How to become a girl if you are a guy? gender dysphoria

How to become a girl if you are a guy? gender dysphoria
How to become a girl if you are a guy? gender dysphoria

Gender dysphoria is characterized by strong persistent feelings of being a person of a different gender. A person is convinced that he is the victim of a biological error and has been imprisoned in a body that is incompatible with his actual sexual essence.

How to become a girl if you are a guy?

Turning a man into a woman is actually much easier than the other way around. To do this, the penis is removed and a vagina is created in the inguinal region from the tissues of the penis, nearby areas of the skin and partially the intestines. The tissue of the scrotum turns into the labia, and implants are inserted into the breast area. In the event of a successful outcome of the operation, even gynecologists will not be able to distinguish a transsexual from a real girl. After surgery, the course of hormonal treatment is continued, the patient drinks estrogens to make the body as feminine as possible.

how to become a girl
how to become a girl

Gender dysphoria

Among most people, biological sex, that is, what is given at birth, along with gender identity and role in society match. But, nevertheless, peoplesuffering from gender dysphoria, there is a discrepancy between their own identity and biological sex. It is in such situations that a guy wants to become a girl or vice versa.

It's worth noting that gender inconsistency in and of itself is not considered a disorder. However, in cases where the mismatch between perceived identity and biological sex causes significant discomfort or leads to an inability to function normally, a diagnosis of gender dysphoria is highly likely. Discomfort is usually a combination of anxiety, depression, and at the same time irritability.

boy wants to be a girl
boy wants to be a girl

People who develop severe gender dysphoria (often referred to as transgender people) may experience severe yet distressing long-term symptoms. Along with the question of how to become a girl, if you are a guy, there is a strong desire to change your body in a surgical, medical or other way in order to bring it into line with the existing identity. But the very term gender dysphoria can add to the discomfort of patients. It is necessary to convince them that he does not carry evaluative characteristics in himself.

Some scientists claim that such a diagnosis is not a mental disorder, but primarily a disease related to problems in sexual development. On the other hand, some such people view their extreme form of gender mismatch as one of the normal forms of identity and self-expression.

boy dressing like a girl
boy dressing like a girl

Symptoms of gender dysphoria in children

Children's form of this disease often begins to appear at the age of two to three years. Among babies, the following signs are usually observed:

  • They prefer to try on clothes exclusively of the opposite sex.
  • Insist to parents that they are of the opposite sex.
  • Constantly wanting to wake up as a member of the opposite sex.
  • Prefer to take part in games and activities that are atypical for them.
  • Have negative feelings about their own sexual organs.

It's not uncommon for these girls to urinate while standing up like boys, while guys, on the contrary, do it sitting down like women, and so on. For example, girls tell their parents that when they become adults, they will grow a penis, and they will be boys. And guys can fantasize about how they turn into a girl, talk about how to become a girl if you are a guy, and be glad that they do not have to play rough games. The boy may also express a desire to get rid of his penis and testicles.

Among guys, the stress of a physical change during puberty often leads to a desire to undergo feminizing somatic treatment during adolescence. As a rule, among most children, such a problem as gender dysphoria is not detected until the age of six or nine. When a guy dresses like a girl, the disorder becomes chronic.

boy like a girl
boy like a girl


The most radical solution to the question of how to become a girl, if you are a guy, is an operation. The gender reassignment procedure can take more than a year in total. First of all, a person who decides on such a manipulation must be examined by a psychiatrist. That, in turn, must confirm that the patient is transgender, but mentally he althy.

Then start a course of hormonal treatment, which lasts about a year. At this time, transsexuals live as members of the opposite sex in order to make sure that their decision is correct. During this period, men's breasts grow, and facial features turn out to be more feminine. In women, there is a cessation of the menstrual cycle, increased hair growth and a coarsened voice. Only after passing through the previous stages can a person be assigned a date for the operation, which in some situations takes place over several time periods.

Thus, many transsexuals who want to change their gender from male to female often turn to doctors for surgery. Male-to-female sex reassignment surgery involves the removal of the penis and the creation of an artificial vagina. Part of the head of the former male organ is preserved as the clitoris, which can retain sensitivity along with the ability to orgasm.

sex change
sex change


After the appropriate intervention, the person will have to receive new documents. In Iran, for example, people are given a new birth certificate. To the same face for the rest of your lifeyou will have to take hormonal drugs, because modern medicine has not yet reached the stage of growing organs that can independently change sexual secondary characteristics. This is fraught with problems with the kidneys and liver.

Also, a person who has changed sex will have to face a negative reaction from the people around them. In this regard, he will most likely have to be observed by a psychologist for some time in order to more thoroughly adapt to a new life in a renewed body.


Sex reassignment surgery is not done to those people who suffer from mental illness, drug addiction, alcoholism, as well as people leading an antisocial lifestyle.

dress like a girl
dress like a girl

About hormone therapy

The main goal of hormone therapy is to ensure maximum safety within the gender transition. Its process is divided into three stages:

  • Diagnosis by medical board.
  • Operation.
  • Performing hormone therapy.

There are some risks associated with taking hormones in guys. Doctors develop a special strategy, and the subsequent therapy regimen is adjusted in accordance with indicators of general he alth. In the case of male transsexualism, female sex hormones are selected along with estrogens and antiandrogenic drugs. There are currently a large number of these drugs and there will definitely not be any problems in obtaining the necessary funds. Estrogens are produced in the form of gels, a patchand tablets. The hormonal background, as a rule, is regularly monitored by doctors with hormone tests, using OAM and OAC.

How to choose a bra for a guy?

A new woman without real breasts can choose any cup size, from the smallest to the largest. AA is the smallest size and DD is the largest. It is necessary to choose the model that best suits the body. Therefore, before choosing a bra, you should pay attention to the physique: if a person is thin, but at the same time short, it is better to buy smaller cups to look more natural.

hormones for guys
hormones for guys

Guy acts and dresses like a girl

Psychologists have repeatedly proved that the character of a person is influenced by the feminine and masculine principles in education. So, girls who were brought up by their father alone can grow up as strong personalities, they may be alien to sentimentality with romance. Boys raised by their mother alone, on the contrary, become romantic and gentle natures, and therefore behave like the opposite sex.

It often happens that guys are immediately born with a female character. From their very childhood, they prefer the company of girls, not boys, they are not interested in male hobbies. They love themselves too much to care for anyone else. In this case, the guy behaves like a girl. He can spend a lot of time on his appearance, and therefore such people are called narcissists.

As a result, such behavior often leads to inclinationstransvestite and to the development of gender dysphoria. To avoid such problems in the future, parents should correct any non-standard sexual expression of their children.
