Modern man is faced with a large number of diseases, the list of which is constantly updated. Recently, such an unpleasant phenomenon as hemorrhoids has become widespread. According to statistics, more than 80% of the entire population suffered from hemorrhoids at least once in their lives.

Description of pathology
Pathology is an inflammatory process in the rectum, against which thrombosis occurs, as well as deformation and expansion of the venous system of the organ. External hemorrhoids are distinguished, in which blood clots occur in the lower plexus of the veins, as well as internal, when blood clots accumulate in the upper vessels. Hemorrhoids can be both hereditary and acquired by the nature of their appearance. The disease is chronic, in especially advanced cases it has a tendency to exacerbate. In the article, we will consider in detail the treatment of stage 4 hemorrhoids.
The most common reasonthe appearance of hemorrhoids becomes a dysfunctional disorder in the lower rectum. As a result of a malfunction of the organ, blood stagnation occurs, the veins are deformed and stretched. Such pathological changes lead to the formation of hemorrhoids, which are the most common symptom of the disease.
Provoking factors
The following factors contribute to vasodilation and blood stasis:
- Excessively intense exercise.
- Sedentary lifestyle.
- Bad habits.
- Gestation period.
- Frequent constipation.
- Inflammatory process or neoplasm in the rectum.
- Frequent anal intercourse.
At the stage of development, hemorrhoids are characterized by a feeling of discomfort in the anus, accompanied by burning and itching, heaviness and redness of the skin around the anus.

Defecation on the background of hemorrhoids delivers not only discomfort, but also leads to the discovery of hemorrhoidal painful bleeding with increasing intensity. Further, from the vessels subject to deformation, hemorrhoids are formed, which in advanced cases fall out, causing pain and inconvenience to the patient.
How does the disease develop?
The development of hemorrhoids occurs gradually. At the initial stage, bleeding accompanies only the act of defecation, and there is also a feeling of discomfort in the anus. The second stage is characterized by mucous secretions andprolapse of hemorrhoids during increased physical activity, followed by their independent retraction.
3 and 4 stages
The third stage is accompanied by an increase in pain, and nodes can fall out even with the slightest load. You have to set the knots with your hands, since they themselves are no longer retracted. Stage 4 hemorrhoids is the final and most severe. The pains begin to be acute, they are constant and with increasing intensity. In addition, the last stage is accompanied by itching, bleeding and the inability to set the fallen nodes. Treatment of stage 4 hemorrhoids should be comprehensive.
General recommendations
During the diagnosis, the specialist palpates the final section of the rectum, after which anoscopy is done using a rectal mirror. The most informative methods for diagnosing hemorrhoids are colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy, which is a study of the rectum using special tools.

In addition, the doctor prescribes a number of laboratory tests, including stool and blood tests. Based on the diagnosis, appropriate treatment is prescribed. Early stages of hemorrhoids are treated with medication. As a rule, painkillers are prescribed, as well as drugs aimed at eliminating bleeding, inflammation and thrombosis.
How is stage 4 hemorrhoids treated? The final stages pose a serious threat to human life and he alth and require not onlytaking drugs, but also connecting surgical methods of treatment. In this case, conservative treatment of stage 3 and 4 hemorrhoids without surgery is aimed at maintaining the patient's condition at a stable level.
The first thing that is recommended for patients when hemorrhoids are detected is a radical change in lifestyle. It is important to follow a special diet, enriching the daily diet with fiber, which helps to improve the digestion process. It is also recommended to carry out hygiene procedures several times a day, do therapeutic exercises and move more. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms in the form of burning and itching, as well as to stop the inflammatory process, doctors prescribe rectal suppositories based on ichthyol, propolis, sea buckthorn oil, etc., as well as therapeutic ointments, for example, Bezornil, Levomekol or heparin.
Below, we will take a closer look at the treatment of hemorrhoids of stages 3 and 4.

