Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD) by hypertensive type: symptoms and methods of treatment

Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD) by hypertensive type: symptoms and methods of treatment
Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD) by hypertensive type: symptoms and methods of treatment

Many people know what it is like when the heart is pounding and the pressure is constantly rising. Some may live with these years and not attach much importance to such problems, but others, on the contrary, instantly begin to sound the alarm and conduct a thorough examination. When, after passing the tests, a person in his medical record sees a diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia of a hypertensive type, it becomes necessary to study this problem in more detail.

VSD for hypertensive type
VSD for hypertensive type

Characteristic symptoms

Let's list the main most important clinical manifestations and symptoms of VVD by hypertensive type:

  • A sharp rise in a person's blood pressure, at which it exceeds the value of 140/90 millimeters of mercury. The maximum pressure indicators in this case are individual, for somepressure may increase to 200/120 millimeters of mercury.
  • Against the background of an increase in pressure with VVD of a hypertensive type, complaints of headache appear, and, in addition, facial flushing, tinnitus, nausea and dizziness.
  • Cardiological manifestations are added in the form of an increase in the frequency of heart contractions and disturbances in its rhythm.
  • Occurrence of pain and discomfort behind the sternum.
  • The appearance of a feeling of fatigue, and, in addition, weakness, apathy and drowsiness. What other symptoms of hypertensive VSD are there?
  • In some cases, panic can be observed along with nervous excitement, obsessive fear of death or fear of loneliness.


A very important feature of this pathology is that all these symptoms appear only against the background of stress or provoking factors. In general, such symptoms go away on their own after the use of sedatives. In addition, in order to return to normal, breathing exercises and rest help a person. Only a small number of patients need to take drugs to reduce pressure and stop the attack.

Let's find out how this disease is treated.

VSD for hypertensive type in adolescents
VSD for hypertensive type in adolescents

Treatment Methods

Treatment of hypertensive VVD is actually quite a difficult task. It is important to understand that, based on the main causes of nervous system dysfunction, completely different treatments are suitable for one or another patient. In some patients, this conditionWith minimal effort it passes without a trace, while in others it is very difficult to treat. Doctors agree that the success of this treatment lies in the normalization of the psycho-emotional well-being of the patient. Consider the main methods of treating this disease:

  • Such a banal recommendation in the form of normalization of sleep and rest in the case of treatment of this disease is fundamental. For many patients, it is enough to provide themselves with a normalized work schedule with eight hours of sleep and optimal leisure time, as a sharp improvement will be noted immediately.
  • The use of sedatives for the treatment of hypertensive VVD. The benefits of sedatives in this case are individual. They help some patients perfectly, while others require specialized medicines. Very often, herbal preparations based on herbs such as motherwort, mint, peony, passionflower and so on are used. It would not be superfluous to prescribe vitamin B complexes, potassium and magnesium to such patients. There is absolutely nothing wrong with using antidepressants, and, moreover, with the use of tranquilizers, which, however, must be selected by a doctor.
  • Treatment with water procedures. This method of therapy is the undisputed leader in the therapeutic effect on the autonomic system. Swimming, along with various types of water procedures in mud baths and sanatoriums, and sometimes a regular contrast shower with a soothing herbal bath at night, will perfectly calm and relax.
  • Sport along with physical activity has always been a great outlet formentally busy people. Ideal types for the prevention of hypertensive dystonia are yoga, breathing exercises, Pilates, jogging and walking.
  • No less important is the rejection of various bad habits, including excessive passion for strong tea and coffee.
  • blood pressure with hypertonic type
    blood pressure with hypertonic type
  • Treatment with specialized cardiological drugs is indicated for a relatively small number of patients, since with dystonia there is no need for strict pressure control. Such drugs are selected by a general practitioner or cardiologist.
  • Some people are shown taking vascular medications, this is especially true against the background of circulatory disorders of the brain, as well as in the presence of osteochondrosis and after suffering brain injuries or strokes. These medications are prescribed by a neurologist.

What is the prognosis for hypertensive VSD (ICD code F45.3)?

Disease prognosis

Nervous system dysfunctions themselves do not cause severe harm to human he alth, but they are fertile ground for the occurrence of serious diseases in the form of arterial hypertension, cerebrovascular accident, all kinds of neuroses and panic attacks.

Given the fact that the diagnosis of VVD for hypertensive type is not in the world classification of diseases, and in addition it is not yet recognized in some countries, there are no convincing statistical data on the prognosis for recovery or complications regarding this pathology.

Diagnosis of VVD byhypertensive type during pregnancy

Pregnant women with this type of disease complain that they have a headache, and flies run in their eyes or darkness appears. An increase in pressure with this diagnosis in expectant mothers causes edema. In order to eliminate all these symptoms, one should not take medicine at all, but only need to relax and at the same time rest.

Late toxicosis

By the way, IRR of the hypertensive type during pregnancy can be the cause of late toxicosis. In addition, this disease in pregnant women provokes a violation of blood flow in the placenta or even its premature detachment. Dysfunctions are often seen in overweight women during pregnancy.

vegetative vascular dystonia of hypertonic type army
vegetative vascular dystonia of hypertonic type army


VSD of hypertensive type and teenagers often.

