Quite a large number of people suffer from a violation of the stool, but with this delicate problem they are embarrassed to go to the doctor. If a visit to him is postponed and no measures are taken, then the situation only worsens, the pathology becomes chronic. Persistent constipation requires the intervention of a gastroenterologist to find out the cause of such a deviation and prescribe appropriate therapy.
Let's figure out what causes constipation, how to recognize the impending problem and deal with it.
How pathology develops
If all processes in the body are carried out normally, then there is a natural process of spontaneous urge to empty the intestines. The multiplicity in this case is determined by the individual needs of the body, and a person does not experience discomfort and anxiety.
If the consistency of the stool and the interval between bowel movements change, then we can say that this is already a deviation from the norm. Permanent constipation begins its development with the appearance of irritable bowel syndrome. A person alternates between loose stools and its dehydrated form. Further, stagnation begins to develop, withwhich the feces are deprived of fluid and compressed, making it difficult for them to pass through the anus.

Permanent bloating and constipation for adults is not such a rare phenomenon - almost a fifth of the world's population already lives with a chronic form of pathology. The problem can affect absolutely any age group and people of any gender.
You can say that almost everyone knows what constipation is. If this condition rarely occurs, then you should not worry, but constant constipation requires medical advice.
Constipation symptoms
This pathology is acute and chronic, but the symptoms of each form are not difficult to recognize. Permanent constipation in an adult has the following manifestations:
- No stool for several days.
- There is heaviness in the iliac region.
- Pains appear in the stomach.
- During a bowel movement, the bowels are not completely emptied.
- Sleep disturbances observed.
- Sweating increases.
- There is pain in the navel.

- There is pain in the lumbar region.
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Burp.
- Increased sleepiness.
- Feces are very hard.
- There is bloating.
If at least some of the listed symptoms are observed, then this is an occasion to visit a gastroenterologist who will tell you how to get rid of constant constipation. Only following all the recommendations will helpdeal with the problem.
Symptoms of constipation in a child
Permanent constipation in a child can also be, but when making a diagnosis, it must be borne in mind that the frequency of stool changes with age, for example, if a nursing baby empties the intestines several times a day, then two or three-year-olds - once or twice.
Constipation in children is characterized by general and local symptoms. Local include:
- Increasing the period between bowel movements.
- Baby complains of abdominal pain, bloating.
- Chair missing.
- Pain during emptying.
- Feces are dense.
- May have some blood.
- Heaviness in the intestines.
- Babies have colic.
If a child has constant constipation, then general signs join local signs:
- Weakness.
- Child gets tired quickly.
- Nausea and vomiting (possible).
- Appetite decreases or disappears.
- Irritable.
- Headache.
- Blood test shows anemia.
- Skin turns pale.

If a child's constipation becomes chronic, then this is fraught with the development of complications. The intestinal microflora is disturbed, colitis develops, and constant attempts to go to the toilet can result in rectal prolapse.
Causes of constant constipation
All causes of the described disease can be divided into two groups:
- non-pathological;
- pathological.
Non-pathological includes changes in the body that occur naturally. Such persistent constipation in an adult usually has the following causes:
- Hormonal imbalance that affects the digestive tract. For example, during puberty, many teenagers face such a problem or women during childbearing.
- Inaccuracies in nutrition, the quality of products, their poor variety on the table and low saturation with useful substances - all this can cause constipation.
- Disturbances in sleep and wakefulness.
- Frequent stress.
- Psychological problems. For example, when a person holds back the urge to defecate at work or school due to squeamishness or awkwardness, a plug of hard feces appears, which is the cause of constipation.
- Sedentary lifestyle disrupts the gastrointestinal tract.
Usually, several non-pathological causes at once provoke the development of permanent constipation. But pathological ones can also be noted - these are diseases, disorders in the digestive system or other organs. For example:
- the presence of chronic cholecystitis or pancreatitis is fraught with the development of permanent constipation;
- problems in the endocrine system.
Quite often, older people suffer from constipation due to their age and due to the presence of many chronic pathologies.
Risk factors for chronic constipation
Mechanism of stagnantphenomena in the intestines are characterized by the following conditions:
- Diffusion of the liquid part through the walls of the intestine, which leads to hardening of the feces.
- Decreased contractility of the intestinal walls.
- Development of a tumor in the intestinal lumen.
The cause of the malfunction of the digestive tract, which leads to constipation, may be the following conditions:
- Non-compliance with the water regime, the consumption of a small amount of liquid.
- Following strict, low-fiber diets often.
- Muscle weakness.
- Spontaneous containment of the urge to defecate.
- Prolonged use of laxatives and their subsequent withdrawal leads to constant constipation.
- Constipation can also be a side effect of chemotherapy or certain medications.

