact that the violation is very common, and according to statistics, about 80% of the entire population of the planet and about 30% of children suffer from it. Due to the fact that women are more emotional than men, they experience this disease three times more often

How to bring down the temperature in the shortest possible time?

How to bring down the temperature in the shortest possible time?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Everyone should know how to bring down the temperature. The fact is that hyperthermia is accompanied by many diseases. In most cases, it turns out to be useful, but if the temperature rises too much, then this can lead to very unpleasant consequences

How is a sore throat treated - on your own or under the supervision of a doctor?

How is a sore throat treated - on your own or under the supervision of a doctor?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

With the onset of cold weather, the question of how a sore throat is treated becomes very relevant. It is important to correctly establish the cause of the disease. It depends on what medicines to treat angina. Self-medication or improper treatment can lead to complications

Baths for cystitis: recipes, rules for taking and effectiveness

Baths for cystitis: recipes, rules for taking and effectiveness

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Baths for cystitis - an effective way to combat the manifestations of the disease in its acute stage. It can be used as an independent tool, and as part of complex therapy. To avoid complications with cystitis, you should alternate the composition of the baths - swap anti-inflammatory and painkillers. A local disinfecting effect is necessary, but if the discomfort and pain are too strong, you will have to use soothing mucosal components

Dry throat: causes and treatment

Dry throat: causes and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Many people experience sore and itchy throat, dryness. These symptoms also appear in perfectly he althy people. Dry throat is also considered common. Often this is associated with some kind of nasopharyngeal disease, so this should not be ignored. The causes and elimination of dry throat are described in the article

How to treat tonsillitis in children and adults

How to treat tonsillitis in children and adults

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

There are many ways to treat tonsillitis. The main thing is to choose exactly the one that is most suitable for the body and will not harm it

How to treat purulent tonsillitis at home?

How to treat purulent tonsillitis at home?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Purulent tonsillitis refers to seasonal diseases that affect human he alth, mainly in the autumn-spring period, that is, when the body's susceptibility to the activity of infectious pathogens is highest. Treatment of pathology implies a comprehensive approach with the mandatory use of local or general antibiotics and completely excludes self-diagnosis and options for using symptomatic therapy

Throat lump: causes and diagnosis of the problem

Throat lump: causes and diagnosis of the problem

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Each of us has experienced unpleasant tickling and tightness in the throat. But when such a feeling appears quite often and begins to disturb a person, it is necessary to seek qualified help. A lump in the throat is not a disease. This feeling is most often a sign of a disease. Sometimes an indicator of the disease can only be discomfort in the throat. And sometimes the feeling of tickling and tightness is accompanied by a number of other painful symptoms

How to treat pharyngitis at home: the best remedies

How to treat pharyngitis at home: the best remedies

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Pharyngitis is a disease in which, due to the inflammatory process, the lymphoid tissue and the mucous membrane of the throat are damaged. The disease often goes along with inflammation of all parts of the upper respiratory tract. How to treat pharyngitis at home? This is what we will discuss in our article today

How to cure a chronic runny nose: medicines and folk remedies

How to cure a chronic runny nose: medicines and folk remedies

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Chronic runny nose is the most common disease of the upper respiratory tract. In chronic rhinitis, the nasal mucosa becomes inflamed. This inflammation makes it difficult to breathe and provokes nasal discharge of a diverse plan: liquid, like water, similar to mucus, and even purulent. With such inflammation, a person constantly sneezes, the sense of smell is partially or completely disturbed

How to treat jams in the corners of the mouth

How to treat jams in the corners of the mouth

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Angulite, better known by the people under the definition of "zaedy", is the result of mechanical trauma to the mucous membrane and skin in the oral cavity. Accompanied by rather unpleasant and painful inflammation

How to get a tick out of a person?

How to get a tick out of a person?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Every sane person should know what and in what sequence to do when bitten by this insidious spider. First, let's look at who he is, and why he is so insidious

Frequent colds in adults: causes, treatment

Frequent colds in adults: causes, treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Not all people have good immunity. Residents of cities most often suffer from influenza diseases. According to statistics, the city dweller, on average, has a cold up to four times a year. Almost a month later in the autumn-winter period, and this is due to several reasons

What to do with chickenpox? Symptoms and treatment of the disease

What to do with chickenpox? Symptoms and treatment of the disease

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

It is unlikely that there will be at least one person who managed not to get chickenpox. Chickenpox is considered a childhood infection, as it mainly affects children under the age of 10 years. How is chickenpox in children? The incubation period, treatment, symptoms and other important information - in our today's article

