Rheumatoid arthritis: symptoms and treatment

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Rheumatoid arthritis: symptoms and treatment
Rheumatoid arthritis: symptoms and treatment

Video: Rheumatoid arthritis: symptoms and treatment

Video: Rheumatoid arthritis: symptoms and treatment
Video: Non-Allergic Rhinitis & Vasomotor Rhinitis 2024, December

This article will look at the symptoms, treatment and diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis.

It is an inflammatory disease that causes painful discomfort in the joints along with their deformity. This disease usually develops after the age of thirty. Every hundredth inhabitant suffers from it on the planet. Women are three times more likely than men to have symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. The photos presented in the article show that this disease mainly affects the small joints of the hands, knees and ankles, leading to their destruction and impaired functionality. Without timely treatment, rheumatoid arthritis can cause serious complications that can result in disability. About what kind of disease it is, and how it is treated, we will tell further. What are the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis?

rheumatoid arthritis symptoms
rheumatoid arthritis symptoms

How is disease formed?

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease, that is, it is associated with a violation of the immune system in humans. With the development of arthritis, the immune system mistakenly takes the joint cells for foreign elements, and considers them as viruses and bacteria, therefore, it tries to destroy them as soon as possible. This process can take years, so it is very important to recognize the first symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis in a timely manner.

Often this disease can begin with damage to the knee joints. In the beginning, the patient will feel weak with malaise and high fever and loss of appetite. Then, as a result, he loses weight dramatically. At the same time, joint problems fade into the background, or may be completely absent. As the disease develops, new joints are involved in this process, and immediately after the treatment of exacerbations, they are not as mobile as before and are deformed. The symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis of the knee are quite unpleasant.

Over time, signs associated with damage to internal organs may join. The lungs and heart begin to suffer along with the vessels, kidneys, eyes and salivary glands. With the development of rheumatoid arthritis, dense nodules often form under the skin.

Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms

The main signs of the development of pathology are the following:

  • The presence of a symmetrical lesion of the small joints of the hands. Most often, if several joints hurt onright hand, then the same hurt on the left.
  • The appearance of morning stiffness due to a decrease in the number of movements and general changes in the muscles.

Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms:

  • appearance of pain in the joints, which is most clearly felt at night or early in the morning;
  • increase in temperature to thirty-eight degrees;
  • appearance of insomnia;
  • monitoring the fatigue of the body along with its weakness, loss of appetite and, as a result, weight loss;
  • appearance of rheumatoid nodules in the area of the elbows.

What causes symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis?

The reasons for the formation of the disease

The main cause of the disease are autoimmune inflammation. Under the influence of the genetic factor and infection (most likely viral), immune complexes develop in the human body, which are deposited in the tissues. First of all, in the cartilaginous tissues of the joints. Then, an inflammatory process is formed in the area of deposition. We have discussed the symptoms above. The treatment of rheumatoid arthritis will be discussed a little later. The onset of the disease can be triggered by the following factors:

rheumatoid arthritis symptoms treatment diagnosis
rheumatoid arthritis symptoms treatment diagnosis
  • Infections. The fact is that immune cells can react to microbes with viruses that remain in the joints after infections.
  • Hypothermia, respiratory diseases, and, in addition, flu or tonsillitis.
  • Presence of joint injuries.
  • Prolonged experiences along with stress.
  • Having a hereditary predisposition.

This disease affects relatives of patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

It is interesting to note that breastfeeding an infant for two years halved a woman's risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis.

Treatment of symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis in adults will be discussed below.

Disease forms

Specialists distinguish the following two forms of this disease:

  • Seropositive form, in which rheumatoid factors are determined in the blood.
  • Seronegative type, when the first symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis are present, but the corresponding factor in the blood as such is not determined.

How can you tell this disease from others?

Rheumatoid arthritis is fairly easy to identify with many deformed joints. But it is difficult to identify this disease directly at the initial stages due to the variety of symptoms.

rheumatoid arthritis of the joints symptoms and treatment
rheumatoid arthritis of the joints symptoms and treatment

Signs of this pathology are very similar to the symptoms of rheumatism with arthrosis. But, nevertheless, an experienced doctor can easily distinguish rheumatoid arthritis, which is unlike rheumatism, first of all, by the fact that pain with swelling in the joints in his case can last a very long time, almost for years. The difference from arthrosis is that with the development of arthritis, the pain after exertion only decreases, and does not increase in any way. If symptoms are not treated on timerheumatoid arthritis of the joints, complications may occur.