Prolonged stagnation in the intestines leads to disruption of the whole organism, so do not ignore problems with the stool.
Cause of constipation in children
Normal growth and development of the child primarily depends on proper and balanced nutrition. Therefore, very often changes in nutrition, a change in diet, for example, in infants, the introduction of complementary foods, can cause constipation. Functional stool disorders are often provoked by:
- predominance of fatty and protein foods in the diet;
- violation of the intestinal microflora;
- lack of enzymes that affect the process of digestion of food;
- food allergy;
- drinking a little liquid.
Permanent constipation in children may also be the result of certain diseases:
- rickets;
- myasthenia gravis;
- gastritis;
- GI ulcers;
- duodenitis;
- tumor processes in the intestines;
- polyps;
- helminthiasis.
Low physical activity of the child reduces the motility of his intestines, which leads to the development of constipation. Parents should also be aware that constipation can develop psychologically, such as during weaning or potty training.
Effects of prolonged constipation
If you suffer from constant constipation, what should I do? This is a reasonable question, because long-term disruption of normal bowel movements is fraught with the development of serious complications:
- Hemorrhoids develop and anal fissures appear.
- Sphincter muscles weaken, resulting in fecal incontinence.
- Pushing to the toilet can lead to rectal prolapse.
- Irritation of the rectum by food waste leads to the development of neoplasms that can develop into cancer.
- Prolonged retention of stool leads to intoxication of the body.
Long stool retention is an unpleasant phenomenon, but if an adult already has constant constipation, only a doctor can recommend what to do to permanently get rid of the problem.
Constipation is treated by a gastroenterologist, who prescribes treatment only after finding out the cause and making an accurate diagnosis. Taking into account the reasons, complex treatment is prescribed, which necessarily includes compliance with nutritional recommendations.
Among the directions of therapy are the following:
- Drug treatment.
- Therapeutic exercise.
- Using folk remedies.
- A certain diet.
In order to clear the intestines of accumulated feces as quickly as possible, the doctor prescribes laxatives to the patient, among which the following proved to be the most effective:
- "Purax", which contains herbal ingredients in its composition, and therefore gently cleanses the intestines.
- Adulax. It includes glycerin, which softens the stool.
- Alax. Formulated with herbal alkaloids to help clear the intestines quickly.
- Fiberlex. Produced from vegetable raw materials.
- Guttalax. Refers to synthetic drugs, which also effectively cleanses the intestines.

After the intestines have been freed from the contents, care must be taken to restore its microflora. Under the influence of toxic substances that have been in the intestine for a long time, the mucous wall loses its elasticity, and the motor function is disturbed, which must be restored. The specialist in this case prescribes the following drugs:
- Drug "Bifido-LactoForm”, which contains live bacteria, and therefore is able to significantly improve the condition of the mucous membrane in a short time.
- "Rotabiotic", which not only restores the microflora, but also increases the protective properties of the shell.
- "Mukofalk", created on a plant basis and is one of the best for restoring a diseased intestine. It has a slight laxative effect, but improves peristalsis and positively affects the intestinal microflora.
We use folk remedies to combat constipation
How to treat persistent constipation with medications, we examined. Medicines help to quickly cope with constipation, and folk do it softer and gradually. Among the popular and effective recipes are the following:
- Eating dried fruits. To do this, in the evening it is necessary to pour boiling water in the amount of 150 ml of raisins, dried apricots, prunes and figs. In the morning, drain the water and chop dried fruits, add sena grass (a teaspoon) and 150 g of honey. Mix everything well and store in the refrigerator. Take a teaspoon at night.
- Buckthorn helps with chronic constipation. It is necessary to pour 2 tablespoons of dried fruits into 0.5 liters of water, bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes over low heat. Insist for several hours, and then take 100 ml at night or 70 ml twice a day before meals.
- The treatment of persistent constipation with castor oil is known to many. Take 2-3 teaspoons before bedtime.
- Sesame oil also helps to eliminate constipation. To do this, it should be taken in a teaspoon 3 times a day half an hour before meals and not washed down with water.
- Carrot seeds will help get rid of constipation if consumed 1 g three times a day, one hour before meals.
- Kefir, if diluted with 10 ml of vegetable oil, will also help get rid of constipation. It is better to use before going to bed in small sips.
- Sauerkraut brine helps to get rid of congestion in the intestines. It must be taken in 100 ml warm form before meals.