Meigs syndrome: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Meigs syndrome: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Meigs' syndrome is a special variant of polyserositis that occurs in women with tumors of the ovarian tissue and uterus. It disappears completely after the neoplasia is removed. At the same time, there is an increase in the volume of the abdomen, an increase in shortness of breath, tachycardia, weakness, fatigue, pallor, weight gain with external signs of cachexia

How to become a girl if you are a guy? gender dysphoria

How to become a girl if you are a guy? gender dysphoria

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Gender dysphoria is characterized by strong persistent feelings of being a person of a different gender. A person is convinced that he is the victim of a biological error and has been imprisoned in a body that is incompatible with his actual sexual essence

Tunnel under the left rib in front: causes, diagnosis and treatment methods

Tunnel under the left rib in front: causes, diagnosis and treatment methods

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Discomfort in this area may indicate several ailments. We will deal with the main reasons, among which are: incipient gastritis, stomach problems, heart attack, lung disease, back injuries, broken ribs, pancreatitis, diaphragmatic disorders, nervous system dysfunction, pregnancy, excessive gas formation

What is the difference between herpes and colds on the lips: the main symptoms, treatment features

What is the difference between herpes and colds on the lips: the main symptoms, treatment features

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Often a small pimple pops up on the lips in autumn or winter, and it can be difficult to understand whether it is herpes or a cold. Meanwhile, these are two different diseases, the treatment regimens for which have little similarity. What is the difference between cold sores and cold sores from a medical point of view?

Infectious gastritis: pathogens, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment

Infectious gastritis: pathogens, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Medication, poor-quality and unbalanced nutrition, stress, bad habits - all this puts our gastrointestinal tract at risk. One of the most common pathologies of our time is gastritis - inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Until recently, this disease was considered non-contagious, but doctors have proven that infectious gastritis occurs as often as non-infectious gastritis

Prevention of a heart attack: drugs and doctor's advice

Prevention of a heart attack: drugs and doctor's advice

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Previously, it was believed that a heart attack is an age-related disease, the majority of patients were over 50 years old. But today this indicator has changed, more and more often a heart attack overtakes its victims at the age of 30-35. Disappointing statistics show that the prevention of myocardial infarction is becoming more important every year

Constantly growls very loudly in the stomach: causes, solutions to the problem and recommendations from doctors

Constantly growls very loudly in the stomach: causes, solutions to the problem and recommendations from doctors

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The body is a multifaceted system - all the mechanisms in it function clearly and smoothly. The digestive tract is responsible for grinding and processing food, removing residues in a natural way. Rumbling and gas formation are natural processes. But sometimes it becomes a serious hindrance to a normal life. About why the stomach constantly rumbles and gurgles, as well as treatment methods, is described in the article

Is it possible to bathe a child with bronchitis: expert advice

Is it possible to bathe a child with bronchitis: expert advice

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchi, which affects both the mucous membrane and the entire thickness of the walls of the organ. Pathology appears on its own, but sometimes it is one of the complications of colds. There are two forms of the disease: acute and chronic

Cryptococcal meningitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Cryptococcal meningitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Cryptococcosis is inflammation of the layers of the brain and spinal cord due to infection with the fungus Cryptococcus neoformans. Infection occurs by airborne droplets. Cryptococcal meningitis appears with a low immune status. The characteristic symptoms of the disease are headache, hardening of the occipital muscles, visual disturbances and other sensory organs. Lack of proper treatment can lead to coma and death

As if stirring in the anus: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

As if stirring in the anus: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The sensation that occurs for the first time in the anus, as if stirring, causes a person to think about the possible causes of such a symptom. This symptom is characteristic of various pathological processes that require specialist diagnosis and appropriate therapy. Don't be ashamed of your pathology

Why does acne appear? What is acne? Cause of appearance, treatment with medicines and folk remedies

Why does acne appear? What is acne? Cause of appearance, treatment with medicines and folk remedies

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Skin during adolescence in humans is the most striking example of how acne appears and develops. What is this skin disease that occurs as a result of malfunctioning of the glands that produce oily lubricant?

Acne vulgaris: causes, description, treatment and prevention

Acne vulgaris: causes, description, treatment and prevention

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Acne vulgaris are red and white pimples that usually appear on the back, décolleté or face. This problem is familiar to 50% of the population. At risk are young people aged 13 to 19 and girls aged 11 to 18. In rare cases, rashes appear in people in a more mature period of life