Bradycardia: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Bradycardia: symptoms, treatment and consequences
Bradycardia: symptoms, treatment and consequences

People often don't realize it's bradycardia. The causes, symptoms and consequences of the disease will be considered in this article.

Such a diagnosis is made in the presence of disorders and changes in the functioning of the heart. In this case, the heart rate decreases to 60 beats per minute or less. For comparison, it is worth saying that in he althy people, the pulse is usually from 60 to 100 beats per minute. Directly, the heart rate with bradycardia is below 60 beats. The symptoms and causes of bradycardia are of interest to many.

It is generally accepted that this pathology does not exist in an independent form, but manifests itself as a symptom of all kinds of changes in the functioning of the heart muscle or diseases of other organs and systems in the human body that can affect the rhythm of contractions. To understand the reasons that caused bradycardia, a thorough examination of the person is carried out. True, this disease can act as a physiological regulation in relation to athletes and he althy people with a strongheart.

bradycardia symptoms
bradycardia symptoms

Symptoms of bradycardia will be discussed below.

Basic information about the disease

Bradycardia is a type of arrhythmia when the rate of contractions is less than 60 beats per minute. For trained athletes, this is the norm, but in other cases it is considered a cardiac pathology. Such a diagnosis usually manifests itself in the form of weakness, faintness and short-term loss of consciousness. You may also experience cold sweat, pain in the heart, dizziness and pressure instability. Against the background of severe bradycardia, when the frequency of beats is less than 40 per minute, the development of heart failure is likely. In this case, most likely, surgery will be required, which will be aimed at implanting a pacemaker.

Regardless of the causes, the disease is based on dysfunction of the sinus node. The function is to produce electrical impulses with a frequency of more than 60 per minute. Or the disease may be associated with improper propagation of impulses along the conduction pathways. The presence of a moderate degree of bradycardia may not provoke a hemodynamic disorder. Rare heart rhythms with bradycardia lead to a lack of blood supply, and in addition, to oxygen starvation of the organs, which disrupts their full functioning.

Among trained people, there are symptoms of bradycardia of a physiological form, considered as a variant of the norm. For example, a quarter of he althy and young men have a contraction rate of 50 to 60 per minute. On theIn the background of sleep, under the influence of physiological fluctuations in autonomic regulation, the rhythm decreases by 30%. True, much more often bradycardia is formed against the background of an already existing pathological process.

Bradycardia and its classification

At the location of the identified violations, sinus bradycardia is isolated. It is associated with a failure of automatism in the sinus node. Also, bradycardia occurs with heart blockades, when the conduction of impulses between the sinus node and the atrium or ventricle is disturbed. The heart rate can also decrease against the background of physiological conditions (for example, in athletes this can occur during sleep or at rest). Such bradycardia is called functional or physiological. The development of pathological bradycardia accompanies the course of various diseases.

Pathological bradycardia, as a rule, occurs in an acute form, which is observed against the background of myocardial infarction, myocarditis or intoxication. It disappears immediately after the disease that caused it is cured.

Treatment of symptoms of cardiac bradycardia should be timely. In addition, the pathology can take place in a chronic form, which is typical for age-related sclerotic heart diseases. For the reasons for the occurrence of sinus bradycardia, doctors distinguish various types of this disease, for example: extracardiac (neurogenic), organic (against the background of heart lesions), medicinal, toxic and sinus forms. Sometimes, according to the etiology, bradycardia is divided into toxic, central, degenerative and idiopathic types.

Symptoms andtreatment of sinus bradycardia will be discussed below.

symptoms of bradycardia in children
symptoms of bradycardia in children

Bradycardia and its causes

Extracardiac type of bradycardia usually develops against the background of neurocirculatory dystonia. Also, this form of the disease can form in the following cases:

  1. The presence of neuroses with autonomic dysfunction.
  2. Presence of pressure on the carotid sinus. This usually happens as a result of wearing a tight collar or tie.
  3. Presence of pressure on the eyeballs, such as in the Ashner reflex.
  4. In the presence of increased intracranial pressure. This may be due to meningitis, brain contusion, subarachnoid hemorrhage, edema, or brain tumors.
  5. Development of a peptic ulcer in the stomach or intestines.

The cause of organic bradycardia can be myocardial infarction along with myocardial dystrophy, myocarditis and cardiosclerosis. These diseases lead to degenerative and fibrotic changes in the sinus node, and in addition to myocardial conduction disorders, which is accompanied by the development of bradycardia.

