Angulite, better known by the people under the definition of "zaedy", is the result of mechanical trauma to the mucous membrane and skin in the oral cavity. Accompanied by rather unpleasant and painful inflammation. Absolutely all people can be affected by this disease, regardless of gender, age and nationality. However, this is not such a terrible disease to put up with and not try to treat it. The blessings of civilization allow modern man to use various kinds of medicines that relieve him of this disease in a short period of time. We will consider the reasons for the seizure and treatment with folk remedies in the article.
How seizures appear
The most common manifestation of angulitis is erosion of the skin at the corners of the lips with the formation of blisters. These vesicles are filled with a brackish fluid - the result of the secretions of the internal secretion of the body. Often, the owners of these bubbles manage, biting their lip, to burst a bubble with liquid with their teeth. It is popularly believed that in this way the healing process occurs much faster, since the affected skin element is partially eliminated. However, physicians do not always agree withwith a similar interpretation and urge not to perform self-opening of the bubbles, especially in this way. Otherwise, the infection may enter the oral cavity and infect new areas of the mucosa.
The next most popular manifestation of angulitis is cracks in the skin that form at the corners of the mouth. Here the situation is somewhat different than in the previous case. And the difference is not so much in the difference of the bubbles, but in the dryness of the skin. When bubbles appear, the skin on the affected area periodically “gets wet”. In a situation with cracks, on the contrary, it dries. Due to excessive dryness of the skin in this area, any movement of facial muscles can provoke the appearance of new wounds. Therefore, with such a manifestation of zayed, it is better to abandon wide smiles.
The third variant of the manifestation of angulitis is small wounds with a grayish or whitish coating. In general statistics, it is less common than the previous two options, but it also causes a lot of discomfort. The problem is that such a plaque tends to dry out, and this is fraught with tightening of the skin and a desire to tear off the dried crust, which as a result increases the healing time of this wound.
Perhaps the angulitis will begin to bleed. This is not a common practice, but it also happens. Do not be afraid of this and start to panic. You need to calm down and simply remove the blood with a sterile damp cloth to prevent it from drying out on the affected area. Itching may often occur.
Reasons for the formation of a jam
Specialists identify two main factors in the formation of a jam - external and internal. Extern althe reasons can be explained by not too favorable weather conditions, irritating, rough food and many other aspects. Internal ones can be caused by various diseases, some of which are viruses. It is also worth remembering that any damage, whether on the skin in the corners of the mouth or on the oral mucosa, will contribute to the cultivation of the virus and is more likely to lead to the neoplasm of angulitis.
If we consider the list of the most likely causes of the formation of a jam, then it will look like this:
- Significant decrease in vitamins in the body (avitaminosis), especially element B2.
- Course of antibiotics.
- Poor oral hygiene, presence of carious teeth.
- The presence of irritating drinks and foods in the diet.
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Pregnancy.
The last two items of this list in general terms duplicate the first item, since both during pregnancy and diabetes, some restructuring of the body occurs due to internal changes, so some of the minerals and vitamins go either for additional needs or are excreted naturally from the body way. Therefore, the use of vitamin complexes, in addition to the main purpose, also reduces the risk of angulitis.
Process of occurrence of jam
The root cause of the occurrence of jamming is a decrease in the protective properties of the skin and mucous membranes. Due to this weakening, the elasticity of the skin (or mucous membrane) is partially lost and small wounds are formed. They may besmall enough to be overlooked. They may not even cause discomfort or pain.
But everything changes quite quickly after microorganisms unfriendly to our body get into these small wounds. Violations of the skin cover create excellent conditions for an increase in the number of pathogenic bacteria, and over time, when the critical mass of bacteria reaches its climax, a harmless wound on the skin turns into a full-fledged angulitis.
Bacteria, fungi and protozoa are commonly referred to as pathogens. An increase in their population leads to the formation of pus and plaque, therefore, in the treatment of angulitis, it is necessary to use antibacterial agents.

Children's eating
Children's body is a priori considered weaker than that of an adult. This is quite natural, because a young organism does not face as many harmful environmental factors as older ones. Adults get sick less often, as their body is able to produce the necessary antibodies to fight various viruses, since such diseases have already taken place in their lives. In this case, the immune system simply updates its "viral database" and can quickly deal with an external threat or completely block it.
Another reason for more frequent seizures in children is that children are much more likely to try to put toys and other things in their mouths that can be filled with dangerous microorganisms.
Unfortunately, these examples do notthe list of reasons for which seizures are formed in children is limited. They may also appear:
- Due to intestinal or stomach problems.
- Due to allergies.
- Due to the lack of essential vitamins in the body.
- Due to iron deficiency anemia.
- Due to permanent damage to the skin around the mouth.
The problem with the treatment of lip jam in children is further complicated by the fact that children still have poor control over themselves and do what is not worth it. For example, they comb damaged areas, which contributes to a deeper penetration of viruses, plus the area of skin infection increases.
When treating a seizure in children, one should strictly ensure that their hands and face are clean as often as possible. If the process of washing hands and washing does not cause much enthusiasm, then you will have to somehow stimulate the child for these procedures. You can come up with a game or read a book after that. Definitely not worth offering sweets as a reward, as this can serve to develop allergies. Allergy, as mentioned above, is one of the causes of jamming.
It is advisable to wash all the child's toys. If there are many soft ones among them, but without electronics, then you can trust the washing machine, but only with the use of baby powder.
The process of treating a child from a seizure should be as safe as possible, so it is best to use special ointments that have a minimal risk of complications, but are extremely effective in eliminating angulitis.