So, as we have already found out, this syndrome does not appear on its own, but arises as a result of the prolonged action of various negative factors. The direct causes of dystonia in adolescents are often the following factors:

  • Changes in the hormonal background of a developing organism.
  • The occurrence of relationship stress.
  • Indulgence in bad habits.
  • Excessive workload at school.
  • Lack of exercise.
  • Serious diseases suffered by a teenager in the recent past.

Emotional loads

A significant proportion of teenagers are exposed toemotional stress that contribute to the emergence of this disease. They become very vulnerable, easily falling under the negative influence of others. All this leads to the emergence of vegetative dysfunctions in the body. In the event that in a teenager the growth rate of muscle tissues exceeds the speed of development of the peripheral nervous system, this also causes the appearance of hypertonic VSD in adolescents.

treatment of VSD by hypertensive type drugs
treatment of VSD by hypertensive type drugs

The causes of the described pathology in boys and girls may differ. Since girls are more emotional, autonomic dysfunctions in them may arise from excessive worry due to the judgments of others, the emergence of conflict situations in society and with friends. I must say that girls are more dependent on public opinion. In addition, menstruation contributes to the manifestation of nervous disorders associated with autonomic dysfunctions.

In young men, too rapid puberty leads to inadequate power loads, which negatively affect the heart. In addition, many young men very early begin to smoke and drink alcohol, try drugs. Unfortunately, all this contributes to the development of autonomic dysfunctions.

Hereditary predisposition

We must not forget about the hereditary predisposition to the occurrence of this disease. In the event that the parents had disorders in the work of the heart and blood vessels, then this can be transmitted to the teenager. In such a case, parents should carefully monitorhe alth of the child, contribute to his physical development, and, in addition, hardening.

Consider the treatment of VVD according to the hypertensive type with folk remedies.

Treatment with folk methods

In the case of this diagnosis, you can seek help from folk methods, for example:

  • Treatment with hibiscus. Sudanese rose is a unique plant with a powerful composition. Its peculiarity is that when drinking a hot drink, a person’s pressure rises, and chilled red tea, on the contrary, immediately reduces this indicator. Three large dried flowers of the plant are steamed with 0.4 liters of boiling water, and then the medicine is infused for about five minutes in a teapot. Optionally, you can add natural bee honey with ice cubes or sugar to the drink.
  • Use of calming charges. To restore a he althy state of the nervous system, it is very useful to take herbal preparations sold in a pharmacy or you can also prepare them yourself. For example, you can mix equal proportions of valerian root with cumin, motherwort, dill and calendula. Next, a spoonful of the mixture is poured with 150 milliliters of boiling water, insisted for two hours and filtered. The medicine is taken five times a day, 15 milliliters for exactly one month. But during the treatment period, it is not advisable to make passes, since the regularity of taking affects the effectiveness of therapy.
  • Treatment with pine needles. Phytoncides of coniferous trees perfectly normalize blood pressure, optimizing mood, improving emotional background and strengthening the psyche. Suchsubstances contribute to a very good night's rest, having a beneficial effect on the work of the heart and blood vessels. Coniferous concentrate baths are very useful. Very often essential oils of maritime pine, cedar, spruce and juniper are used. Walking in a coniferous forest, combined with rest near a similar area, significantly improves the condition of a person suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypertensive type.
  • VSD for hypertensive type during pregnancy
    VSD for hypertensive type during pregnancy

Next, let's find out if guys with such a diagnosis are taken into the army.

Does Russian law provide for conscription in the presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia?

So, do they take guys into the army with such a diagnosis? The fact is that in the list of diseases in which a young man of military age is recognized as unfit for service, this disease does not appear. And in the case of such a diagnosis, a person is recognized as limited fit for service, provided that during the last month there have been no cases of fainting or convulsions. Conscripts are fully fit for military service in the event that the symptoms of the disease have not been observed over the past six months.

So with vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypertonic type, the army is not contraindicated.

Besides, at present, doctors of the draft board do not consider such a diagnosis to be professional and the patient is simply sent for an additional examination. For example, with VVD, as a rule, the corresponding disease is suspected and the necessary tests are carried out.

More serious pathologies anddelay

As practice shows, quite often doctors change this diagnosis to a more serious pathology, and then they get a significant respite from the army due to a new illness. Sometimes they even get an exemption from the draft. Thus, they will not be drafted into the army if serious heart problems are found along with high blood pressure or malfunction of the thyroid gland. But in the event that such symptoms are not observed, then the young men are drafted into the army.

VSD on hypertensive type diagnosis
VSD on hypertensive type diagnosis


Thus, hypertonic VVD (ICD code F45.3) is a disorder in the functioning of the nervous system, which manifests itself in a number of specific symptoms. The most important symptom of this disease is a deviation in blood pressure. With its increase against the background of dystonia, they speak of the development of the disease according to the hypertensive type. For the treatment of pathology, it is especially recommended to monitor your calmness and try not to be exposed to stressful situations or fall into unreasonable panic.