Against the background of an organic lesion of the rhythm, weakness of the sinus node develops, while the frequency of impulse generation decreases sharply. This condition is usually accompanied by the appearance of sinus bradycardia. At the same time, rhythmic, but very rare contractions of the heart are observed. The extreme degree of damage to the sinus node is accompanied by a failure of the automatism function, as a result of which the production of electrical impulses of the heart stops.

Against the background of damage to the conducting channels of the myocardium, a blockade of impulses is formed, as a result of which some of the signals that are generated by the sinus node are blocked and cannot reach the ventricles. As a result of this whole process, bradycardia is formed. The appearance of a medicinal type of bradycardia can be facilitated by the intake of glycosides and adrenoblockers, and in addition, sympatholytic drugs (for example, Reserpine) along with calcium channel blockers (Verapamil, Nifedipine, Morphine).

Toxic type of bradycardia is formed in the presence of severe intoxication, which can be caused by factors such as sepsis, hepatitis, uremia, typhoid fever and organophosphate poisoning. This group also includes bradycardia caused by hypercalcemia or hyperkalemia.

Symptoms of bradycardia in athletes are characterized by a heart rate in the region of 40 beats per minute, which is observed even in the daytime. The reason for such bradycardia is the peculiarities of the autonomic regulation of the heart rate in people who are professionally involved in sports. Among other things, the natural aging process of the body can lead to bradycardia. Sometimes the cause of bradycardia remains unclear. In such situations, they speak of an idiopathic form of the disease.

bradycardia symptoms and treatment with folk remedies
bradycardia symptoms and treatment with folk remedies

Symptoms of bradycardia

In he althy people, the standard rhythm of contractions is usually sinus. In this case, a certain number of contractions per minute is observed. Whenfailures in time are observed that occur between two impulses against the background of the work of the heart, this phenomenon is called arrhythmia. That is, this is a condition in which the heart works measuredly, but the number of its contractions per minute is far from normal. Thus, experts argue that bradycardia should be considered as one of the modifications of arrhythmia. Certain symptoms are characteristic for the development of bradycardia.

As a rule, the clinical symptoms of the disease are expressed in the following phenomena:

  1. The appearance of discomfort along with discomfort in the region of the heart.
  2. Observation of irregular heartbeats.
  3. Feeling of not enough air.
  4. The appearance of failures in blood pressure.
  5. The appearance of fainting.
  6. The presence of pale skin.
  7. Paleness of mucous membranes.
  8. Having weakness along with fatigue.
  9. Shortness of breath, cramps and swelling.
  10. Development of arrhythmia.
  11. Impaired vision.

The above signs of bradycardia are not considered specific, so many people perceive them as indicators of aging or chronic fatigue. Usually, in the presence of bradycardia from 40 to 60 beats, no clinical symptoms appear. But in the case of a decrease in the pulse to 30 beats, general weakness, shortness of breath, swelling, memory impairment, and, in addition, pallor of the skin and dizziness are observed. In the event that the frequency of contractions is less than 30 beats, the person has convulsions and fainting soon occurs. In suchsituations urgently require medical attention, otherwise the consequences may be irreversible.

When do symptoms of bradycardia occur in women?

When Pregnant

In women during this period, pathology is diagnosed extremely rarely if it was absent before pregnancy. Bradycardia is divided into physiological or pathological. Physiological is a variant of the norm and is usually noted in cases where a woman led an active lifestyle, exercised, worked physically, etc. In this case, bradycardia is not dangerous for the fetus or for the expectant mother. Pathological symptoms of bradycardia in women during pregnancy are usually provoked by the following ailments:

  1. Disease of the heart and blood vessels.
  2. Thyroid disease.
  3. Kidney and liver disease.
  4. Deregulation of the nervous system.

When a pathological form of bradycardia is detected, a pregnant woman should receive therapy, the purpose of which will be to eliminate the diseases that caused the slowing of the heartbeat.

Diagnosis of disease

Symptoms characteristic of the pathology are detected during the collection of complaints and after an objective examination. When examining patients, as a rule, doctors determine a rare pulse, which, against the background of the sinus form of bradycardia, has the correct rhythm. During the diagnosis, the doctor also listens to the heart tone. Often during the examination, respiratory arrhythmia can be detected. Patients with bradycardia are required to consult a cardiologist.

Thanks to an electrocardiographic study in the presence of bradycardia, it is possible to fix a rare frequency of contractions. In addition, sinoatrial or atrioventricular blockade can be recorded. In the event that there are no episodes of bradycardia at the time of the electrocardiogram, doctors resort to daily monitoring.

Against the background of an organic form of pathology, an ultrasound examination of the heart is performed. The method of ultrasonic echocardiography determines the decrease in fractions along with an increase in the size of the heart, sclerotic and degenerative changes in the myocardium. By means of carrying out load bicycle ergometry, the increase in the frequency of contractions is estimated in connection with the given physical loads.

