In this article, we will look at the symptoms, signs, causes and treatment of bartholinitis.
This is an infectious disease during which there is an inflammation of the gland near the entrance to the vagina. The cause of this disease is Escherichia coli, staphylococci, streptococci and other types of infections.
This disease can appear at any time, but is often diagnosed in women of childbearing age. If primary symptoms occur, you should visit a gynecologist. After the necessary diagnosis, the doctor prescribes antibiotic treatment.

It will also be useful to use homemade recipes in the treatment of bartholinitis, they, like pharmaceutical preparations, effectively cope with the disease.
Types, causes, symptoms and diagnosis
Bartolinitis is manifested due to inflammation of a large gland, which is located in front of the vagina. The function of the Bartholin gland is to produce a lubricant that moisturizes the mucous membranes of the external organs. Such a disease can appear only after puberty, since in children this gland has not yet fully developed.
The main symptoms of the disease are:
- swelling in the labia majora;
- burning, pain, discomfort during intercourse, walking and mechanical impact;
- purulent discharge in the genital area of external organs;
- asymmetry or enlarged outer labia;
- high body temperature and chills.
Bartolinitis, depending on the course of the disease, is divided into two forms:
- The acute form develops with high body temperature and is defined by severe symptoms.
- The chronic form of the disease proceeds with deterioration and spontaneous improvements. During this, the ducts of the gland are blocked and it thickens. Therefore, a cyst can form in this gland, which will cause discomfort during intercourse and walking.
Main causes of disease:
- hypothermia;
- bacterial vaginosis;
- diseases of the genitourinary system;
- sexually transmitted diseases;
- decreased immunity;
- wearing uncomfortable tight and synthetic underwear;
- violations of personal hygiene.
Diagnosis of the disease is carried out by a gynecologist, who must be visited if the first signs of the disease were noticed.
Diagnosis of this disease is carried out in several stages:
- description of the symptomatic picture of previous gynecological diseases;
- general gynecological examination;
- laboratory smear examination for detectioninfectious agents;
- laboratory blood tests for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases;
- general blood test for the presence of signs of inflammation.
So, what is the treatment for bartholinitis?
First aid folk remedies
In the treatment, antibacterial agents are used that fight the causes of the onset of the disease. The necessary assistance can be provided in normal home conditions with the primary signs of the disease. Home remedies are especially effective in the early stages of the disease.
Very effective for the treatment of bartholinitis is the use of external agents: ointments, compresses, baths, lotions. They are prepared from all kinds of natural ingredients.
The most effective way to combine the use of folk remedies with the use of antibacterial drugs:
- Yarrow, blackberry and nettle leaves. In order to prepare special lotions for the genitals, you will need to take one tablespoon of nettle leaves, blackberries and yarrow. Pour all this 700 ml of boiling water. After 90 minutes, this broth should be filtered. Ready tincture should be used in the form of lotions on the external genitalia before bedtime and in the morning. Before carrying out the procedure, the broth should be heated, it should be warm. Also, the decoction must be re-done every day.
- St. John's wort for the treatment of bartholinitis. You can make a very effective remedy against the disease based on this plant. To do this, you need to take a tablespoon of dry St. John's wort and pour it0.5 liters of water, boil for 20 minutes. For the ointment, you need to take 50 ml of rabbit or goose fat, a tablespoon of crushed St. John's wort flowers, 5 ml of beeswax. Mix all the ingredients and heat until the fat is completely dissolved. Then the finished ointment should be kept in a cool place. It is necessary to treat the causes and symptoms of bartholinitis with St. John's wort in two stages: first, the external genital organs must be washed with a decoction of St.
- Bath of oak bark, eucalyptus and chamomile. An important stage in the treatment of the disease is the use of baths from medicinal herbs. To prepare a wound healing and anti-inflammatory bath, you will need to take a tablespoon of chamomile, eucalyptus, oak bark and pour one liter of water. Then boil for ten minutes. Then this decoction must be cooled to room temperature, and after that make a bath for the affected area. Exposure time is about 15-20 minutes.
- Onion compress. It is necessary to bake the onion in the oven along with the husk. Then crush it and wrap it in a bandage. Apply to the site of the entrance to the vagina for 5-6 hours, you can leave it all night.
- What else is the treatment of bartholinitis? Cabbage leaves are a very good folk remedy for healing. To do this, take a thick sheet and pour boiling water over it. Then apply to the inflamed area and leave overnight. It will be effective to combine this therapy with the use of antibiotic treatment. Treatment of bartholinitis with folk remedies does not end there.