What are the possible complications?

The defeat of the joints leads to a fairly rapid onset of disability in patients, which causes a loss of the ability not only to work, but also to cope with self-care. The prognosis of the disease directly depends on the degree of organ damage, especially on the condition of the kidneys.

Prevention of this disease as such, unfortunately, does not yet exist. But it is possible to reduce the rate of progression of the pathology, thereby preventing various complications. But for this you need to follow special rules.

One of the important things is to regularly take basic treatment medicines under the supervision of a qualified doctor, avoiding hypothermia and various infections.

What other symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in adults are there?

Diagnostic Methods

When the first symptoms of this disease appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is very important to start treatment at an early stage. In this case, it will be possible to avoid articular destruction. It should be noted that the diagnosis procedure is not easy, since most of the signs of the disease are nonspecific. But, of course, the diagnosis must be necessarily differentiated. First of all, it is important to pay attention to only manifesting symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Diagnosis should be carried out by a competent specialist.

For example, a doctor is able to make an accurate diagnosis if the following symptoms are present:

  • Upatient has inflammation in more than three joints.
  • The joints of the hand are affected by the pathological process. Against this background, an increase in synovial fluid is observed in the joints.
  • At least one wrist is swollen.
  • In the morning, there is stiffness of the joints, disappearing after about an hour. Similar symptoms persist for a month and a half or more.
  • Symmetrical joint damage.
  • There are small nodules under the affected areas.
  • After X-rays, changes in the joints are noticeable in the picture, which do not depend on the stage of the pathology.
  • Rheumatoid factor in this situation is positive.
rheumatoid arthritis early symptoms
rheumatoid arthritis early symptoms

In general, patients with the first symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis of the fingers are prescribed the following tests:

  • A blood test that allows you to see a decrease in hemoglobin along with the number of red blood cells and platelets.
  • Assay for anti-cyclic peptide antibodies.
  • Laboratory studies of the rheumatoid factor, which make it possible to track how actively pathological processes were launched.
  • Taking x-rays. Any damage to the skeleton can be seen on x-rays.
  • Ultrasound examination of internal organs. Rheumatoid arthritis may contribute to an enlarged spleen.
  • Sampling joint fluid with biopsy of nodules.
  • Conductmagnetic resonance imaging. This study reflects in detail the overall clinical picture of the disease, and also allows you to determine the cause of its appearance.
  • Carrying out arthroscopy. This study is both diagnostic and therapeutic.

Evidence that a patient is developing rheumatoid arthritis can be symptomatic in the form of skin diseases (vasculitis with dermatitis), lung pathologies, eye diseases, disorders of the circulatory system, and, in addition, the presence of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, to for example, heart attack or stroke.

It should be noted that diagnosing rheumatoid arthritis can be difficult because the symptoms of the disease are similar to various disorders in the body, such as pathologies such as gout, osteoarthritis, systemic lupus and infectious inflammation.

rheumatoid arthritis symptoms in adults
rheumatoid arthritis symptoms in adults

At the same time, each doctor must carefully keep a history of the diseases of his patients, in which the frequency of exacerbations should be indicated daily along with the severity, and, in addition, the time of onset of symptoms. And also to appoint frequent medical examinations. The doctor must palpate diseased joints in order to be able to find signs of inflammatory processes in them in time.

At an early stage, this disease is quite difficult to identify. But an experienced doctor can do it. In this regard, you should not be limited to visiting only one specialist. It is better to contact several rheumatologists at once.

Only differential diagnosis will accurately determine the developmentthis disease and prescribe the required therapy.

We've covered diagnosis and symptoms. We will talk about the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis below.


Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely cure a disease such as rheumatoid arthritis in a person. But that doesn't mean you can't fight him. Therapy involves the use of the following techniques:

  • Basic treatment. It contributes to the overall improvement of the patient's condition.
  • Using anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Physiotherapy treatment with medication.
  • Treatment with folk recipes.
  • Proper nutrition.

