Baths for cystitis - an effective way to combat the manifestations of the disease in its acute stage. It can be used as an independent tool, and as part of complex therapy. To avoid complications with cystitis, you should alternate the composition of the baths - swap anti-inflammatory and painkillers. A local disinfecting effect is necessary, but if the discomfort and pain are too strong, you will have to use soothing mucosal components.
Causes of cystitis
Today, this is the most common pathology of the urinary system. Women, men and children also suffer from cystitis. However, women are more likely to suffer from cystitis during an active sexual life. Also, the incidence of cystitis increases with hormonal surges. Among pregnant women, the problem of cystitis is also very relevant.
The fact that it is women who get sick more often is a simpleexplanation. Their physiology is different from men: the urethra is much shorter - and therefore the infection can easily seep there and linger in the urethra for a long time.
The most common causes of cystitis:
- promiscuous;
- low immunity;
- vaginal candidiasis and vaginitis of various etiologies;
- rare urination and improper water regime;
- chronic pyelonephritis;
- excess protein in food;
- malnutrition - hunger strikes, malnutrition;
- period of stress and psycho-emotional stress, prolonged hypothermia.

Symptoms of cystitis
How to understand that a woman suffers from cystitis, and not from, say, vaginitis? If a simple series of symptoms, due to which it is difficult to confuse this disease with others:
- small urine output;
- stinging and burning when urinating;
- feeling like the bladder hasn't emptied completely;
- temperature increase to 37-38 degrees;
- general feeling of weakness;
- change in color, odor and concentration of urine;
- menstrual irregularity;
- purulent discharge from the urethra.
Cystitis can be acute and chronic according to the type of the course of the disease. If the patient feels the acute period of the disease immediately, then the chronic one can be asymptomatic and ultimately lead to significant consequences in terms of its negative effect on the body. In some cases, infection frombladder can travel up the ureter to the kidneys. As a result, inflammation inevitably develops, which ultimately leads to chronic pyelonephritis. Which, in turn, leads to the gradual death of kidney tissue.
Such a simple therapy option as baths for cystitis is an effective and cheap way to get rid of discomfort, burning and pain in the urethra. In addition, some components are able to stop the inflammatory process and prevent it from spreading up the ureter.

How to take baths for cystitis?
There is nothing complicated in such a procedure. Baths for cystitis are a cheap and affordable remedy for every woman that will help you quickly get rid of the symptoms of the disease and negate discomfort during urination.
- Water temperature should be moderately warm, but never too hot or cool. It is important. Being in cool water with cystitis can cause the condition to worsen and even more bacteria to multiply.
- It is best to use boiled and cooled water in order to make baths for cystitis. Tap water may contain excess s alts and metals. When local immunity is significantly reduced, the body's defenses are unable to resist infections from tap water.
- Herbs for infusions are best used in dry crushed form. Of course, some women also use freshly picked stems and inflorescences, but they should be boiled longer. And suchthe infusion needs better filtration.
- You should not prepare a large amount of water - 2-3 liters is enough. If there is an excess amount of infusion of herbs left, you can use it after a couple of hours. Keep the ingredients diluted for too long - they quickly lose their healing properties.
- It is optimal to combine baths for cystitis in women with taking medications. Such complex therapy is especially effective. If it is not possible to purchase medicines, baths should be done at least 5-6 times a day and it is advisable to take at least decoctions of anti-inflammatory herbs.

List of the most popular ingredients
Which ingredients are most effective for baths for cystitis in women? This is:
- soda and s alt provide an excellent local disinfecting effect, help reduce burning sensation and wash out the colony and spores of microbes from the urethral mucosa;
- chamomile infusion is one of the most popular anti-inflammatory bath ingredients;
- other herbal infusions;
- diluted potassium permanganate;
- bay leaf.
The duration of therapy depends on the selected ingredients. It is also optimal to take drugs in parallel to maintain the he alth of the bladder and kidneys: Monural, Renel, Canephron. These are medicines, which include plant extracts, they have practically no side effects. Even pregnant women can take them. Atcombining baths with potassium permanganate for cystitis with medication, the symptoms go away already for 3-4 days. A clear improvement in the woman's condition is noted already on the first day of therapy.