Treatment of pathology at the third stage
Therapy of advanced hemorrhoids at the third stage is carried out most often using minimally invasive modern methods. A characteristic feature of such treatment is minimal damage to he althy tissues at the incision site. The most popular minimally invasive treatments for stage 3 hemorrhoids are:
- Cryodestruction. The method consists in the destructive effect of liquid nitrogen on the hemorrhoid. The temperature is -200 degrees.
- Transanal desarterization. The arteries supplying the hemorrhoid are ligated,which leads to its atrophy. In some cases, the operation is supplemented by a tightening and fixation of the node on the inner surface of the rectum.
- Latex ligation. Hemorrhoids are crimped with latex rings. As a result, tissues die and are rejected. The most optimal method is suitable for the treatment of internal drop-down nodes. The procedure must be repeated several times, especially if there are several nodes.
- Knot ligation with ultrasonic Doppler. With the help of a special ultrasonic sensor, the number and localization of the branches of the artery affected by hemorrhoids is determined. After a special signal, the base of the node is stitched and tied up, which leads to its desolation. If necessary, the procedure is repeated.
- Sclerotherapy. The hemorrhoid is filled with a special substance that provokes its compression and filling with connective tissues. This method allows you to stop bleeding. However, with large nodes, the method is ineffective.

All the techniques discussed allow you to eliminate up to five hemorrhoids at a time. Performs all procedures only coloproctologist. The advantage of modern methods of treating hemorrhoids in the later stages is the minimum degree of trauma, accessibility and effectiveness.
As a rule, the procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and does not require a hospital stay. There are, however, several contraindications for these methods, including acute or combinedform of the disease, the presence of an inflammatory process. If these conditions are identified, radical surgery is performed.
Treatment of 4 stages of hemorrhoids
The most severe form of hemorrhoids is fixed at the fourth stage. Quite often, this condition is accompanied by various complications, including high intensity hemorrhagic syndrome, tissue necrosis and vascular thrombosis. Treatment of stage 4 hemorrhoids is carried out by performing a radical surgical operation, minimally invasive methods in this case will be ineffective. Surgery can be done in a variety of ways, including:
- Hemorrhoidopexy. It is the removal of part of the mucous membrane of the rectum. This leads to the raising of the hemorrhagic node, disrupting their blood supply, which provokes their desolation and overgrowing with connective tissues. This stage 4 hemorrhoid operation is used only for internal nodes.
- Ligation of internal knots according to Subbotin's method. In this case, the sphincter is stretched, the base of the node is notched and stitched, then it is tied up and eventually dies off.
- Hemorrhoidectomy. The hemorrhoid is stitched at the base and cut off with a scalpel. Surgical intervention can be performed both in an open way, when the wound is left without suturing for natural healing, and in a closed one, which involves tightening the wound with surgical threads. The first is practically not used, since the healing process can be difficult and long, associated with complications.

Carrying out any type of surgical treatment of hemorrhoids requires preliminary preparation of the patient. The patient will need to pass a number of tests, including blood and urine, undergo fluorography and ECG, as well as get advice from an anesthesiologist and a therapist.
If the patient has inflammation, the pathological process is treated before the operation. A few days before the operation, it is not recommended to drink alcohol and drugs that thin the blood. A cleansing enema is given immediately before the operation. You can't eat on the day of the surgery.
The main disadvantage of radical surgical treatment of hemorrhoids is severe pain after surgery. Doctors prescribe painkillers to relieve the patient's condition. In addition, a common complication after surgery is bleeding from the anus, which can be stopped with an adrenaline-soaked tampon. Men often complain of urinary retention after surgery.
Despite the possible complications, surgery is inevitable in advanced cases of hemorrhoids. Neither conservative treatment, nor traditional medicine methods can cope with a pathology that has reached the fourth stage.
Is it possible to treat stage 4 hemorrhoids without surgery?
Folk recipes for hemorrhoids
In the later stages of hemorrhoids, as mentioned above, surgical intervention is required. Traditional medicine in thiscase is useless, like various drugs. However, some prescriptions are recommended to be used as an aid to alleviate the patient's condition. The use of traditional methods can effectively and safely relieve pain, inflammation and stop bleeding in stage 4 hemorrhoids.
Treatment at home under medical supervision
Celandine is often used as a remedy that has antiseptic, wound healing, analgesic and anti-irritant properties. A decoction or juice of celandine can be either taken orally or used in the form of moistened swabs. Sometimes rectal suppositories are made from grass and lard.

What else can I treat stage 4 hemorrhoids without surgery? Common pharmacy chamomile is also a powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. You can make baths with a decoction of chamomile, as well as lotions and enemas.
In addition, herbs such as wormwood, dandelion, yarrow, oak bark and horse chestnut have similar properties.
We reviewed modern methods of treating hemorrhoids stages 3 and 4.