Angulitis treatment
The main thing to remember when treating angulitis is that the disease is often provoked by a microbe that acts from the inside. Therefore, you should not deal with the treatment of mouth jams (we have already considered the reasons) on your own, but trust a professional - a person with a medical education. In other words, a doctor. Only a doctor has the right to choose a course of treatment. By itself, a jam is not a reason. This is a consequence. The result of a process that takes place inside the body. The skin only shows that a process objectionable to the body is taking place. But where? In the internal organs? In the nervous system? In the digestive system and metabolism? This is a serious enough issue to treat yourself.
The doctor may prescribe one of the methods of treatment (the causes of seizures in the mouth will matter in determining the method of treatment). All therapies are divided into two groups - general or local treatment (also referred to as "local").

Local treatment of angulitis
Local therapy implies the elimination of the cause of the disease, that is, the microorganism that started it all. Plus, you need to create a kind of “fence” for the damaged area so that new bacteria do not get on it during the treatment. This will create excellent conditions for a speedy recovery.
The standard procedure in such cases is to treat the wound about three times a day with an alcohol-containing solution. It is not recommended to do this more than three times, since alcoholtends to dry out the skin. This, in turn, can lead to new damage. Therefore, the most reasonable option is two or three times a day. For the treatment of angulitis, any antiseptic will do. Therefore, if the skin is sensitive and alcohol will only harm it, then in the pharmacy you can pick up milder products. After treatment with an antiseptic, an ointment with a disinfecting effect is usually applied. Preparations for local use contribute to the speedy healing of wounds and help relieve pain. Treatment with ointment is the simplest and cheapest solution to this problem. Salicylic, sulfuric or zinc ointments will be effective.

General treatment for angulitis
Treatment of seizures in adults by the general method will be somewhat more complicated than the previous version. The use of heavy artillery in the form of antibiotics is not excluded here. But this remedy is used only in extreme situations, when tests detect the presence of a streptococcal infection. It is possible to prescribe antifungal drugs if the presence of the Candida fungus is detected. In this case, it is necessary to take drugs that suppress its activity. The third option, the most harmless, is to increase the level of vitamins and minerals in the body. To do this, you will have to drink a full course of the vitamin-mineral complex for some time. It is possible to introduce vitamins into the body intramuscularly, that is, by injection. This is a faster way, but a vitamin injection is always more painful than a regular shot.
With any of the prescribed types of treatment, stop atcorners of the lips in adults and children, it is necessary to add one extremely important procedure - the sanitation of the oral cavity. This additional measure will eliminate another possible cause of jamming - pathogenic microbes.

Prevention of angulitis
The appearance of a zayed is not fatal, but an extremely unpleasant event. It, like most other misfortunes, can be completely avoided if you perform a little prevention. For this it is enough:
- Eat right. Ideally, food should provide the human body with the entire vitamin and mineral complex. But even if you make a menu taking into account these wishes, then often you will have to eat a lot to replenish the required amount of nutrients. As a small help, you can use dietary supplements and vitamin complexes. But everything is done with the recommendation or permission of a doctor.
- Minimizing the number of potential irritants. Most often, this factor becomes too spicy or overly pickled food. An excess of sweet and s alty also negatively affects, so all gastronomic delights should be consumed a little less and a little less often than we would like.
- Treatment of internal diseases, including chronic ones. The external manifestation of the disease in the form of angulitis may indicate the presence of a problem inside, and the appearance of a jam should be considered as a signal for action to detect and eliminate existing diseases.
- Clean skin. Of course, the idealwould be careful and constant care for the condition of the skin, the use of cleansing cosmetics to nourish it through creams and ointments. However, this does not suit everyone. And in most cases, it is quite enough to simply wash your hands with soap and water, wash your face, it is advisable not to touch it with dirty hands. And, of course, carefully monitor the oral cavity. Constantly sanitize and clean, as this will help reduce the number of harmful microorganisms.
Such simple actions can really reduce the appearance of angulitis on the face to a minimum.

Zayedy. Treatment with folk remedies
Treatment with folk remedies of such a phenomenon as seizures is a rather controversial issue among the bright minds of science. And the problem is not even that the folk method will not work. The problem is that such actions can significantly aggravate the situation.
For the sake of an example, we can consider an attempt to treat anuglite in a folk way - sulfur is removed from the auricle and smeared on the affected area of the skin. This is quite a folk remedy, which was actively used during the Soviet Union. This was motivated by the fact that earwax, as a waste product of the body, contains many unprocessed microelements. Partly it is. Only a few important points are omitted. First, earwax cannot disinfect the damaged area of the skin. Secondly, it absorbs the smallest particles of the external environment - in the case of a city dweller, this is a lot of dust from roads, industry andgarbage heaps. It is unlikely that such a composition of earwax can be considered useful.
However, by trying treatment in this way, you can get a wider spread of infection, and in extreme cases, gangrene if this mass manages to seep into the bloodstream.
You can apply plantain, cabbage leaf to the damaged area or lubricate it with aloe juice. However, if all else fails, it is best to see a doctor.
Remember, self-medication can only make matters worse. Trust your he alth to a specialist. He will be able to determine the cause of the seizure at the mouth. He will prescribe a treatment that is suitable for your case.

Unfortunately, humanity has not yet been able to defeat seizures (we have considered the causes and treatment in an adult and a child). Fortunately, this is not such a dangerous disease that you start to panic and lose your temper because of it. It is enough to reach the local doctor - and he will be able to prescribe the necessary method of treatment. All preparations for this are commercially available, and finding the necessary one will not be difficult. Both for an adult and for a child, this disease is unpleasant, but with the right treatment, it is not capable of causing much damage. All you need is proper treatment and proper prevention. These simple measures are more than enough to minimize the risk of jamming on the face.