Camomile baths for cystitis
This is a very popular remedy. Usually, when they talk about the treatment of cystitis with baths, they mean exactly chamomile. It is often combined with other ingredients. For example, you can combine two ingredients and add a tablespoon of soda to the chamomile infusion. Thus, the patient kills two birds with one stone: he achieves an anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect.
Is it possible to bathe with cystitis if you are allergic to chamomile? No, allergy sufferers are not allowed to do this. For them, such manipulations are fraught with even greater discomfort, itching and burning. Sometimes chamomile can cause rashes and hives on the skin. In this case, you should use a soothing cream.
How to make chamomile baths
- You need to take 2 tablespoons of dry chopped chamomile herb and 1 liter of boiling water. Bring to a boil, wait for the infusion to cool, then dilute with water at room temperature so that the bath is moderately warm. In no case should water at a cool temperature be used - this can provoke a worsening of the condition and an increase in symptoms.
- After the infusion is ready, pour it into a basin or bath. Sit in it and stay for as long as the water starts to cool. In no case should you allow yourself to freeze. On the feetput on warm socks after the procedure.

Infusions of herbs for baths
Infusions of the following herbs also help well:
- yarrow has an anti-inflammatory effect (it can also be taken orally, not only externally);
- oak bark has an astringent effect - after the first procedure, the burning sensation will go away, but after a couple of hours it will appear again;
- with field horsetail, you can prepare a concentrated decoction and use it for a bath every two hours - this will reduce discomfort when urinating;
- calamus is quite difficult to find on sale - but if there is, then you should buy more of it, this plant has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect.

You can make a concentrated infusion of the following dry crushed plants:
- dandelion roots - 2 tablespoons;
- calamus marsh - 2 tablespoons;
- celandine - 2 tablespoons;
- medicinal chamomile - 2 tablespoons;
- corn silk - 3 tablespoons;
- birch leaves - 2 tablespoons;
- juniper shoots - 1 tablespoon.
If one or two ingredients are missing, it doesn't matter. These proportions are based on 2 liters of water. You can add 0.5 liters to the container each time, and then add a little hot water until the desired temperature is reached. The result will be four baths a day - this is quite enough to stop the first signscystitis at an early stage.

Therapeutic baths with potassium permanganate
Properties of potassium permanganate: antiseptic, antibacterial, astringent. There is an opinion that the solution is quite dangerous for home use. This is an erroneous opinion: if you carefully measure the dosage, then there is almost no possibility of getting a burn or an allergic reaction. It's been proven safe for decades.
In the process of preparing the solution, pay attention to the shade. It should not be too dark, not too light. The solution should not have a pronounced odor. It is necessary to obtain a liquid resembling red wine in color. The procedure for treating cystitis can be performed only if all the crystals have dissolved, otherwise you can get burns of the mucous membrane of the genital organs. Otherwise, potassium permanganate is safe.
Relief comes after the first procedure. Potassium permanganate is one of the few ingredients that is not desirable to combine with other components. You can alternate baths: for example, in the morning - with chamomile, at lunch - with soda, and in the evening - with potassium permanganate. But mixing in one container, for example, soda and potassium permanganate, is impossible.
S alt and soda baths
The amount of s alt varies with the amount of water. Approximately the following proportions should be followed: approximately 300-400 grams of ordinary coarse table s alt per liter of water, stir thoroughly until completely dissolved. If you prepare a solution that is too concentrated, it will pinch the skin and crackedmucous membrane of the urethra. Therefore, do not add too much s alt in search of the best effect.
Soda baths for cystitis have a disinfecting and antibacterial effect. You can mix a couple of tablespoons of soda and 300-400 grams of s alt per 1 liter, wait for dissolution. Then add some more hot water, carry out the procedure. After the end of the manipulation, put on warm underwear and do not forget about socks: in no case should your feet freeze.
Bays with bay leaves
What baths for cystitis can be prepared without going to the pharmacy and spending money? There is one component that is available in any apartment. This is an ordinary bay leaf, which housewives add to first courses. It is famous for its ability to have a disinfecting effect and promote the rapid healing of cracks in the mucosa.
10-12 leaves pour boiling water, let it brew. Then bring the volume of water to the required. If you can add s alt or soda - great, the bath will become even more effective.
Prevention of cystitis: advice from urologists
Simple tips to help prevent the development of an acute stage into a chronic one:
- do not let the disease take its course - after treatment, take tests and make sure that there is no infection;
- combining baths with taking pills;
- prevent hypothermia of the legs and lower back;
- observe bed rest;
- try to restore general immunity;
- refuse to eat spicy, s alty foods, do not drink alcohol during treatment.