What is the difference between herpes and colds on the lips: the main symptoms, treatment features

What is the difference between herpes and colds on the lips: the main symptoms, treatment features
What is the difference between herpes and colds on the lips: the main symptoms, treatment features

Often a small pimple pops up on the lips in autumn or winter, and it can be difficult to understand whether it is herpes or a cold. Meanwhile, these are two different diseases, the treatment regimens for which have little similarity. What is the medical difference between cold sores and cold sores?

Basic concepts

In the cold season, due to weakened immunity, people often get colds. This concept includes all acute respiratory diseases accompanied by general malaise, cough, runny nose, fever.

Herpes is an infection that almost every person in a recessive condition has. When the immune system is weakened, the virus can manifest itself, activate.

Is a cold on the lips always herpes? Of course not. Both states proceed almost similarly, but have different origins.

Development of infection
Development of infection

What is the difference between herpes and colds on the lips - the difference and features of diseases

Recommended when a pimple pops up in the areaaround the mouth to contact a specialist, but the diagnosis can be done independently. To do this, it is necessary to analyze the nature of the rash according to the following points:

  1. Change in pimples over the course of the disease. To understand whether a cold on the lips is herpes or not, you need to pay attention to the appearance of the rash. This is an important sign that helps to identify the disease. During a cold, the rash does not change throughout the illness. Herpes is constantly changing and goes through several stages. First, itching occurs in the lip area, after a couple of days a swelling forms, bubbles appear with a clear liquid, and only then they become covered with a crust, which then disappears.
  2. Feelings during illness. During a cold, discomfort may occur. Herpes is not accompanied by itching, burning or painful sensations. It has mostly external manifestations. This is what makes cold sores different from cold sores in the first place.
  3. Catarrhal phenomena. That is, the symptoms of colds and viral diseases. In the first case, they are pronounced. And with herpes, they are often absent or present in a weak form. Do not ignore this symptom of the disease. This is an important difference between cold sores and cold sores.
  4. Causes. A cold on the lip is caused by a number of bacterial infections, while herpes is caused by a type 1 virus.
herpes in men
herpes in men

Common causes are: lack of vitamins, consequences of past illnesses, physical activity, malnutrition, frequent stress, hypothermia, syphilis,hormonal failure.

Methods of treating colds and herpes

Treatment should be prescribed by a doctor to avoid complications. We found out how herpes differs from a cold on the lips and came to the conclusion that these are different diseases. Therefore, the treatment cannot be the same. And the sooner the diagnosis is made by a specialist, the sooner the patient will receive recommendations for treatment and, accordingly, will recover.

herpes in a woman
herpes in a woman

Both diseases can be treated both with specialized medications and folk methods. Of course, medications will more effectively help eliminate the causes of a pimple on the lip. But traditional medicine also relieves symptoms and can stimulate the disappearance of the rash.

Non-drug methods

Folk treatments for a pimple on the lip, unlike medical ones, are common for both herpes and the common cold, despite the fact that these are different diseases that differ in etiology. The effectiveness of traditional methods of treatment has not been proven by 100%, but our grandparents also successfully used them.

Child with cold
Child with cold

Here are some of the more well-known techniques:

  1. Treat the site of inflammation with cauterizing components. Usually, toothpaste without additives and whitening particles, alcohol, garlic or onion juice, baby powder (talc) and laundry soap are used for this purpose.
  2. Sooth the skin with various oils. For example, using olive, sunflower, sea buckthorn, fir.
  3. Speed up healinga pimple, as well as the disappearance of a scab (crust) will help lotions from corvalol, valocordin, aloe juice, chamomile tea.
  4. Compresses are often made from some herbs and honey.

To prevent aggravation of rashes, exclude from the diet or limit the use of overly spicy, sweet foods, as well as citrus fruits and nuts.

Drug treatment of herpes

This virus will never disappear from your body if you get sick with it once. The fact is that almost every inhabitant of the earth has herpes, it just may not manifest itself in someone. The same people who regularly suffer from the virus can reduce the number of flare-ups. To do this, it is important to adhere to a he althy lifestyle, keep your immunity at a high level. For a quick recovery in case of an exacerbation, you must immediately begin treatment prescribed by a specialist.

initial stage
initial stage

Therapy is usually divided into etiotropic and symptomatic. The first involves the appointment of antiviral drugs and is designed to get rid of the cause of a sharp exacerbation. Most often, patients are prescribed drugs such as Acyclovir, Zovirax, Penciclovir and Doconazole. Dosage and frequency of use should be prescribed by a physician.

Symptomatic treatment

This type of therapy is not always necessary. It is prescribed only for severe symptoms and involves taking the following drugs:

  1. Antihistamines. They are prescribed to reduce swelling and itching. To avoid side effects, third-generation antihistamines (Claritin, Zodak) are usually prescribed, since taking the first and second drugs (Suprastin, Tavegil) gives some undesirable consequences.
  2. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Appointed when pain occurs.
  3. Vitamin complexes, immunomodulators. Used to improve immunity.
  4. Herbal antiviral medicines. Appointed to suppress the virus. Most often prescribed "Immunal". Such drugs are less effective than synthetic drugs.
  5. Antibacterial agents. Appointed in case of infection.

In some cases, the doctor may prescribe other drugs.

Herpes is easy to spot
Herpes is easy to spot

Medication for colds

Etiotropic therapy is very individual, since the common cold is a general concept of respiratory infections. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor, after initially conducting an examination and making a diagnosis.

Symptomatic treatment of the common cold is based on application:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that relieve pain.
  2. Drops and sprays for the common cold with vasoconstrictive properties.
  3. Expectorants for coughs.
  4. Antipyretic drugs.

So, before starting therapy, you need to understand how to distinguish: herpes or a cold on the lips. Both diseaseshave different etiologies and cannot be treated with the same drugs.