Rheumatoid arthritis needs to be treated depending on the nature of the course of the disease and the severity of the symptoms. It is likely that the patient will not need to take serious medications. At the initial stage of the pathology, its therapy is characterized by a sparing character. But if it proves to be ineffective, then more radical types of treatment are prescribed. First of all, the affected joints need rest, as strong and prolonged loads only increase inflammation. Orthopedic splints are used to immobilize the joint.

rheumatoid arthritis symptoms photo
rheumatoid arthritis symptoms photo

Rheumatoid arthritis: drug treatment

As for drug therapy, here doctors have the opportunity to prescribe several groups of drugs:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen, Aspirin and Diclofenac. Thanks to them it is possiblerelieve swelling and swelling in the tissues. In addition, these drugs relieve pain. "Aspirin" today is already an outdated remedy, which is almost never used in the treatment of this disease, as it has side effects. As for the drug "Ibuprofen", this medicine is more effective. True, it also negatively affects the body to some extent. It should be noted that the listed drugs are almost never included in the basic treatment, since they cannot qualitatively affect the processes of joint destruction.
  • Long-acting drugs. They are used when non-steroidal drugs do not provide the desired effect. These include "Sulfasalazine" along with "Penicillamine". They can have a pronounced effect, but due to their use, patients experience serious adverse reactions in the body. For example, these medications adversely affect the liver and kidneys and lead to bone deformities. In that case, these drugs must be discontinued. True, it is not always possible to do without them. In such situations, reduce the dosage of the drug to avoid negative consequences.
  • Corticosteroids. For example, "Prednisone". These medicines are effective in the early stages of treatment. Later they cease to produce the desired effect. Thus, corticosteroids are only suitable for temporary improvement in patients' condition.
  • Immunosuppressants. For example, "Cyclophosphamide" with "Azathioprine". They should be taken when the patient's disease is very difficult. Thesedrugs stop antibodies from attacking he althy cells. But with prolonged use of such tablets, serious organ damage can develop along with impaired hematopoiesis. In addition, such drugs can increase the risk of oncological neoplasms, severe bleeding is possible.
  • Physiotherapy. It is prescribed only when the exacerbation of the pathology is removed. Physiotherapeutic procedures can be used only if the patient does not have a temperature. Physiotherapy has a stimulating effect, but increases inflammation. However, it is required to improve the functioning of the circulatory system in the joints. Combine it with low-frequency laser therapy, mud baths and ultrasonic irradiation.
  • Using Methotrexate. But it can be purchased only on prescription, for which you need to get the appropriate recommendations. The main action of this drug is aimed at eliminating the compounds responsible for the destruction of connective tissues in the joints. In addition, this drug prevents erosion of the joints, removing inflammation. True, therapy with its use lasts quite a long time.

In addition to taking pharmaceutical drugs, in the process of treating symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis (fingers, for example), a special diet should also be observed in parallel. More on that below.

rheumatoid arthritis symptoms treatment in adults
rheumatoid arthritis symptoms treatment in adults

Therapeutic diet

Diet in the development of rheumatoid arthritis also plays a significant role. The body during illnessespecially in need of a full supply of the required nutrients. But the patient is not allowed to use everything. For example, it is necessary to limit the intake of protein foods along with s alt and animal fats.

During the exacerbation of the disease, it is necessary to completely abandon the use of alcohol, and, in addition, sugar. Sour-milk drinks and cottage cheese are considered very useful. It is equally important that fresh vegetables with fruits and herbs be present in the patient's diet. As part of the diet, fish dishes and jelly are considered extremely useful.

Nuances of treatment

It should be noted that drug treatment is most effective only in combination with physiotherapy techniques and exercise therapy. Classes in the pool are considered very effective, as there is an active movement of the joints, against which they do not experience stress.

In some cases, patients are prescribed a surgical operation. True, such a radical intervention is an extreme measure. Medicine allows in such situations to completely or partially replace the diseased joint with an artificial analogue.

Thanks to this measure, it is possible to restore the normal mobility of the affected joint, avoiding disability. In some cases, surgery is directed to the fusion of the joints, for example, with damage to the foot. At the same time, specialists manage to reduce the pain attack.

The article described in detail the symptoms, treatment, diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis.
