Sound sleep is a pleasant necessity for the human body, it is a time of rest and recovery. But what if your hands go numb in the morning, or you wake up in the middle of the night with unpleasant painful sensations? This indicates, first of all, that you do not get the rest you need, which means it is important to establish and eliminate the cause of numbness.

Why does my hand go numb in my sleep?
Numbness manifests itself in the form of aching pain, which is replaced at first by a slight, and then by a growing tingling. Feelings gradually pass, but for some time a feeling of discomfort may remain. There can be several reasons for these feelings. The first and most common is the wrong pillow. Too high a roller contributes to unnatural squeezing of blood vessels in the cervical region, which leads to impaired blood circulation in the upper limbs. If a hand goes numb in a dream - it doesn’t matter if it’s right or left - first of all, pay attention to the pillow. In general, an uncomfortable body position during sleep leads to the same results, for example, if you like to put your hands under your head or throw both of them behind it. Sleeping on the left side, for example, is harmful in itself, since in additionloads the heart. But because of this, it is likely that the left hand also goes numb. What to do in such a situation?

Ask someone close to watch your sleep, and if you're doing it wrong, don't let you. These kinds of habits develop quite quickly.
Should I see a doctor?
When a hand goes numb in a dream, it seems unpleasant, but is not perceived as something dangerous to he alth. However, this is not always the case. If the cause of numbness was the wrong position during sleep, then there really is nothing to worry about. But if this is not the case, you should take the problem seriously. Consult a doctor who will determine the cause of the numbness. It can be, for example, in disorders of the peripheral or central nervous system that have developed due to intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis or polyneuropathy. In this case, you will go numb in both limbs alternately. The final diagnosis depends on which hand goes numb in a dream - right or left. Problems such as cardiac disorders are associated with the left. Also, such a feeling may indicate the approach of a stroke or microstroke.

The right hand, as a rule, excludes cardiological problems, but speaks of pathologies associated with arthrosis and arthritis, problems with blood vessels. In addition, numbness of the upper limbs may indicate the presence of carpal tunnel syndrome, problems with the spine, with blood pressure, as well as psychological problems.problems: stress, overexertion.
Other reasons
In addition to the above, some systemic disorders and chronic diseases can lead to hand numbness. We are talking, for example, about diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis, anemia, vegetovascular dystonia, hypovitaminosis and much more. Only a doctor can determine the true cause. Take care of yourself and stay he althy!