- You can also treat the disease with hypertonic saline. To do this, you need boiling water in one glass and a tablespoon of coarse s alt without a slide. S alt must be dissolved in water, then gauze should be folded into several layers and soaked with this liquid, excess moisture should be squeezed out so that it does not drain, and applied to the affected area. The compress should be changed five times a day, while making sure that the gauze is always clean.
- Treatment of bartholinitis with leeches. With the help of hirudotherapy, you can stop the further development of inflammation in the shortest possible time. Most patients note that after such treatment, they once and for all forgot about problems with gynecology.
Folk remedies for oral administration

The main purpose of using natural recipes is to improve the protective functions of the body, eliminate the cause of inflammation and reduce the symptoms of the disease:
- Dill seeds, nuts, honey and garlic. A good folk remedy at the initial stage of the disease is a mixture of 1 kg of honey, 50 g of dill seeds, 0.3 walnuts and 1 g of garlic. All components are ground in a blender. Take this mixture of 30 ml four times throughout the day. Use this remedy until the symptoms of the disease are completely gone.
- Red wine, honey and aloe juice. For cooking, you need 200 g of fresh aloe leaves. Add there 300 ml of thin honey and 400 ml of dry red wine. This mixture must be heatedwater bath for 60 minutes. Take the product in the morning and evening, 50 ml.
- Field horsetail, knotweed and nettle. Take one tablespoon of each ingredient and pour one liter of water. Boil over low heat for 10 minutes. Ready decoction should be 100 ml after meals three times a day.
- Antibacterial infusion. To prepare an antibacterial infusion, you need to take immortelle, agrimony, young pine tops, Icelandic moss, smoke grass. All herbs should be in equal proportions. Then you need to add a spoonful of the collection in 400 ml of boiling water. Then let it brew and use it in the morning on an empty stomach and before going to bed, 100 ml each.
- General tonic infusion. The main cause of exacerbations of chronic bartholinitis is a decrease in the protective function of the body. Therefore, for its treatment, you should take an infusion that strengthens the body. In order to prepare it, you need to take one glass of dry echinacea and pour it with one liter of vodka. Let it brew for 10 days. After that, take three times a day for a teaspoon. This infusion should be taken for at least a month, even if all the symptoms of the disease have disappeared.
We will also consider the conservative treatment of bartholinitis with traditional medicine.
Traditional medicine
Bartolinitis is a serious disease, and its treatment, of course, should be under the supervision of a doctor. It is necessary to treat this disease, based on its form and the general condition of the patient. Preparations for the treatment of bartholinitis will be considered below.

When it's acuteform recommend:
- take antimicrobials prescribed after infection is detected;
- use antiseptic agents and lotions with antiseptics;
- go for physiotherapy sessions - usually UHF and microwaves, but only at normal body temperature or when symptoms subside;
- do rinsing with antiseptic solutions;
- take pain medication.
Surgical treatment is indicated in some cases.
To treat the chronic form of the disease, these methods are used:
- baths made from natural herbs and anti-inflammatory drugs;
- taking immunostimulating and restorative drugs;
- physiotherapy activities using ozocerite, paraffin and infrared laser;
- treatment of concomitant diseases of the genitourinary system;
- if a cyst is formed, surgical restoration of gland function is needed.
Treat this disease only after a thorough diagnosis, and it is also necessary to be observed by an experienced specialist.
Medication treatment
Consider the treatment of bartholinitis with Vishnevsky ointment. It helps well, but this remedy should be used only at a late stage in the development of the disease. At a time when pus began to ripen, such an ointment helps to speed up the process. It is often used before surgery. If you use the ointment in the early stages of the disease, then the inflammation can only worsen.
Ifthe woman decided to use this ointment in the treatment, then you need to use it in the form of lotions. To do this, apply the ointment on a small piece of gauze or on a cotton pad. The agent must be used in small quantities. Apply gauze or cotton pad to the inflamed area for 30 minutes. It should be noted that manifestations of allergic reactions are possible, redness may appear.

