Inflammation of the nasal mucosa leads to discharge. They can be of different consistency, color, smell. Depending on the degree of inflammation and the number of pathogenic bacteria on the mucosa, a runny nose may be easier or more difficult to treat. Many patients become dependent on vasoconstrictor drops and have to use them for the rest of their lives. How to prevent such pathologies, and at the same time quickly cure a runny nose? How to quickly cure snot with a stream using folk therapy methods is described in this article.
List of the most effective home remedies for the common cold
Nose discharge is a real problem for both adults and children. During the period of colds, when drafts and infected people are everywhere, when the body's immunity is weakened - it is likely to "catch" a runny nose even from a neighbor in publictransport.
For parents of toddlers, this becomes a real problem: after two days in kindergarten, the child returns with a runny nose, and this circle seems to be continuous. In order for the child to receive local immunity, it is necessary to use immunomodulating agents. But what if the discharge from the nose has already begun? How to quickly cure snot in a child if he is allergic to medications or simply does not have money to buy them?
Simple methods of traditional medicine will come to the rescue, here is an approximate list of the most effective measures:
- heating the sinuses at home;
- heating with potato steam;
- hot foot baths and mustard plasters;
- preparing homemade drops to treat a runny nose;
- using fresh vegetable juice.

Heat treatments for children and adults
Many parents are interested in the question - how to quickly cure yellow snot in a child? In fact, there is no difference in therapy in an adult or a child. The yellow color of nasal discharge indicates the development of an inflammatory process, which is most often complicated by infection. Such secretions are usually very thick, they clog the nostrils and interfere with normal breathing. In order to start using drops from plant sap, you must first break through these accumulations.
The most effective method for this is warming up. Heat has a healing effect on the entire body. And if you add the beneficial properties of a steam of boiled potatoes, then the effect will be evenstronger. It should be noted that some thermal procedures can lead to burns of the mucous membrane, so they must be performed carefully, starting with low temperatures and increasing them as necessary.
It is possible to classify the thermal effects of a cold into the following groups:
- warming up the bridge of the nose from the outside;
- heating from the inside with steam;
- heating the legs, feet and lower back.

Heating the sinuses at home
These simple recipes will help those who are looking for the answer to the question of how to quickly cure yellow snot:
- Heat s alt in a frying pan. Add a few drops of citrus or mint essential oils to it. Safety precautions should be observed, as hot s alt can lead to skin burns. Pre-prepare a small bag of natural dense fabric - calico or cotton. Pour hot s alt flavored with essential oils into it. Apply to the bridge of the nose for ten to fifteen minutes. Thick discharge will dissipate very quickly and breathing will return to normal.
- A similar recipe can be made with flour. Heat it in a frying pan, put it in a bag and warm the bridge of your nose for some time until the flour stops giving off heat. Essential oils can also be used if desired.
- Mustard itself has a warming effect. Therefore, it is not necessary to ignite it in a pan. You can apply a thin layer of mustard on the bridge of your nose - it will give a lightwarming effect. You should be more careful, because if particles of mustard powder get on the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose, a burn is possible. If the patient is not sure of his accuracy, it is better to use a recipe with s alt or flour.
Heating with potato steam
Potato juice has excellent anti-inflammatory properties. This recipe will appeal to those who are interested in how to quickly cure cough and snot. Also, this method relieves pain in angina, reduces inflammation of the lymph nodes, and even has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin of the face.
Some peeled potatoes should be boiled in a saucepan. Drain the water. Put a pot of hot potatoes on the table, sit over it and cover your head with a blanket along with the pan. The steam will start to hit right in the face - you should be more careful and prevent getting burned. A light steam exposure is sufficient. The total procedure time is about fifteen minutes. Breathing potato steam is very useful for any colds. the nose will delay for about three hours - during this period of time it is necessary to use drops from flower or vegetable juice.

Hot foot baths and mustard plasters
Heat baths and mustard plasters will help to quickly cure snot for a child 3 years old and older. do not underestimate their effect on the body: our great-grandmothers used this method with might and main.
- You can buy mustard plasters at a pharmacy, or you can make your own. to do this, you need to sew small bags of natural thin fabric and fill them with mustard and sugar. Atsoaked in hot water and placed on the back, they will burn no worse than pharmacy ones.
- Foot baths with mustard will perfectly warm up the whole body, help get rid of a runny nose, sore throat, cough. This is an indispensable procedure in the period of colds. The optimal presence of the feet in hot water is about twenty minutes. After this time, the patient is likely to be very sleepy.
- Hot bath for the whole body with the addition of infusion of medicinal herbs - lemon balm, calendula, yarrow, has a beneficial effect on the body with a cold. The water temperature should be as hot as possible without causing redness of the skin.
Preparing homemade drops to treat a runny nose
Only he althy plant leaves and ripe vegetables without rotten areas should be used. You can squeeze out the juice if you finely chop the vegetable or rub it on a grater. If the house has a juicer or a blender, you can use them.
How to quickly cure snot in an adult or child with self-made drops? Such drops should be instilled as often as possible - optimally once every three hours. Then we can talk about a quick and complete cure. If you use them from time to time, there will be no sense.