Change your diet
It is impossible to get rid of chronic constipation if you do not revise your menu. Many do not understand why they suffer from constant constipation, and the answer often lies in malnutrition. Here are some recommendations to help get rid of the problem and improve the chair:
- Eat more often, but in small portions.
- Drink about 2 liters of pure water per day. Moreover, tea and other liquids are not included in this volume.
- Don't eat before bed, last meal around 7pm.
- Exclude pastries, lemonade and other carbonated drinks, legumes, sweets, margarine, mayonnaise from the diet.
- We will have to significantly reduce, and it is better to completely eliminate fatty foods, spicy and s alty.
- Add fiber-rich foods to your diet: bran, whole grain bread, cereals, plant sprouts, fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Nuts and seeds are also rich in fiber, but also in nutrients.
- Include indiet of fermented milk products, it is advisable to drink at least half a liter per day. Take a glass of yogurt at night.
- For breakfast, cook porridge with water or muesli.
- Add natural vegetable oil to fresh vegetable salads: sesame, pumpkin, linseed.
- Instead of the usual sweets, use honey - it is much he althier.
Even just by reviewing the diet, it is already possible to significantly improve the chair and prevent constipation in the future.
Prevention of constipation
If there are constant constipation, we figured out what to do, but the question arises, is it possible to prevent such a state? Of course, if you only follow some rules:
- After waking up in the morning, drink one liter of warm water. This should be done on an empty stomach, that is, before breakfast. If pure water simply does not climb, then you can add lemon juice or a little honey. Of course, it is difficult to immediately drink a liter of water, you need to accustom yourself to this gradually, starting the morning with a glass, gradually increasing its amount.
- Some people chew licorice roots in the morning and evening instead of water, although this will not replace the lack of fluid in the body.
- To prevent constipation, you can drink a glass of milk with 3 teaspoons of psyllium seeds before going to bed. By the way, the seeds of this plant can be used in the form of puree, which is prepared as follows: put the seeds in a glass and pour water, drain the liquid in the morning, and use the thick teaspoon 4 times a day.
- During pregnancy, expectant mothers often suffer from constipation, you can help in this situation by usingorange juice with olive oil.
- Babies who are breastfed may suffer from constipation if mom does not follow nutritional recommendations. By adding grapes to your diet, you can prevent this. If it is problematic to buy fresh grapes, then you can use raisins soaked in water for this.
Prophylaxis will help prevent permanent constipation.

How to make stool regular?
Getting your bowels running like clockwork is easy enough, you just need to follow a few guidelines:
- A bowel movement should take place in a comfortable place for a person to feel calm.
- Going to the toilet is best 20 minutes after breakfast, because the smell and sight of food stimulates the digestive system.
- Drink a glass of warm water before eating.
- Breakfast, lunch and dinner should take place in a relaxed atmosphere, without too much haste, chewed thoroughly.
- Don't neglect good rest.
- Going to the toilet should not be rushed, it takes time to empty the bowels and not accumulate feces.
- As soon as the urge to go to the toilet arises, you must immediately go, otherwise all the water is reabsorbed in the intestines, which makes the stool dense.
- If you devote even a little time to physical activity, then constipation will not bother you.
Constipation is, of course, unpleasant, but it is possible and necessary to fight it. Do not rush tomedicinal products. Often, after taking them for a long time, the intestines become lethargic and lazy, which only exacerbates the problem. It is better to reconsider your lifestyle, diet, move more actively, and all processes in the body will normalize.