How to treat tonsillitis in children and adults

How to treat tonsillitis in children and adults
How to treat tonsillitis in children and adults

Adults should be mindful of their he alth. Since with a decrease in immunity, especially in the autumn-winter period, the body has become more vulnerable to various factors, then at the slightest discomfort, you should immediately visit a specialist and start therapy. So how to treat tonsillitis and pharyngitis and at the same time not harm the body as a whole?

Why does pain occur?

First of all, you need to determine the causes of pain. Basically, they occur due to acute respiratory viral infections. The cause of the pain can be established independently (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, etc.). With proper timely treatment, these diseases will not harm he alth.

But if the pain occurs without visible symptoms of a cold, you should immediately contact a therapist or lore. And only after the examination and appointment of a doctor, you can begin the necessary treatment.

Having determined the symptoms and how to treat tonsillitis, you can start therapy, otherwise complications may appear.

how to treat tonsillitis in an adult
how to treat tonsillitis in an adult

Complications arising from improper treatment

Let the disease take its course, the patient faces complications. Based on this, it is very important to treat acute respiratory viral infectionsimmediately, as soon as they began to show themselves. For example, tonsillitis turns into a chronic disease of the respiratory system, which include:

  • sinusitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia.

In turn, these complications (with insufficient treatment) can cause more dangerous pathologies.

For example, tonsillitis is known for rather sad complications that are rarely treatable, namely:

  • appearance of rheumatism;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • endocarditis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • glomerlonephritis and other kidney diseases;
  • inflammation of the appendix;
  • appearance of phlegmon.

In some cases, laryngeal edema appears, which is very dangerous during pregnancy. Expectant mothers should be more careful in matters of treatment. To avoid pathologies, you need to be examined by a specialist and choose the right methods to treat tonsillitis during pregnancy.

how to treat tonsillitis pharyngitis
how to treat tonsillitis pharyngitis

Pills for the treatment of pregnant women

The simplest method of how to treat acute tonsillitis during pregnancy is medication. And first of all, you need to visit the clinic, get advice from a therapist who will select the most optimal means that do not harm the child. It must be remembered that most drugs are not recommended.

This list includes such popular drugs:

  • "Strepsils";
  • "Falimint";
  • "Septolete".

In their composition, they include a product called xylometazoline, which is prohibited for pregnant women.

"Theraflu", "Flyukold" and "Coldrex" - powders based on paracetamol, also negatively affect the fetus.


"Neo-Angin" is an option than to treat tonsillitis in adults. A local remedy made from components that are slowly absorbed into the blood and do not have a detrimental effect if they enter the stomach. But there were cases (rarely) that "Neo-Angin" irritated the mucous membranes of the mouth. This is due to an allergic reaction to a certain component. It is for this reason that it is advised to consult a doctor before taking the drug.

The tablet is sucked every three hours, but no more than eight times a day. With a decrease in sore throat and an improvement in well-being, "Neo-angin" is advised to stop. The remedy is used only for sore throat. If you have been diagnosed with tonsillitis, then you need to turn to more effective medicines to get rid of the virus. The drug has no effect on a bacterial infection and is used only when a person begins to get sick. Other attempts to use will lead to complications of the disease, which are dangerous for children and pregnant women.

how to treat acute tonsillitis
how to treat acute tonsillitis


"Lyzobakt" - a drug used for tonsillitis, namely pain in the throat and respiratory tract. But do not self-medicate - you need a consultation,because any medicine has an effect on the body. But the reputation of the drug among doctors is positive, because it destroys pathological cells in the body, preventing them from developing and multiplying. In parallel with this, the mucous membranes of the mouth are protected, which prevents the emergence of new microorganisms. Thus, "Lizobakt" removes the symptoms of the disease. But this remedy is slow and requires long-term use, it is made with natural ingredients.

Means has the ability to pass through the placenta, but does not harm the fetus. It is strictly forbidden to use it in the first thirteen weeks, while the placenta has not yet formed. But it is also not advisable to dissolve the tablets in the third trimester. This is due to the fact that the active substance accumulates in the body (central nervous system, liver, muscle tissue) and in breast milk.