Healing properties of aloe juice
This plant has long been famous for its healing and anti-inflammatory properties. How to quickly cure green snot in a child with aloe?
Pick the most fleshy leaves that grow closer tothe base of the plant. They have the most useful properties. grind on a grater or finely chop, squeeze the juice. Bury two or three drops in each nostril. It will help stop the inflammatory process, moisturize the mucous membrane. This recipe is suitable for those who are thinking how to quickly cure green snot. Can be used for both children and adults.
It helps from green snot with ichor, which are most often due to damage to the walls of the nostrils. If the pathology is caused by an infection, you should consult a doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis. Self-medication in this case can be dangerous.

Kalanchoe juice in the fight against the common cold
This plant is in almost every housewife. More than one generation of children in our country grew up getting rid of the common cold with the help of Kalanchoe. How to quickly cure snot with it?
It is necessary to pluck a couple of leaves and drip the juice squeezed out of them into each nostril, one drop. Ten minutes later, the patient will begin to sneeze violently. After one drop of juice, you should expect a strong sneeze for fifteen minutes. The nose will clear and the patient will be able to breathe freely.
Beet and potato juice
At the moment when, after using warm-ups and Kalanchoe juice, it was possible to get rid of severe congestion, drops from vegetable juices enter the arena of hostilities.
For example, potato juice has an excellent vasoconstrictive effect and allows you to achieve the same effect as pharmacy drops. How to quickly curetransparent snot using potatoes?
One or two potatoes should be peeled, grated and squeezed out. Pipette one or two drops into each nostril. It is advisable to tilt your head so that the potato juice can flow as deep as possible. After five to ten minutes, the patient will be able to breathe calmly and forget about the common cold for a couple of hours.
Beetroot juice has a similar effect, but in many people it causes pain in its pure form when instilled.

Onion and garlic juice is a dangerous but effective remedy
Even our ancestors used onion juice as an anti-inflammatory agent. It should be used with caution, like garlic juice. In their pure form, they can cause mucosal burns.
Onion juice is quite hard to get, because when you try to grate an onion, tears appear in your eyes. If you really want to try this particular method, you will have to be patient in order to get the coveted juice.
Before instillation, dilute it with clean water in a ratio of 1:4 or even 1:5. Do not show excessive zeal: it is easy to get a burn of the mucous membrane, but it will take a long time to treat it.
Garlic juice is even more difficult to obtain than onion juice. Our ancestors used a simple method to quickly cure snot. Lightly cut a peeled clove of garlic, put it in the nostril for a while. A small amount of juice settled on the surface of the mucosa, and often this was enough to stop the runny nose. Of course, this method is not suitable forallergic rhinitis or a serious cold, when it is necessary to increase immunity and get rid of the infectious process.
Can I combine pharmacy drops with home remedies?
This question worries many of those who decide to be treated with folk methods. Of course, they have a less intense effect on the body than pharmaceuticals. How to quickly cure snot if folk methods do not help well? You can try to combine them with pharmacological ones.
The optimal scheme is to use, for example, pharmaceutical vasoconstrictor drops for the nose in the morning. And during the day and in the evening - the juices of plants and vegetables. If necessary, before going to bed, use pharmacy products again. Such a scheme will allow you to get rid of problems with nasal discharge in a short time. Enough weeks for the complete passage of the common cold. If the amount of discharge has not decreased, you should visit an otolaryngologist, as there is a risk of complications in the form of sinusitis, sinusitis, otitis or adenoids.

Tips from therapists: how to prevent complications after a runny nose
Chronic runny nose with insufficient treatment can bring many problems to its owner. In particular, surgical removal of adenoids. how to quickly cure snot so that this does not happen? Here are a few simple tips to help prevent complications:
- treat a runny nose until it disappears for good;
- if traditional methods are not useful - connect pharmaceutical therapy;
- take up liftingimmunity - take immunomodulators and lead a he althy lifestyle;
- avoid hypothermia;
- reduce to a minimum contact with people with colds to prevent recurrence of the disease;
- arrange your day so that there is time for a good rest and there is no chronic overwork.