That is, with Vishnevsky's ointment, the treatment of bartholinitis should be carried out with caution.
Most experts recommend using Levomekol. This ointment relieves swelling, redness, lowers the level of the inflammatory process. Also, the ointment can heal wounds and relieve pain. It is necessary to apply the minimum amount of funds on a cotton pad and apply to the affected area once a day. Treatment of bartholinitis with Levomekol can be carried out only after consulting a doctor.
Serious medicines are antibiotics and suppositories. They are prescribed by a doctor to each woman individually, after examination and identification of the stage of the disease. It is strictly forbidden to use suppositories and antibiotics on your own, because you can harm your body or aggravate the situation.
When an illness occurs, you must consult a specialist. Because only a competent doctor is able to confirm or refute the diagnosis. Treatment of bartholinitis with candles is carried out only after a mandatory visit to the antenatal clinic.
Antibiotics. Whatever method of treatment is chosen, be it inpatienttreatment or at home, it will not be possible to completely cure the disease without the use of antibiotics. Since the pathogens that caused the damage to the Bartholin gland can only be eliminated in this way. The doctor prescribes broad-spectrum drugs that remove inflammation and are tuned against various types of pathogenic microorganisms.
- "Azithromycin". This drug resists the growth and reproduction of bacteria, is located in inflammatory and infectious foci and remains present there up to seven days after the last dose taken. This involves a short course of treatment, from three to five days. The drug is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women.
- "Amoxiclav". Combined drug, which consists of two active ingredients: clavulanic acid and amoxicillin. It has many indications, it is usually prescribed for infections of the skin and soft tissues, including bartholinitis. Also prescribed during pregnancy and lactation.
- "Ceftriaxone". This drug is fairly well tolerated by the body. Has contraindications during pregnancy in the first trimester and during breastfeeding.