"Lizobakt" is prescribed for sore throat, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, gingivitis, erosion of the oral cavity and herpetic lesions. Use only if traditional medicine is powerless.


"Pharingosept" should be taken as soon as even the slightest ailment is felt. This is a wonderful antiseptic, effective in the treatment of tonsillitis, oral cavity and larynx. Tablets quickly relieve any discomfort in the throat, are used from the beginning of pregnancy to the very labor activity. It is allowed to dissolve the tablets and while breastfeeding. The drug does not interact with other drugs, therefore, it is used asindependently, and in complex treatment. Faringosept is not absorbed into the blood, it acts locally, which makes it safe for the body. Use three to five tablets throughout the day, after not eating for thirty minutes, to consolidate the effect.

throat tonsillitis how to treat
throat tonsillitis how to treat

Use spray

Sprays to relieve sore throats are gaining more popularity. First, they are easy to use. Secondly, they are quite efficient and fast. There are many sprays on the drugstore shelves, but not all of them are used during pregnancy.


This drug is prescribed for both adults and children, and women in position. It helps with many diseases, starting with tonsillitis and ending with boils and thrush. The effectiveness of Miramistin is due to a strong antiseptic effect. But since there are different opinions of doctors about the use of the drug, all the pros and cons should be weighed. Use only if the expected benefit to the pregnant woman outweighs the risk to the baby.

tonsillitis during pregnancy than to treat
tonsillitis during pregnancy than to treat


"Oracept" is a medication in the form of a spray that is sprayed into the oral cavity to avoid the inflammatory process. Destroys pathogenic microorganisms, neutralizes pain and relieves swelling. The main active ingredient is phenol, an aggressive drug that penetrates all organs.


"Kameton" - a drug based onantiseptic used in diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The opinions of experts about whether it is possible to use the medicine for children and women in position differ. The instruction states that the use while waiting for a child is no different from the usual period. Based on this, experts appoint without fear. But when using Kameton, allergic reactions and uterine tone may occur. Therefore, before using the remedy, it is advised to consult a therapist or laura.

how to treat tonsillitis in a child
how to treat tonsillitis in a child


"Bioparox" is an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drug that is not absorbed into the bloodstream. For this reason, doctors are often prescribed to women who are expecting a baby and preschoolers. Although the instructions for the medication do not indicate whether clinical studies have been conducted on pregnant women. Some doctors say that the use of "Bioparox" is undesirable due to the occurrence of bronchospasm in adults and children. The need for treatment with "Bioparox" should be consulted with a therapist.


"Ingalipt" - a remedy for tonsillitis for adults, children and pregnant women. Possessing an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, "Ingalipt" does not allow bacteria to multiply. Allowed to use to treat a sore throat, because it does not penetrate into the blood, it acts only locally. By treating only the oral mucosa, the patient relieves the inflammatory process and irritation, while restoringdamaged tissue.

What to gargle with?

What can you do if tonsillitis appears, but you don’t want to use pills and sprays? Then rinsing agents come to the rescue, which carry much less harm than medicines. But before you use them, you need to establish the cause of the pain.

Since self-medication is not permissible, it is advised to consult a specialist. The most gentle means include:

  1. "Furacilin" - the safest solution for gargling, working on the principle of a barrier - does not allow bacteria and viruses to multiply. In its effectiveness, it is very similar to an antibiotic. But when using it is advised to follow the instructions and not swallow the solution. For the solution you need: five tablets of furacilin, a liter of boiled water. Grind the drug, pour water, mix. Use three to four times over two to three days.
  2. "Chlorophylipt" is a eucalyptus remedy that helps with infections of the respiratory system. Despite the fact that it acts more strongly than antibiotics, it can be used by pregnant women. For a sore throat, an alcohol solution is used, which is diluted in a ratio of one to ten, gargle three to four times a day.
  3. "Miramistin" in solution is safer than in the form of a spray. The substance is sold ready for use, it is not necessary to dilute it. But since Miramistin is produced in different concentrations, you need to consult a therapist about the most suitable option.
  4. S alt is the safest way to treat tonsillitis in a childor during pregnancy. To prepare the medicine, you need to dilute a teaspoon of s alt (sea or table) in one glass of warm water and add two drops of iodine to it (optional). Rinse for about five minutes, then refrain from eating or drinking. The solution should be at a temperature that does not cause further damage to the throat.
  5. Soda will not bring any harm to children, and is also used at all stages of pregnancy. To make an active substance, one and a half teaspoons of soda should be dissolved in a glass of boiled (warm) water. If the sore throat during pregnancy is severe, then this solution should be rinsed at least five times a day. You can make a substance from three components - s alt, soda, water. Then recovery will come much faster.
  6. Sage is often used as a gargle but should be used with care as this herb causes uterine tone which leads to bleeding. Sage does not pose a danger to other adults and children. To prepare, pour a tablespoon of sage with a glass of boiled warm water. Infuse the liquid for half an hour, strain and gargle two to three times a day. But the substance must not be swallowed!
  7. Chamomile has an analgesic and disinfectant effect, relieves inflammation. But it is used only as prescribed by a specialist, since it can provoke childbirth. The rinse solution is prepared in this way: pour two or three tablespoons of flowers with a glass of boiling water and insist for fifteen minutes. Then squeeze and add water to make a full glass. Gargleonly when cooled to room temperature.
  8. Treatment of tonsillitis can also be done with calendula. However, it has the property of lowering pressure, so it must be used strictly for rinsing and make sure that the solution does not enter the stomach. Pour boiling water over a teaspoon of flowers (buy at a pharmacy) (about a glass, maybe a little less), leave for half an hour and strain. Rinse as with sage.
  9. Propolis is a mouth rinse, the effect of which is significant after the first application. For the procedure, it is advised to dissolve a tablespoon of propolis tincture in a glass of warm water. Rinse with warm solution.
tonsillitis symptoms and how to treat
tonsillitis symptoms and how to treat

Other folk remedies

You don't always want to resort to medication. How to treat tonsillitis with folk recipes? You should refer to these methods:

  1. Tonsillitis is removed with the help of lemon juice, which fills the body with vitamin C. To rinse with this fruit, juice from half a lemon is squeezed out and mixed with a tablespoon of honey. Pour this gruel with a glass of warm boiled water. The disadvantage of this method is that it can cause heartburn. During the procedure, the throat may burn, but this is normal. The advantage of this method is that after a day of intensive treatment, the discomfort in the throat disappears.
  2. How to treat tonsillitis of the throat? And it's very simple - just use honey. There is no harm from it, only benefit. A preparation prepared with honey and soda will be effective. The recipe is simple: heat water to 40degrees and dissolve in a teaspoon of honey and soda. Rinse every hour, as there is no harm from the product.
  3. A little-known way to treat tonsillitis at home in adults is the use of kefir. For such therapy, you should take kefir with a fat content of one percent and warm it up to a temperature of 37-38 degrees. Rinse at least three times a day.
  4. Many women are interested in how to treat tonsillitis with iodine. When using this substance within reasonable limits, no negative effects on the body are observed. For rinsing, ten drops of the drug should be dissolved in a cup of water (but only in warm water!). Improvement occurs after the first rinse.
  5. How to treat tonsillitis in an adult yet? Experts recommend gargling every hour with a glass of strongly brewed black tea. Add some honey to it.
  6. Milk relieves both fever and sore throat. In boiled milk, add a tablespoon of butter and honey. Drink in small sips in a warm form and immediately wrap yourself in a warm blanket, sweat. Drink up to four glasses of milk a day.

Tonsillitis is often treated with antibiotics. But they do a lot of damage. It is better to use safer drugs.

He alth is not something to be neglected. Therefore, do not self-medicate, no matter how proven these methods are. First of all, visit a specialist to determine the cause of the pain, and only then carry out therapy according to the recommendations.
