The usual crunch in the neck can cause the development of osteochondrosis. Therefore, the question becomes how to get rid of this disease. How to treat osteochondrosis?

Surely many of you have experienced such an unpleasant sensation as a crunch in the neck. It can occur when the muscles in the neck are stiff or, conversely, very relaxed. Sometimes, as a result of any movement, a crunch is heard in the neck (when turning the head, for example). At first glance, it may seem to you that there is nothing wrong with this, but later it can lead to the development of cervical osteochondrosis. It is manifested by pain in the arms, shoulders and neck, increased fatigue, and headache. Such pain can lead to the development of vertebral artery syndrome, in which there is tinnitus, slight dizziness and blackouts.
To avoid complications, you should immediately take measures to prevent excessive "noise" of your joints and cracking of the neck. The most important are nutrition, which you should pay great attention to, and physical activity.
It is recommended to increase the protein in the diet, as well as the transition to less fatty foods (preferably vegetarian) or cookingsteam food. Spices are allowed, but s alt, sugar, flour products, grape juice, alcohol and cigarettes should be avoided.

Physical activity is an integral part of our lives, but with the advent of computers, a person moves less and spends most of his time in one position. All this causes unpleasant changes in the body, namely the crunch of the neck. To avoid this, when tension appears that causes pain, change your posture and do several exercises to relieve pain. It can be various turns and rotation of the head. It is necessary to do about 5-7 exercises for 1 minute each. Also remember that you can not load the spine, making sudden movements if the muscles are not prepared. It is necessary to contact the employer with a request to purchase a new office chair (if you are an office worker, for example, and spend a lot of time sitting). In your free time, a visit to the swimming pool is recommended. Swimming on your back can relieve your pain.
What to do if after such prophylaxis the crunch in the neck continues?
First, you need to see a doctor: a neurologist or a traumatologist, an orthopedist, since many symptoms of osteochondrosis can coincide or even be the same as signs of other diseases. that is, the cause of the pain may be completely different. You need to undergo a thorough examination.

Based on its results, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment for you: massage of the head or collar zone,therapeutic physical culture, and will also make a diet for you, which is extremely important for the effectiveness of treatment. With proper and timely treatment, symptoms such as crackling in the neck will no longer bother you.
But the progressive development of the disease can lead to surgical intervention. Your he alth is in your hands! Take care of yourself and don't let the pain get the better of you!