If transient blockades cannot be detected by electrocardiogram and Holter monitoring, specialists conduct an electrophysiological examination of the heart. By performing a transesophageal electrophysiological study, it is possible to determine the functional nature of the pathology.

We covered the symptoms of sinus bradycardia.

symptoms of bradycardia in women
symptoms of bradycardia in women

Treatment of pathology

Functional bradycardia that is not accompanied by any clinical manifestations does not require treatment. In the presence of an organic, extracardiac or toxic type of bradycardia, the underlying disease is treated. Against the background of the development of drug-induced bradycardia, it is necessary to adjust the dosage or stop drugs that slow down the heart rate.

In case of manifestationhemodynamic disturbances, for example in the form of weakness or dizziness, prescribe preparations based on belladonna, ginseng, and in addition, eleutherococcus extract, ephedrine and other drugs selected in individual doses. The indication for active treatment of symptoms of nocturnal bradycardia is the development of angina along with arterial hypotension, syncope, heart failure and ventricular arrhythmia.

The appearance of an Adams-Stokes attack in a patient requires an urgent consultation with a cardiac surgeon. Also in this case, it is necessary to resolve the issue regarding the implantation of a pacemaker, which is an artificial pacemaker that generates electrical impulses with the required physiological frequency. The presence of an adequate and constant heart rate contributes to the restoration of he althy hemodynamics.

Basic principles of treatment of cardiac pathology

So, as part of the treatment of such a disease as bradycardia, doctors in their practice are guided by the following principles:

  1. In the event that the contraction is less than 60 beats per minute, but at the same time, no diseases from the work of the heart and blood vessels, as well as other organs, have been detected in the patient, it will be enough to apply standard preventive measures.
  2. Therapy of the underlying disease that provoked this pathology is always required. As part of the treatment of symptoms of bradycardia, which pills and alternative methods to use?
  3. Medical therapy should only be carried out by a qualified cardiologist, as only this specialist is able toadequately assess all the nuances along with the pitfalls of drug treatment.
  4. The most effective method of treating severe bradycardia is currently considered to be the implantation of a pacemaker. A pacemaker is installed if the heart rate is less than 40 beats per minute, and the patient's heart can stop for more than two seconds.

Treating the symptoms of bradycardia with folk remedies can also be very effective. It quickly normalizes the work of the heart.

Very popular herbal collection 1, which consists of:

  1. Nettle leaves - 100g
  2. Tea rose petals - 100g
  3. Blackcurrant leaves - 50g
  4. Chamomile - 50g
  5. Dandelion Root - 50g
  6. Angelica root - 50g
  7. Yarrow Herbs - 20g

All components are thoroughly mixed. 1 teaspoon of the mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water, infused under the lid for 20 minutes, filtered. The infusion is taken half a cup twice a day after meals.

sinus bradycardia symptoms and treatment
sinus bradycardia symptoms and treatment

Herbal Collection 2 consists of:

  1. Nettle leaves - 30g
  2. Blackcurrant leaves - 30g
  3. Walnut leaves - 30g
  4. Triplet leaves - 30 g.
  5. Dandelion root - 30g
  6. Rosehips - 30g
  7. Hawthorn inflorescence - 30g

1, 5 tablespoons of the mixture is poured into 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse for three hours in a closed container, then filter andtake three times a day, 1 glass before meals.

Herbal Collection 3 consists of:

  1. Acorus rhizomes - 30g
  2. Rowan leaves - 30g
  3. Rose Petals - 50g
  4. Blackcurrant leaves - 50g
  5. Dandelion Root - 50g
  6. Hawthorn inflorescences - 50g

Prepared in the same way. Taken three times a day, half a cup.

Treatment of symptoms of bradycardia with folk remedies is not limited to this.

Effectively performing a soothing massage at night. The left hand is usually massaged in a circular motion, while an oil extract of nuts or olives can be used. 15 minutes a day will be enough.

Massage helps with bradycardia, which appears due to stress, pathologies of the nervous system and other emotional factors.

You can also try a mixture rich in essential oils. The tool enhances appetite, strengthens the heart, immune system and normalizes blood pressure. It will take 4 lemons and a liter of boiling water, after half an hour the lemon is crushed with a blender. 0.5 kg of chopped walnuts, sesame oil (1 cup) and 250 grams of sugar are added to the mixture. Take before meals 1 tbsp. l.