- Cefazolin is a drug from the first generation of the cephalosporin group. It is allowed to be taken by pregnant and lactating women. (Both of these drugs are used intramuscularly or intravenously.)
- Fluoroquinolones. These are antimicrobial substances that effectively fight bacteria that are resistant to many antibiotics. Highlyeffective drugs from this group are Ofloxacin and Ciprofloxacin. They quickly concentrate in the blood plasma and quickly leave the body with urine. Among other indications, it is recommended as a remedy for infectious gynecological and purulent lesions. These drugs are not allowed to be taken by pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding. You should be careful: while using drugs from the fluoroquinolone group, the skin will become more sensitive to direct sunlight.
Antibiotics from the group of imidazoles - "Tinidazole" and "Trichopolum", to which Trichomonas are sensitive
When taking antibiotics, antipyretics, analgesics and during infectious diseases, human immunity is greatly weakened, the vital natural microflora of the body dies. Then there is candidiasis, general weakness, gastrointestinal disorders (heaviness in the abdomen, bloating, constipation), poor sleep. As a result, gastrointestinal diseases, intestinal dysbacteriosis, chronic colds, and frequent infection with viral infections may appear. During home treatment with folk remedies for inflammation of the Bartholin gland and after treatment, you need to take vitamin complexes and acidophilic lactobacilli.
This can help the drug "Yogurt" in capsules, which contains different types of effective bacterial cells that are part of the intestinal microflora and are friendly to the human body. They can restore the normal intestinal microflora and enhance the body's natural defenses. Contribute to the reductionchance of developing infectious diseases. They form an environment that eliminates putrefactive and pathogenic bacteria. It also prevents the occurrence of thrush. They can normalize bowel function and lower its pH, eliminate heartburn.
It should be remembered that all the bacteria in the capsules are alive and are still in dormant mode. When warm, they begin to activate, and if they do not find a nutrient medium, they instantly die. It will be possible to detect this process if the capsule is cut: instead of a white powder, there will be a gray mass inside. These are dead bacteria and are no longer useful for consumption. For this reason, lactobacilli must be stored in the refrigerator.
A good tonic that restores the female body is a complex of trace elements and vitamins. During the treatment period, it is recommended to consume vitamins important for the body, including vitamins A, E and C. They are antioxidants. If there is a lack of these important elements, then pathological immune processes are possible, and complete tissue restoration will not occur. They also take part in the formation and protection of cells. Deficiency results in lingering illnesses, susceptibility to infections, and frequent relapses.
Vitamins should be taken with or before meals.
You need to pay attention to the fact that before prescribing any drugs, you should tell your doctor about serious diseases of the internal organs, if any. Or consult with a therapist about the prescribed drugs. This measure is necessary in order toto adjust the dose, choose an analogue of the drug and the duration of use of the drug. This is necessary in the presence of certain diseases, especially in chronic ones.
Surgical treatment of bartholinitis
If conservative therapy has not brought the expected effect, an operation is prescribed to open an abscess or remove a cyst.
Surgical path of treatment is selected for:
- acute purulent or recurrent abscess;
- non-healing fistulous tract after opening a false abscess on the Bartholin's gland;
- festering cysts and ducts.
The operation is carried out in a hospital. It is carried out under intravenous anesthesia, since local administration of anesthetics is difficult and painful.
There are two types of surgery:
- Marsupialization - an artificial gland duct is created, which forms a channel that does not stick together. Thanks to this, the mucus enters directly into the vestibule of the vagina.
- Extirpation - carried out with frequent relapses and unsuccessful attempts to create an artificial duct.
Below is the treatment of bartholinitis during pregnancy at home.
Features of treatment during pregnancy
If bartholinitis is diagnosed, this does not mean at all that it is now impossible to get pregnant. Often inflammation of the gland is observed in women who are already in position.
If such an infection is treated with pharmaceuticals, it will negatively affect the unborn child, so in this case it is necessary to use ointments andherbal baths and lotions that will be safe for the baby.
To prevent this disease, it is recommended to use tar soap. They have remarkable properties, with the help of which a successful fight against various pathogens and pathogens is possible. During pregnancy, you just need to change the usual soap for tar.
What is the cost of treating bartholinitis? This is a frequently asked question.
It adds up from the prices of antibacterial and other drugs that are used in therapy. On average, antibiotics in tablets now cost from 100 to 500 rubles per pack, and two of them are required per course. Other drugs cost about another 200-300 rubles.
What is not recommended for treatment
In order for the disease to pass without complications, and to get rid of it quickly, it is forbidden to use some means.
Ichthyol ointment is banned. It can cause pus and inflammation. This remedy only contributes to the further development of the disease.
Antibiotics should be taken only in cases of advanced disease. You cannot use them yourself without a doctor's prescription.
Saline solution can also cause irritation in sufficient quantities, so it is better to use an analogue instead.
Don't use baths for an abscess.
Reviews on the treatment of bartholinitis with antibiotics
Reviews about the treatment of this disease are contradictory. She does not often worry, but her symptoms are very unpleasant. The key to treatment istimeliness and holistic approach. People write that antibiotics help quickly, but side effects are not excluded. Therefore, to prevent this disease, it is better to follow certain rules. More on that later.
Treatment of inflammation of the Bartholin's gland is a complex and lengthy process. That is why it is so important to follow the rules of prevention so that this disease does not appear. To prevent the disease you need:
- avoid hypothermia;
- visit the gynecologist twice a year;
- observe personal hygiene;
- don't swim in waters of dubious fame;
- avoid casual sex and use barrier contraceptive methods;
- wear underwear made from natural materials, loose enough.

The consequences of treating the symptoms of bartholinitis are listed below.
The disease at the initial stage is treated quickly and effectively. Otherwise, it is fraught with complications:
- Chronic disease and cyst formation.
- The appearance of fistulas.
- Inflammatory process in the genitourinary system and, as a result, infertility.
- Sepsis.
We looked at the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of bartholinitis.