Development of bradycardia in a child

Symptoms of bradycardia in children are rare. In he althy babies, the frequency of contractions is higher compared to adults. There are certain heart rate indicators that are different for each age category, which should be taken into account during the examination. For example, for an infant, the optimal pulse is equal to100 beats per minute. Symptoms and treatment of bradycardia in a newborn are interrelated.

bradycardia in a child 5 years old symptoms
bradycardia in a child 5 years old symptoms

Less readings in infants are already considered bradycardia. Up to the age of six, 70 strokes are a deviation from the norm. In children who are older than six years, the norm is already absolutely the same as in adults. Thus, their pulse should be between 60 and 70 beats.

With symptoms of bradycardia in children, that is, the frequency of contractions is less than 60 beats, the development of pathology should be noted. This can be provoked by various heart diseases, sports, and in addition, heavy physical exertion, taking pills and physiology. In the event that the child feels well, he has no complaints of fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath and the appearance of cold sweat along with discomfort in the chest, in such a situation, bradycardia is an individual feature of the body against the background of its growth. But, when the symptoms of bradycardia in a 5-year-old child are concerned, this may indicate serious diseases in the future.

In children, bradycardia is often observed with neurosis, metabolic disorders, various infections, hypothermia, fever, congenital heart disease, rapid growth, cerebrovascular accident, drug overdose, thyroid pathologies, and so on.

Treatment of symptoms of bradycardia in children should only be done by a highly qualified specialist.

Pathology is dangerous because this disease can lead to a weakening of the child'sorganism. In this regard, consultation with a cardiologist is necessary along with treatment. In adolescence, bradycardia is often diagnosed, but in most situations this disease is temporary and is associated with the physical development of the child. Due to hormonal changes and the rapid growth of the body, an imbalance is formed in it. But, as a rule, over time, the regulatory mechanisms come to a he althy state, and bradycardia itself in adolescents disappears without any negative consequences.

We looked at the signs and symptoms of bradycardia. What is the forecast?


The presence of organic heart disease has an extremely negative effect on the prognosis of bradycardia. To a large extent, the likely consequences of this disease are aggravated by the occurrence of an Adams-Stokes attack. The combination of this pathology with heterotopic tachyarrhythmia increases the likelihood of a thromboembolic complication. With a persistent decrease in the rhythm, the patient is likely to develop disability. In the presence of a physiological form of bradycardia, as well as its moderate nature, as a rule, the prognosis is satisfactory.

Timely elimination of extracardiac causes, along with organic heart disease, toxic effects on the myocardium and the correct selection of drug dosages, make it possible to prevent the development of symptoms of cardiac bradycardia in women, men and children.

What is the danger, consequences and complications of pathology?

It is well known that in most cases bradycardia is a sign of some specifica disease that can lead to cardiac arrest, and in addition, to injury as a result of a fall during fainting. Among other things, this disease leads to impaired cerebral blood supply, the development of heart failure, coronary disease and myocardial infarction. For symptoms of bradycardia, first aid and treatment are essential.

Often, against the background of bradycardia, patients are diagnosed with a serious pathology in the form of sick sinus syndrome. The basis of this pathology is a violation of the structure of the sinus node. For such a disease, frequent fainting with dizziness is characteristic, and the number of heart contractions will be less than 40 beats per minute. In this regard, if the course of this disease worsens, the patient needs to install a pacemaker, which will help to improve the functioning of the heart. Similar surgical treatment for symptoms of bradycardia in men and women is used when other methods of therapy are ineffective.

Noticing the first symptoms of a heart rhythm disorder, you need to go for an examination and, most importantly, do not self-treat. People who suffer from bradycardia should take vitamins along with restorative drugs. It is also advisable to reduce sugary and fatty foods in the diet. The number of vegetables with fruits, on the contrary, should be increased. In the case of a timely visit to a cardiologist, you can have time to stop the progression of the pathology, while maintaining your he alth.

heart bradycardia symptoms treatment
heart bradycardia symptoms treatment


To preventive measures of this disease should include regular monitoring of pressure. In addition, as part of prevention, it is required to constantly monitor the heart rate. It is equally important to observe the correct diet. In this case, patients require a diet with a reduced amount of s alt and fat. It is extremely important to stop smoking, and alcohol consumption, in turn, should be adequate. But, of course, the best thing to do would be to avoid drinks containing alcohol completely.

Patients suffering from bradycardia should maintain their work and rest regimen. Against the background of this pathology, walks in the fresh air along with regular fitness classes will be very useful. But during fitness, you should individually select the load. Among other things, an annual examination by a cardiologist will make it possible to timely detect and quickly cure any form of bradycardia.

Now we know what the symptoms and causes of bradycardia are.
